Happy Monday! 2 MORE DAYS of November!!! Time is flying by! This week’s devo is “Christmas Joy” written by Tiffany Moore! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today! I hope you have the BEST week ever!!!!
Christmas Joy – Tiffany Moore
Do you ever watch those cheesy Christmas movies? I love them! At some point, every movie seems to have a family decorating a beautiful Christmas tree with twinkling lights. Then, you see that loving family singing Christmas carols and drinking hot chocolate with a fire blazing behind them. Have you ever contrasted that with how decorating your house for Christmas really goes? First, you clean your house because it is nearly impossible once all the Christmas knick knacks get put up. Then, you have to go to the storage shed or attic hoping to be able to locate red and green boxes and totes. Then, you drag them to your living room. If you have an artificial tree (even a brand new one that you got on clearance the prior year), you might let it air out on the porch so no mama rodents and her offspring come inside with it (yucky true story.) Then, you will probably scratch your arms all up while assembling and fluffing the tree because you don’t have on long sleeves. You might even have to pause during all of this multiple times and remind your children that some ornaments will shatter if you drop them. You might answer what feels like a million questions from your children about the decorations through which they are pilfering. Can you say tiring?! Where are the Christmas carols? Where is the sweet family drinking hot cocoa and the blazing fire? At my house, it does not look like a Hallmark movie! Oftentimes, reality DOES NOT equal Hallmark fantasy. You might get discouraged that your life does not resemble that perfect “Christmas Moment.”
There are several things that can steal your joy: comparison, anxiety, discontentedness, grief, pain and busyness. It is so easy to get caught up in what is going on in your life that you realize you are just “going through the motions.” The Christmas season becomes another item on your “to-do” list. It’s not fun or even special. It’s definitely not sweet like a movie! Comparing your life to those around you (or even a movie), being discontented, feeling anxious about events, physically, hurting, losing a loved one and just being so busy can overwhelm and overshadow the enjoyment of your holiday season. Sometimes, we have to purposefully focus on having JOY during the holidays. He wants you to have joy. In fact, the Bible says in 1 John 1:4 that our “joy may be full.” Living miserably or without joy during any time of the year is not what we are supposed to do. To ensure you don’t lose your joy this Christmas, you need to remember what JOY means.
J- Jesus
Christmas is about Jesus coming to earth as a baby to save us from our sins. It’s not about having perfectly decorated tree or having all your presents wrapped in the same trendy paper. It’s not about the parties or caroling. It’s about remembering and recognizing Jesus. He came to earth so we can go to Heaven. He’s the reason for the entire season.
O- Others
Christmas is about sharing Jesus with others. Yes, we do that some by all the activities we do during this time of year. However, if we will keep our eyes focused on Jesus and the goal of sharing His love with others, we will have more JOY. So, as you’re making cookies, wrapping presents, or even decorating your Sunday School classroom, don’t forget to share Jesus with those around you.
Y- You
Christmas is not about you. 😊 However, it is a wonderful time of year to refocus your spiritual life. It is a good time to put more energy in your relationship with Jesus. Renew your relationship with God by maybe reading your Bible more instead of binge-watching holiday movies (gasp!) Truly reflect on the goodness of God in your family’s life this past year. Thank Him by reorganizing your priorities each day to start the day with Him in prayer.Having JOY in this Christmas season is your choice. Lower your expectations of “Hallmark movie perfection” and just focus on Jesus, the Reason for the season. There is a little chorus that might help you when you start to lose JOY this Christmas. It is sung to the tune of Jingle Bells.
J-O-Y, J-O-Y
Having JOY means
Put Jesus first,
Yourself last and
Others in between!