Oct 4
6:30a- woke to lft arm & hand tingling, much pain in back, & rt ear hurting.
7:40a- back pain increaseth, neck & shoulder muscles tight causing pain, hands tingly (lft more than rt), muscles randomly spasming in back, butt aches, feet hurt, legs ache, lower lft leg and foot tingly, rt hip hurts
Deep breathing while listening to wholetones music transformation 528.
11:00a- icy burning sensation in my back, neck muscles very tight and hurting, headache, toes tingling, eyes blurry
12:20p- went to bank & store. Legs throbbing, wore out, nerves pulsating thru body, whole body aches, headache. Icy burning sensation still in back. It hurt my legs to push gas pedal. Low back throbbing. Out of breath.
3:00 whole body hurts. Headache worsening. Taking pain rx. Laying down with eyes covered.
4:00p- pain still there. Hard to lay still. Eyes covered with pillow. Taking migraine rx.
5:00p- pain still there. Not diminished. Migraine still there. Lights bothersome. Rt ear throbbing.
7:00p- Joe & Jordon cooked dinner tonight. Thankful bc I wasn’t up to it. Hurting muchly.
9:00p- chest really hurting. Putting ice on my chest. Headache still there.
These are suppose to help you go to sleep. Playing through samples now. Sound pretty, but with my massive headache not sure if they’re helping.
Ouch! Sharp pain in elbow. Chest center throbbing. Both feet tingly and hurting. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling. Low back throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Joints hurt throughout. Neck hurts.
Oct 5
7:00a- had trouble waking. Had nightmare last night. Apparently it was bad enough that I screamed in my sleep…thought I dreamed it. Joe said he asked if I ok. When I didn’t answer, he hugged me and I told him I had a nightmare. Woke hurting all over as if I’d been in a fight. Muscles very tight. Joe sweet and rubbed my back for a bit. It’s like my muscles are in tension mode and won’t let go.
Have a funeral to attend today – Sullivan. Hopefully the pain rx will take edge off enough to endure.
1:30p- didn’t think there would be bunch of people at funeral. Started getting anxious. Went and found seat away from crowds. Always leary of being bumped in a crowd and not being able to keep balance and falling. Service went well. Family glad we were there to represent the church. Family thanked us for putting life back into the church.
Back and legs started throbbing. Legs started feeling like lead balloons and throbbing. Low back throbbing. Headache ensued…so many voices. It was hard to focus on person talking in front of me.
Laying down resting now. Just that little bit wore me out. Nerves tingling thru body. Rt hip aches. Hands swollen and achy. Lft hand tingly. Low back aches. Ringing in lft ear.
3:30p- ended up sleeping for two hours. Could’ve slept more.
11:00p- feet freezing. Feel icy to touch. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Tingly in lower left leg and all 10 toes. Hands ache. Brain foggy. Rt ear aches. Neck itches and aches.
Oct 6
12:10a- nerves stinging in neck, back, arms, & hands. Sharp dull pain in rt back as if I’ve been punched. Feet freezing. Toes tingling. Lft hand tingly. Headache. Thirsty. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Rt hip throbbing. Trouble falling asleep. Taking muscle relaxer.
6:00a- think I finally fell asleep sometime after 1:30a. Both arms and hands numb and tingly. Whole body aches. Headache. Neck hurts. I don’t want to get up.
9:30a- head pounding, rt ear & jaw throbbing, head swirling making balance more unstable, rt hip throbbing, hands and fingers pins and needles, headache
11:30a- headache, brain feels foggy, eyes hurting, trouble focusing, dizzy, eyes feel heavy, exhausted, pins and needlez in hands, rt hip aches, pins and needles in feet, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness, neck throbbing
5:30p- brain hurts. Fogg is great. Headache strong. Know I have things that need to be done but I have no clue what they should be.
9:57p- 82° outside and I I’m freezing like a popsicle!!! I’m shiverring under covers. Hands like icy. Feet & ankles like ice. PJ pants on, socks, and two tops one long sleeved and I’m under a sheet, a blanket, and a comforter. Rt hip throbbing. Head pounding – headache most of day. Lights bothersome. Screen resolution down all way and it’s still too bright. Eyes hurt. Rt side cramping. Neck hurts. Ears periodic ringing. Took pain rx, migraine, & muscle relaxer. Calves cramping.