Nov 4
5am woke from horrible nightmare I don’t want to remember to abdomen spasming & cramping bad. It hurt so bad it hurt to move and emotionally I just want to cry.
6.30 Whole body aches. Kept reliving nightmares after I fell asleep. Why is my brain bringing that situation back up again? I’ve dealt with it, had counseling for it, and have forgiven my trespassers. Is my brain trying to relieve trauma suppressed in muscles to memory where it won’t hurt anymore?
12pm spent morning writing excuse request for jury duty due to current medical and mental issues, making phone call to check on something, washed two loads, & put dinner in crockpot – I am exhausted. In need of a nap. Whole body aches. Temp was about 60ish when I got up.
6pm took kids to bank and store. Glad they had wheelchairs at store. Kids helped me do little grocery shopping. By time we got home, I was really hurting and exhausted. Kids helped bring groceries in and put some of them away. Thankful I had put dinner in crockpot this morning.
Center of chest throbbing. Whole body aches. Sipped some peppermint tea so hopefully, that’ll help ease the pain and woo me to sleep. Can’t take any more Ibuprofuen bc I took my limit today. (I hope I’m using right emojis…certainly don’t want to say something I didn’t mean to. Is there a dictionary on emojis the wonder?? Pushed through some of my pt exercises. Tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness about six” up from ankle down to foot on lower left leg. Headsche. Muscles spasming in upper lft leg. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Throbbing pulsating pain in rt foot. Rt jaw aches.
Nov 5
3.30a woke from nightmare. I was being attacked. My body feels like I was beat up badly. I almost fell out of bed too.
5.00 must have been moaning in my sleep. Joe asked if I was okay. Told him I had bad dream. He came and laid down near me, hugged me, and kissed me several times. So sweet. Helped me feel safe again.
10.30 TBI mtg. Had mtg with Ron & Theresa to catch them up on what’s been going on. Encouraged me to change atty. Need to find Dr to work with me. Could’ve had a stroke being off bp rx like that for two weeks. Not safe. Ron going to work on getting set up for an actual neuro testing for TBI. Teresa going to reach out to local organization that may have some $ to help me get copies of my medical records.
Nov 6
6.30 rough night. Trouble falling asleep then wake up every couple hours. Whole body aches.
8.00 decided to make stew for dinner. Trying to use up items in freezer to prepare for new deer meat. Didn’t label bag not sure if it’s pork or deer bones. Arms hurting from prepping veggies. Need to leave for co-op soon. Taking pain rx to last.
11.20 hands, arms, low back throbbing from washing few dishes from last class. I’m exhausted too. Jordon misplaced my key fab. Ugh!
3.30 decided to make pumpkin cookies. Had to ask for help. Got cookies dropped on sheet and realized I forgot to add sugar. Ugh! Think I need to stop and rest my brain and aching body a while.
10.00 kids helped me process carved pumpkin we were given today. From cutting into chunks, to baking, to peeling off skin, to cutting in pieces, to pureeing, to putting in bags for freezing. It took about 3 hours. We got about 20 cups of pumpkin puree. Thankful for their help. Couldn’t have done it without them. I’m exhausted and hurting, but feel accomplished. Looking forward to the pumpkin goodies to be made in future. Also, trying to dehydrate some of puree to make pumpkin powder. We shall see. I hope my muscle and body don’t regret extra work tomorrow. I hurt from head to toe.