Nov 13
6.30 I hurt all over and so tired. I don’t want to get up. Hitting snooze.
7.30 didn’t mean to stay in bed that long. Dezirae knocks door to let me know we have hour before leaving. Ugh! Bible read Psalm 61. Decide not to do pt exercises this am. I’m really hurting. Headache. Sinuses congested.
9.30 just discovered I forgot to take morning meds & vitamins. Explains extra tiredness. Better check bp. Bp 108/86 hr 88 guess not too bad. Drinking sleepytime tea to help me go to sleep. Eyes watery and feel extra heavy. Rt hip super throbbing. Skin itchy. Low back throbbing.
10.40 woke to severe burning indigestion. Vomited just after chewing couple papaya enzymes. Had to change clothes. Hurting worse. Feel like I need to take benadryl.
Nov 14
8.00 woke up late. Besides hurting all over I feel yuckie. Read Bible & devotional. Must have faith and take God seriously.
8.45 Decided to take leap of faith and take hot shower without Joe here. I’m doing it scared and asking God to help.
9.15 Had couple close calls. Arms cramping and had to rest them few times. Kept dropping things, but I didn’t fall. I’m exhausted and aching like I just worked out, but I’m safe. PtL!
10.00 looking for 2nd orange marmalade recipe found neat way to start plants indoors. Think I’m going to try it out. Found two 2 liter bottles to repurpose and recycle. Planting green peppers and Rutgers tomatoes. Labeled and dated planters. Placed on window seal in front window. Hope it works this time. I do not have green thumb…well the only green they may slightly possess is envy of those who can grow gardens. Lol. I seem to only be able to grow aloe, roses, and amaranth so far.
1.24 attempted making orange marmalade in crockpot but it didn’t turn out. Apparently I didn’t use enough oranges and it looks burnt. Trying again. Dezirae helping this time.
Kids have bunch tests today. My brain hurts and feeling foggy. Vision starting to blurr on edges. Need to rest but I only have 2.5 hours before needing to leave. Feeling stressed. Playing music to ease stress.
4.00 Jordon driving to church. As if nerves not on edge enough it starts to lightly rain half way to church and traffic gets busy. By time we reached post office my nerves had enough, I told Jordon to scoot over and I drove until we got out of heavy traffic and I let him drive rest way to church. He did very good his 2nd time only driving. This mama’s nerves are shot though. Enough strezz for one day. Lol.
5.00 cooking dinner. Had to ask for help to drain noodles. Center of chest is really hurting. Rt hip really hurting too.
5.30 discovered one of my favorite meals…tuna noodle casserole. Jakob says it’s always been. I couldn’t remember. Made extra to help family at church out. Love my church family.
8.00 feeling flushed. Vision is blurry on edges making it difficult to focus. Sweet spirit in church tonight.
10.30 neighbors are playing their music loud tonight. My nerves are rebelling and don’t like it too much. Skin feels like it’s jumping all over. It doesn’t help that I’m already hurting from the cold weather.
Misplaced my pj pants and have to wear my sweatpants to keep warm…not as comfortable for me.
Rt side cramping sharp jabs. Rt hip throbbing much. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness in lft foot. Hands swollen and achy. Brain fog lifted ever so slightly. Center of chest throbbing. I’ve overdone it again.
Lord, please make neighbors stop playing their music so loud. Nerves are jumping to rhythm of the beat. Ugh! Not healthy for anyone let alone me right now. Maybe need white noise to drown out music. Headache. Pain rx & benadryl taken.
Nov 15
6am slept all night PtL! Gotta take Jordon to work. Think I’ll let him drive.
7am stopped at store for butter. Found good deals on meat. Meat is almost out in freezer.
8am decided to finish making marmalade.
9am finishing up my bible reading and devotions. Able to write new one today.
12.30 finishing up canning the last of the marmalade. Tastes pretty good. Made 24 – 8oz jars. Dinner in crockpot. I’m so tired and starting to really hurt bad. Done what I can do for now. Time to rest.
Musclez in back and abs are screaming too much done today. Hands swollen and stinging, throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Calves burning. Headache. Resting for while.
5.30 Got word of unexpected health concern with church members family. Offered to watch children while wife go sits with husband in hospital for while. God please be with this family. They have been through so much lately. Please gird them with Your strength and mighty power in amidst their trials. Comfort their hearts and lay your healing hand on him. Amen.
Making dinner to feed the kids too.
10.50 I’m tired but wide awake. In much pain from overdoing it today. Hands stinging and swollen. Feet sting. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Calves cramping and burning as if I walked one hundred miles (couldn’t even walk a half mile right now if I wanted to – don’t know where that number popped out from hehe). Rt hip throbbing. Butt hurting. Nose itching. Muscles in back tingly and hurting. Neck very sore & stiff. Head hurts. Sinuses in face hurt. Cramping in rt side. Shoulders hurt.