Nov 1
7.00 woke several times from nightmares in the night. My whole body hurts!!! Eyes watering. They seemed so real!
8.00 Woah! It’s cold outside in November -38°! My bones hurt. It hurts to move.
5.55 stomach has been hurting all day. Back’s been stinging for bit now. Chest hurtz. Hands swollen and achy.
Managed to use bread machine to make pizza crusts for homemade pizza tonight. Wanted to do more today but its hard to push thru the pain sometimes
9.00 back pain has increased exponentially!!! I’ve barely been able to move. Stomach severly bloated. Periodic sharp pain lower lft abdomen.
10.00 Joe helped me to bed. Daughter asked if pain level was a 20. Told her by Dr scales it couldn’t be a 10 bc I’m not asking to go to ER. She chuckled and said that’s funny bc you’d never ask to go to ER. (I wasn’t being funny). Told her by Dr’s scales it’s probably a 9. She then made comment that she could tell I felt bloated bc she could see it even under the covers.
I’m hoping that’s its bad case of constipation rather than I did too much today. Either way I think a cup of chammomile tea sounds good about now. Maybe I can drink my way to better health thru herbal teas.
Nov 2
Woke not hurting as bad as last night but still pretty bad. Whole body hurts. As long as I don’t move much center of chest & back pain is medium.
8.00a family went to yard sale before visitation. I really wanted to go but couldn’t force myself to go. Knew it’d be better to rest up for church tomorrow.
9.00 ate 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast & glass water. Gave me indigestion. Ugh!
Thinking combination of new exercises, doing little much, and cold weather aggravated costocondritis again. May neex to do Ibuprofuen regimen again.
10.50p taste buds off tonight. Sleepytime tea tastes disgusting to me. Only able to get down half cup. Head pounding. Whole body aches. Center of chest sharp pains if I move wrong otherwise throbbing thru to back. Legs ache. Muscles randomly twitching in legs. Feet cold. Neck throbbing. Turn radius small – shooting sharp stabbing pain in body if turn neck too far.
Nov 3
6.30 woke thinking I overslept. Had several nightmares – all of the ones I can remember parts of I thought I saw someone I knew but when started towards I couldn’t find him. On a horse farm riding horse in one; in a quaint small town near downtown in another.
Whole body aches and I have headache. Chest sore. Took Ibuprofuen 800mg. Gotta kick out the costo so don’t have to do steroids. Dropped on of extra pt exercises last night hoping that’ll help too.
7.30 decided to eat oatmeal for breakfast. Need more fiber.
8.00 trying to get ready and I’m wearing out quickly but I don’t have time to rest in order to be on time. Need to remember to set my alarm. Bp 119/78 hr 87
9.30 A headache I do have. My right hip is starting to hurt more.
7.50 My rt hip is throbbing with pain shooting down to foot. Ugh!