Oct 7
5:00a- woke crying from nightmare – dreamt I was struck by lightning amd I felt it!!! Woke to fiery pins and needles sensation all over body especially on left side. Joe comforted me until I fell back to sleep.
7:00a- I have headache and whole body aches. Hands and arms numb and tingly. Neck throbbing. Toes tingly. Low back aches. Tired.
5:30p- just folded load of laundry while sitting on bed. I’m exhausted. Arms, hands, back and butt are stinging. Neck hurts. Feet from ankles down stinging. Out of breath. Need to lay down to rest a bit.
10:44p- today has been quite a stressful day and I can feel it so in my whole body!!! I’m hurting quite horribly. Need to destress and find a way to calm my nerves.
Oct 8
2:30a- woken to very sharp stomach pains. Back stinging needle pain. Took me long time to fall back to sleep
7:00a- woke with hands and arms numb and tingly, low back throbbing, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingliness, toes tingly, rt hip aches, and tired
11:30a- worked on bulletin a little for Sunday = headache. Folded clothes on bed – arms ache, back pins and needles, very tired. Need to rest a bit.
12:21p- laid down for 45 minutes. Still have headache, sinuses congested, hands throbbing, low back hurts, feet cold, and I’m shivering.
Sitting in chase lounge in LR under blanket to warm up. Took cat nap for 15 minutes.
1:30- attempting to balance checkbook – after several minutes brain gets cloudy causing vision blurry. Muscles in back stinging. Hands swollen and throbbing. Have to take breaks to complete bc it’s giving me headache.
Decide what to make for dinner. Been horrible at meal planning lately. Tell Dezirae she’s going to help me with dinner.
Errors in writing something twice and forgetting to write things in checkbook. Ugh! Takes me almost two hours to balance checkbook.
3:40p- nerves in arms, hands, legs, feet stinging. Took pain rx. Laying down a while til it kicks in.
4:45p- called atty to discuss hearing. Answered his questions from last phone call that I couldnt answer. Asked if he dealt with brain injury patients before. He asked more questions. I answered to what I thought I understood. Wanted to know why I have nerve pain answered I don’t know. Apparently that’s the wrong answer. Joe was able to be there for last part of call. He asked couple questions. I don’t remember them though.
Prayers please. Apparently I’m going to need a miraculous intervention to get approved at my disability hearing. If I’m understanding correctly, the doctors at victory did not document everything in my records. Nor did they do proper testing required to prove my disability even though at a friend’s suggestion I requested them (nerve conduction study, etc.). I’m even having trouble understanding questions to answer correctly. The added stress is magnifying my symptoms to which I have trouble explaining why. I am not suppose to answer “I don’t know.”
My faith is certainly being tested and I can only lean on Him because I can no way fix this.
The fact of having to admit publically that I need help has been really hard for me. It’s been hard enough admitting it to my family and friends. I just want to cry!!! Wait, I already am.
All of this has caused my pins and needles sensation to magnify all over my body. I end up laying down on chase lounge next to Joe bc I need comforting. I desire as a little child to be told my booboos will be all better soon and everything is going to be okay.
5:15p- Dezirae is graciously fixing dinner. Taco mac and corn casserole. I partially supervise as I need to sit periodically to ease back pain.
6:00p- Joe suggests I sit next to him. Jakob rented a movie. We eat dinner a lot in the livingroom because though I like our kitchen table it is very difficult for me to sit on wooden benches for long. I’m not able to sit in same position for long periods of time so I keep fidgeting.
8:00p- I’m so exhausted from pain today that I decide to go to bed early.
8:05p- I decide to do my night PT exercises to see if it’ll help ease some of pain.
8:30p- fat chance of pain easing soon.
8:47p- decide to reach out to couple friends and ask for prayers about upcoming hearing. I’m distraught over it and will be glad when it’s over.
10:57p- still wide awake and hurting from head to toe. Took pain rx amd melatonin. Hopefully, I’ll sleep soon.
11:28p- still awake.
2 Timothy 1:7 – For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Philippians 4:6 – Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Luke 1:37 – For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Lamentations 3:22-23 – It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Oct 9
Fell asleep sometime after midnight. Woke around 4am. Whole body aches. Headache. Took long time to fall asleep. Woke again at 7:00. Hit snooze. Woke at 7:30.
Read few verses on bible app. Got up and used restroom. Sat back on bed. Took morning meds. Got up to get dressed. Told son it was time to get up. Feeling tired so sat on bed to rest. Remembered I needed to do morning exercises. Did morning pt exercises. Tired sat on bed to rest few minutes. Got up to pick hair.
3:00- went grocery shopping with kids. They did shopping. I rode around in wheelchair. Got eyeglasses adjusted. I’m exhausted and out of breath. Slight Headache. Hands swollen, tingly, and throbbing. Low back aches. Legs & feet hurt. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Back aches. Muscles in arms to elbow burning. Need a nap.
6:30- Joe & Jordon cooked dinner tonight. Food tasted delicious even though tongue is hurting most of day. Spots on tongue irritated and painful. Head hurts. Pins and needles sensation thru body making me quite tired.
8:00p- took Epsom Salt bath. It’s quite a chore to bathe. Washing hair causes muscles to cramp in arms. Have to take breaks. Washing body hurts arms too. When done, it wears me out and causes shortness of breath.
Rt hip is throbbing like toothache. Left elbow feels like piece glass stuck in it! Have headache. I’m exhausted. Going to bed am I.