Oct 19
7a- I’m in so much pain!!! It feels like if I inflame any more I’ll explode out of my skin! Headache. Pain level 8/9.
7.30- took Naproxen 500mg.
8.00- Bp 128/82 hr 59 Bp slowly rising. Sharp pains in my abs, chest, & rt side when I sneeze. I think this new Drs instructions are going to be the death of me.
8:57a pain rx not touching it. Nerves feel like they’re randomly jolting thru body. Physical hard to move. Headache worsening. Going to sip on thyme tea to see if that’ll help.
10.25a I don’t think I’m going to last the week without my bp rx. I have beginning migraine now and bp is 144/85 hr 59.
10.40 called Drs office. Msg being relayed to Dr. Stinging needle pain all over. Headache is now migraine. Took Rx. Toes tingling & cold. Cold slowly expanding over feet. Tingling burning sensation in back. Legs, rt hip, & low back throbbing. Neck hurts. Lips extra dry. Mental cloudy (can’t think straight).
11.11a Just got call from on call Dr. Explained what’s going on and that I’m a lightning survivor. He said my Bp is currently not high enough to do anything. Asked how high it needs to be. He said 160/100 before he can warrant starting me on Bp rx. Have to call Dr Meadows on Monday to ask what to do. Can take migraine rx for the migraine.
Dr I spoke with doesn’t think Hydrochlorothiazide is a sulfa drug. I told him it was a sulfa drug and I’m allergic. Yet my pharmacist said it was and the info on internet says it is and my body reacted as if it was. Hmm??
Even the paper that comes with it precautions “may contain inactive ingredients such as sulfites”. Case closed.
So frustrating!! I need personal Dr in private practice that will care. God please help!
Joe talked to pharmacist. She said sometimes Drs will do this to see how bad the blood pressure issue really is to try to give better diagnosis. Need to stay away from caffeine & salt. Drink lots of water.
5:18 soaked in hot Epsom Salt bath for quite a while. Wore out. Arms & hands ache. Rt arm cramped washing hair…had to take breaks. Hands feel crampy. Short of breath. Headache eased some. Neck sore. Legs ache. Checked Bp 129/77 hr 65. At least bp is down for now.
10.50p- bp 116/91 hr 80 going to bed. Praying tomorrow is a better day.
Toes tingly and hurting. Legs ache. Rt hip & low back hurting. Upper back pins and needles chilly burning sensation. Shoulders & neck ache. Arms and hands throbbing. Rt ear throbbing. Headache. Rt jaw throbbing. Muscles randomly twitching in legs. Indigestion so bad I feel nauceous. Took 15ml m.o.m. out of desperation.
Oct 20
6.30 Fell asleep sometime after 1am. I’m so tired.
7.56a I have bad headache. Whole body aches. Nose congested. Eczema spot on belly red andbbothersome. Rt ear throbbing! Bp 129/82 hr 68
9.00 getting ready for church wore me out. My rt jaw throbbing. I feel like I need nap. Tylenol not help headache.
11.00 brain feels weird today – it feels foggy but also unstable like the inner crystals knock out of place. I’m dizzy feeling easily to knock over.
1.30p exhausted. Glad when I get the gerd rx in. Seems like everything I eat caused severe burning indigestion. Lft side sensitive. Blanket twisted under me felt like knife stabbing side. Wish I could figure out the affiliate marketing thing to make money from home.
Pins & needles sensation in back, arms, and legs. More prominent in back. Feels like I’m being electrocuted multiple times.
10.00p Bp 130/89 hr 73
I’ve had headache all day. Brain felt like it fell off pedestal and was floating in water. Rt ear throbbing most of day. Rt jaw throbbing like toothache.
Rt hip throbbing with intense sharp pain shooting down rt leg! Toes cold make that freezing. Have heating pad on them now. Legs ache. Muscles randomly twitching in legs. Red eczema spot near belly button hurts.
11.00p legs are cramping been sneezing like crazy trying not to bc sneezing hurts my whole body like the dickens when I do. Congested. Took benadryl seems to be helping
Oct 21
8.30a Bp 136/89 hr 56
Fell asleep sometime after midnight. Woke with headache and muscles in legs spasming. Whole body aches and stiff. Hard to get moving. Don’t really feel like moving much. Neck & rt shoulder throbbing. Feet cold. Took Tylenol for headache.
9:46a put dinner in crockpot. My hands and arms are throbbing. Head pounding. Lights and noises bothersome. I feel plain aweful. Low back throbbing. Legs & feet ache. I’m wore out and breathing is heavier than usual like I’m out of breath. Now laying down in dark room to rest. Need to get rid of headache. Bp 133/89 hr 65
10:00a Tylenol not helping. Taking migraine rx.
This is ridiculous. I can’t get anything done down in bed all the time. Gotra find a natural remedy for migraines. Cold pack applied to head.
3.10 bp 153/106 hr 69 bad headache and short of breath when try to do something. Legs throbbing. Can’t think straight. Called Dr to let them know. Explained what’s going on. Asked if I could just take my old Bp rx to get Bp down. She said she’d ask.
4:22- Nurse called to say Dr was going to put me on Lisinopril 20mg. Had to tell them that I couldn’t take it bc it caused bad cough. She’s going to talk to Dr & call again.
4:45p Nurse called asked about Amlopidine. Told Dr at Victory tried that but it caused severe swelling in legs and feet. She asked what other bp rx I’d been on. Told her I knew it was 4 but not remember. Told her I’d call pharmacy to ask.
4:47p called Publix to find out what Bp Rx’s I’d been on prior.
4:53p Nurse called. Said Dr said to come in for BP check and bring machine. Told her I just got off phone with pharmacy. Previous meds were Lisinopril, Amlodipine, Losartan & Propranolol that I’m on for migraines. Said she get this in my file and call in am.
5:00 Bp 166/109 hr 68 Thinking about it. I never got answer about taking Edarbyclor. This is ridiculous! Need to tell them about lft ventricular hypertrophy.
7.00p- even the littlest physical effort causes fatigue, general feeling of unwellness, shortness of breath. Currently experiencing chilling burning sensation in center of chest. Legs tingly.
10:28p- I feel horrible. Head pounding, sneezing, neck hurts, hands ache, rt side cramping, low back throbbing, heart feels like its beating hard, short of breath, center of chest aches, arms ache, rt hip aches, legs throbbing, muscles in legs twitching, pins and needles sensation in lower legs to tips of toes as if being electrocuted, wore out tired, skin extra sensitive, lights and noises bothersome, thoughts scattered, can’t seem to think straight
I’m scared. I don’t want to end up in ER again. I need a Dr that will care. Lord, what time I am afraid I will trust in thee, feeling jittery