Oct 22
6a woken by musles spasms in legs. Had nightmare. Headache. Low back throbbing. Pins and needles sensation in hands, forearms, and feet. Very thirsty. EO Pain Relief roller apply to back of neck.
7:09a I guess some sleep helped a little. Bp 133/87 hr 63 currently.
7.45a Head pounding. Electrical pulsating sensation in arms and legs (almost as if I had tens unit on and turned up tad too high). Pain in left side of chest for brief moment. Whole body aches. I feel miserable. Ears ringing. Lights bothersome. Dizzier than normal.
10:29 mom took me to food pantry. Took Bp after putting food away. Bp 131/93 hr 76
12.00p Bp at Dr office was 141/88 hr 71. Bp with my machine 142/88 hr 72. Mom let them know about the Left Ventricular Hypertrophy. But I can’t remember date of diagnosis. Nurse will let Dr know and give me a call this afternoon.
Interestingly, nurse was able to pull up my records on her screen. Saw the ER report that says patient was struck by lightning. Hmm? I know I was bc I’m dealing with and feeling the after effects. Maybe I should start gathering my records so I can read over them at my pace. It’s important to be an advocate for your health.
I’m probably confusing Dr’s bc my bloodwork came back normal. Yay me! I think the homeopathic things are helping (eg. Diatomaceous Earth milkshakes with chia seeds, the intermittent fasting, thyme tea, red raspberry leaf tea, green decaf tea, colloidal silver – of course, not all at the same time) keep my organs functioning properly and me off antibiotics.
Major headache, neck hurts, vision feels blurred on edges of eyes, trouble thinking straight, lightheaded, dizzy, muscles randomly twitching thru body, back aches, lft side hurts like I pulled a muscle, feel like I’m running fever but I don’t
10:00p rt hip throbbing like toothache with sharp pain shooting down leg to foot, low back throbbing, headache bad (I don’t know what to take to get rid of it), lower lft leg just below chin tourniquet tightening feeling with some tingling to foot, upper back hurts, random sharp stabbing pains in rt elbow, eyes & brain feel blurry, neck throbbing, tingling in lower legs, hands ache, tired but awake. Night rx taken.
Oct 23
7:15 woke with a bad headache. Sinuses congested. Whole body aches. Low back & rt hip throbbing…at least no shooting pain presently. Nightmare – trying to escape from somewhere.
I need to get better. I need to be able to function properly. Sipped some Thyme tea with peppermint and copabia oils.
9.00 Bp 151/92 have horrible headache. Took Tylenol sinus.
11:30 Need some food in house. Decided to go to Sam’s with Jordon. No way I can walk Sam’s yet used wheelchair. Just that little bit wore me out. Legs throbbing. Sinuses in face hurt horrible. Buttock ache, arms soar. Couldn’t lift 6lb box of spaghetti noodles. Had to get Jordon to do it. Nerves pulsating thru body as if injured and wanting attention. Rt hip aches. Toes cold. Eyes watery. Tired. Neck hurts. Need to rest a while.
4.50p face feels flushed and cheeks feel like they’re burning, headache still bad, short of breath after making batch of stain remover (recipe on my botlle) & helping Dezirae put tablecloth on table, nerves in hands and arms stinging, muscles randomly twitching in legs Bp 146/99
5:07 Told Joe I couldn’t get rid of headache. Joe said to take 2 aspirin. Doing so.
6:30 head still pounding. Lights bright. I feel like I’m burning up. Going to lay down in dark room for while. Took migraine rx.
7:00 dinner. not hungry eating bc I need to been drinking mostly fluids.
7:30 applying ice pack to head and heating pad to throbbing rt hip.
11:00 having trouble going to sleep
Marker exercise and x to x making headache worse PT. If doc don’t do anything tomorrow I’m going back on Edarbyclor. Maybe once bp is back down to normal I can cut pill in half. Indigestion kicking in. Chewing papaya enzymes. Sinuses severly congested.
Back muscles stinging. Hands swollen and achy rt wrist throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling. Low back aches. Heart feels like its racing. I’m exhausted. Feel like I’m falling apart from inside out. Ears ringing.
Lord lead me to the Rock that is higher than I for thou has been a shelter for me. Please give me sweet rest tonight. This poor soul is weary and heavy laden and I need rest from this pain. Lull me to sleep with Your sweet lullabys so I may wake tomorrow rested and ready for another day. Thank you, Lord.
Oct 24
8.00 slept until 5am then off an on rest of night. Strange dream. Woke up very tired at 7.30a. Hit snooze few times. Hard time waking up.
Read Bible & devotion book on phone. Prayed a while.
Galatians 6:9 – And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Still have headache but not as bad as yday. Ydays was causing tears. Neck tight and hurting. Chilling tingly sensation in back of head, neck, upper back, and back of upper arms. Ears ringing. Whole body stiff and achy. Low back & rt hip hurting.
10.00 bp 161/101 hr 64
Decided to try to rest a bit. Did morning PT exercises. Laid on chase lounge for while in livingroom.
2:00 almost forgot to eat lunch. Chose to eat ham & cheese with tomato and lettuce tortilla wrap & hb egg.
4:00 Bp 156/94 hr 74
Headache. Upper back stinging. Feeling flushed. Cheeks feel like their on fire. Upper chest feels like it has itchy hives. Look in mirror upper chest is splotchy. Hands throbbing. Rt hip & low back throbbing. Bloated majorly – jean skirt that’s normally loose is almost too tight. Legs ache.
9.26 muscles in rt side spasming. Headache worsening. Lights bothersome. Feet getting cold & I have socks on. Cheeks feel hot. Bloated.