Oct 1
5:00a- It feels like I just fell asleep. I’m so tired. Whole body aches.
7:00a- alarm goes off…hit snooze
7:30a- need to get up. Whole body aches.
9:40a- 1st load of clothes in dryer, 2nd load in washer, dinner in crockpot. I’m exhausted and hurting. Chest making weird gurggling sound when I breathe occasional. Hands swollen and achy. Rt back neck throbbing, low back aches, lower lft leg starting to feel numbish, head swimmy. Must rest for moment. Need to get ready for TBI.
10:35a- TBI mtg. They’re doing art therapy with occuptional therapy students from South. We are5 design a mask that shows what we’re feeling. I chose lightning bolt in front of the sun, question mark, heart with bandaid, & butterfly.
3:45p- atty had me in tears. I wasn’t understanding what he was asking and why so I didn’t know how to asnwer questions. He was getting frustrated
Oct ,2
4:00a- woke to muscles cramping in arms, pain in back, shoulders, and center of chest. Headache. Hands swollen and achy.
7:00a- drift off to sleep and get woken by muscle spams. Mine heart faileth. I don’t handle stress well anymore. Having to admit I am unable to do things anymore without it causing much pain breaks my heart.
1:27p- I’m exhausted and hurting. Bad headache. Need to crash.
10:39p- headache, I hurt all over, rt ear throbbing, neck throbbing
Oct 3
6:30a-woke to muscle spams and lft hand numb and tingling, lower lft leg a little numb and tingly, lower back throbbing, muscle spasms in left mid torso
10:19a- I’m not feeling very good today. Feet freezing. Random muscle spams thru body. Very tired. Going to lay down a while. Headache.
11:30a- intense sharp pain in left side abdomen
12:30p- Need to get up. Not feel right. Bad headache. Whole body hurts.
Bp 105/70 hr 59
Having sharp pains in abdomen.
6:00p- just about burnt dinner. Smelled something burning. Forgot it was in oven. Ugh!
7:00p- sharp pains under rt arm. Feels like its being dug into. Very annoying and frustrating.
11:21p- whole body aches. Rt ear & jaw throbbing. Entire back throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Hands swollen and achy. Tongue hurts. Head throbbing. Both feet tingly. Neck hurts.
Took night meds, pain rx, & muscle relaxer.