Nov 16
Nerves been randomly stinging off and on all day.
Nerve repair supplements
Lipoic acid 300mg 2x daily,
Acetyl-L-Carnitine 2,000 mg a day, Inositol (500-1,000 mg a day), and vitamins B6 (50-100 mg a day) and B12 can actually help heal the nerves and decrease or eliminate the pain
7.00p Joe & Dezirae brought home a boar. Thankfully, all I have to do is pack it to put in freezer. My nose not going to handle it tonight nor my back and nerves. I’ve been in much pain today and not been able to move much.
11.00p Think I’ve developed an allergic reaction to bleach. Put some in water to disinfect items used to process boar. Now my hands and arms are itching like crazy!!! Think that’s why I steered away from using it. Ugh!
Bad headache. Hurting to tears.
Nov 17
6a woke from nightmare. Brain feels like it’s spinning inside my head. Congested. Runny & bloody nose. Need to find a decongestant that won’t cause bloody nose.
7a corner of eyes crusty. Slight headache. Whole body aches. Hands swollen and achy. Rt hand tingly. Low back throbbing. Tylenol sinus to get congestion under control.
8.15 leaving for church. I really need to practice piano more but it hurts my brain so. I’d much rather sing than play but glad I can so others can worship properly in services. Music – the right kinds – can be soothing to the mind, body, & soul. Praying God sends us a pianist.
8.30 sneezing like crazy. Forgot to take the Tylenol sinus. Got distracted. I do that a lot. Lol.
Sure would like to pick some pecans.
Jakob gave me his old phone. Switching sometime today but have to get him to help me.
10.00 Filling in for primary Sunday school class. I know Bible story – Zacchaeus – so it was easy to teach. Sang Zacchaeus was a wee little man. Read passage from Luke 19. Had to use finger to follow along to keep me in place. Played game with memory verse Acts 16:31. Got dizzy and had to grab chalkboard so I wouldn’t fall. Hailey noticed and made comment.
Had to sit for bit. Did Bible review asking questions about God and Bible. It helped to have teacher book, Joyful Life, to ask questions. It made them think.
11.00 Still dizzy. Asked God to help me play. Feels like everything is moving to the right. It’s really hard to focus to play when my brain is spinning.
Part of dream came back to me while I was playing piano…I went back in time and was conversing with Henry Wordsworth Longfellow in country meadow. We were comparing our poetry. Next thing I know there were bombs going off all round us and we had to run for cover.
Back is stinging. Headache. Throat very dry. Muscles very tight. Hurts to move neck.
1.15 I am exhausted. Whole body aches. Nerves stinging in hands. Headache. Toes tingling. Feel like I’m about to shut down and crash. Nerves tingly with hint of fire thru body. Laying down a piece.
3.45 ended up taking two hour nap – longer than I intended, but I needed it.
4.00 decided to work on research for next Scripture journaling theme. Christmas in mind. Also thinking about Fruit of Spirit. Just did Love. Decided on Joy.
5.00 getting headache. Prompted to go to look for book to help with counseling on assurance of salvation. Burdened to help daughter with her assurance and get it settled once and for all.
5.15 while talking with her, nose starts gushing blood. Took about 5 minutes to get it to stop. Feeling weak.
Book had illustration that Joe & I could expound upon to help her understand things better. Praise the Lord she got it settled!!!
6.50 rt hip throbbing. Back stinging. Headache worsening. Taking Naproxen. Don’t understand why I continue to take that. It helps with inflammation but doesn’t touch nerve pain. Rt ear ringing. Feet prickly stinging tingling.
8.00 family made hospital visit after church. Church family in hospital. Finally on right meds…feeling better…praying he will be able to go home tomorrow.
9.00 Jordon helped me make dinner when we got home. Grilled cheese & cream mushroom soup.
Took Joe his soup and plate. Got my bowl to go sit down. Didn’t realize Joe’s feet sticking out and I tripped. I tried to fuss at him and say, “I have hot soup in my hands don’t trip me”. Instead I said, Hey, I have hot soup on my brains.” Jordon replies, “Ha! We can tell Mom’s tired.” All we could do was to laugh. Lol! Funny things I say especially the more tired I am.
10.00 trouble choking easily over liquid or even my saliva. Congested. Simple pt exercises getting me out of breath. Haven’t been able to do them much this week due to pain and exhaustion.
Whole body hurts. Random traveling stinging needle pain thru body…mostly in back right at moment. Exhausted. Skin itchy. Think I might need to take benadryl but hesitant due to bloody nose earlier. Took muscle relaxer to see if it’ll knock me out before getting too miserable. Rt shoulder aching. Center of chest aches. Taking pain rx too.
Nov 18
6.30 woken from a strange dream. (On my way to prom with several friends. Upon arriving at school and before I could get out…He was my best friend but I couldn’t remember his name. Why couldn’t I remember?) Just as I began to open my mouth my alarm went off and I woke up! Ugh!
Whole body aches. Lower back muscles spasming. Headache has eased but not gone.
8.00 trying to get caught up on recording grades. Hard to believe it’s 5th week of 2nd quarter. Both kids not feeling well. Dezirae’s cough sounds like it’s starting to settle in chest. Jordon not feeling good either. Ugh!
Marmalade didn’t set so we need to reboil. Adding pectin this time.
2.14 Im so tired and brain hurts. Nerves stinging in arms and hands. No clue what to have for dinner. Need to rest a bit. Can feel a crash oncoming.
2.28 marmalade redone. Tastes good.
4.15 Joe asked for biscuits to go with marmalade. I will oblige, but I’m done for day. I’m really hurting so.
9.38 rt hip throbbing. Low back throbbing. Head hurts. Hands throbbing. Random muscles spasming through body. Neck throbbing.
Shoulder muscles tightening and very sore.
10.40 sharp stabbing pain lft back head. Bad enough to make me stop what I was doing!
Skin itchy all over. Took pain rx & muscle relaxer.