Oct 25
6.00a woke to migraine! eyes throbbing, brain feels swollen like its going to pop out of my head!!! Took bp 151/99 hr 64. Took Tylenol and Edarbyclor. My bp needs to come down now. This is ridiculous. Eyes crying from pain.
6.30 Joe rubbing my neck, head, & shoulders to relax the muscles. Feels good.
7.00 migraine eased from 10 to 8 but pain is still pounding. Eye throbbing. Took relpax. Migraines can be debilitating. Ugh!
7.30 Joe sweet. Made me breakfastin bed. Two egg biscuits with provolone. I’m not hungry but I ate them anyways. I’m loved❤
8.00 I feel aweful. Joe told me I had to stay in bed all day. Normally I would contest but I don’t even have energy to. Think I’ll take a nap.
10.00 feel worse than before. Head pounding!!! Bp 158/108 head hurts to lie down anymore
2.00 soaking in Epsom Salt bath for while. Don’t feel any better but at least I’m clean 😊
2.32p Dr agreed to let me resume taking the Edarbyclor for my blood pressure. Thank the Lord! Hopefully it’ll come down soon so I can start feeling better.
3:00 muscles randomly twitching in legs
5.00 a friend so kindly brought dinner for us tonight. It worked out wonderful for us. Never heard of Cowboy Grub before, but it was delicious.
11.45p trouble falling asleep. Bad headache but not migraine as previous in day Neck hurts. Hands ache. Rt arm aching. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down rt leg. Low back throbbing. Lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling. Feet tingling. Muscles feel stiff and ache.
Severe thunderstorms today. Ended up with two separate tornado warnings for our area. One actually touched down amd did damage north of us. Skin feels like its crawling periodically. Unnerving. Calves cramping. Wish I could find something naturally effective to wipe out the headaches for good. Bloated and gasy. Rt side cramping
Oct 26
7.00 woke to pounding headache. Hurts to lift head. Whole body aches.
8.00 Joe sweet decided to make pancakes for breakfast. Took am meds. Decided to make cup of decaf coffee w almond milk.
10.00 bp 139/93 hr 65
10.20 conversation with son. Son asked opinion. Dad gives opinion. Son expressed his having trouble with opinion. I told son to “Wipe your sleeves off your feelings” instead of “Wipe your feelings of your sleeves”. Lol!
12.15 starting to remember more things about past. It’s almost like I’m coming out of an episode of amnesia or something. It’d be great to be able to regain old memories. I feel sometimes like I lost a lot of things.
3.00 Joe took us to cbc fall festival towards end so there wouldn’t be as many people. Able to visit with few friends. Nice to be out of house for change. Got 2 pumkins given to us. Yay! Get to make homemade pumkpin pie for Thanksgiving.
10.00 heading pounding again. Of course, that probably comes from taking rest of evening to do bulletin. Had to ask Dezirae to help finish them. Thankful she likes helping me and wanting to learn things I do.
Neck muscles and upper shoulders tight and throbbing. Hands ache. Low back & rt hip aches. Feeling some better than yday. At least bp going in rt direction now. Legs ache. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Feet hurt.
Oct 27
7.00 whole body aches. Strange dreams. Woken before I could finish…might be a good thing as weird as it was. Head hurts
7.30 decided to eat hard boiled egg for breakfast. Ended up choking on it and having sharp chest pain making me stop in tracts. Oh, that hurts!!!
8.00 Bp 128/82 hr 65 Headache worsening. Took pain rx. Need to find something that actually works. Morning meds taken.
9.53 I’m exhausted. I could use a nap. Eyes hurt. Head hurts.
12.48 feel like I’m going to crash. Need to lay down a bit. Nerves tingling all over body. Vertigo acting up. Headache.
1.20 neck popped and now I have tingling sensation in my lft ear
3.00 tingling in ear lasted bout half hour. Only slept bout thirty minutes.
5.00 worked on love for little bit. Headache. Rt hip throbbing.
6.00 brain hurts and vision blurred. Messed up playing hymn…stopped before I was supposed to…thought we finished. Oops. Hard to follow where we’re at in song. Next song I almost played too many verses. It’s virtually impossible presently for me to see keys, notes, and song leader at same time. Then there’s my hands not playing keys my brain thinks it should be.
9.30 frustrated bc I’m struggling to plan meals like I used to, I’m upset at myself bc I can’t remember what a traditional Thanksgiving dinner is suppose to consist of let alone plan one for church (at least I have last yrs sign up sheet saved on computer – but I don’t think that’s even right), my mom is telling my story and is messing it up. I’m just in bad mood and everything’s rubbing me wrong way.
10.00 having bad moment and bad attitude where I don’t feel adequate. Started trying to read book. I’m in middle of second chapter and I can’t even remember what I’ve read. Ugh! The only thing that has stuck is Psalm 61:2 and that’s because I have read that verse multiple times to myself (preaching to the choir) about leaning on the Rock when I’m overwhelmed.
Oddly enough the second chapter of book is titled “Admit That You Are Stuck and Struggling”. Oh, I admit that in a heart beat. I’m stuck in my short term memory and don’t know how to fix it. I’m struggling with balancing everything and trying to figure out how to relearn things and adapt to my new self.
Thankful the Lord has brought me thus far and has protected me. There’s been plenty of times I could of and probably should have had a heart attack or stroke since lightning strike especially with the blood pressure issue.
Lord, please help me to learn to adapt to the new me and overcome where I can. Help me to be a vessel of honor leading others to You even in my valley.
11.45 headache. Neck throbbing. Shoulders and upper back throbbing. Lower back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Legs ache. Hands swollen and achy. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Burning tingling pain in center of chest. Very tired but brain not slowing down. Pm pt exercises. Nerves in lft hand and back stinging.