Nov 19
5.00 sky is awake so I’m awake. Ugh! Too early.
6.00 read Bible on phone & pray for today.
6.30 need to get going. Whole body aches, but not as bad as I thought I would. PtL!
Eyes crusty on edges. Lft shoulder sore like I pulled a muscle and achy.
8.15 taking Dezirae to Dr. Asked nurse about being cash patient. $125 initial plus what ever tests to run. $60 per visit thereafter. Kids Dr is an internist. Could possibly see her. Neat…knew she was pediatrician but not internist too. Not so sure about pricing though. If God wills, He will provide.
Toes are freezing. Legs ache. Balance off way much today…have to keep catching myself. The fluorescent lightning is hurting my eyes. Putting sunglasses back on.
10.30p still have blood tinged nose. Going to try Tylenol arthritis for day or so to see if bloodiness will clear. I suspect Naproxen is one of contributing factors. The other factor I’ll get checked out after first of new year.
Whole body aches. Sore from head to toe. Very busy day between appointments. I’m exhausted too. Rt ear hurts. Using vicks on cottonball in ear to ease discomfort. Ear canal swollen. Headache.
Nov 20
4.00a woke to severe stabbing pains in stomach.
6.30a alarm goes off. I’m exhausted. Strange dream…only thing I remember is I was searching for something that was extremely hard to find. What ever it was it was important to be found.
Very congested. Eyes watery. Hands ache
Researching ways to make life simpler for planning meals. Tried making a meal plan board with several different recipe meal cards, but it’s too complicated for brain to compute. Tried the 6wk meal plan, but it’s too much for my brain to compute. So far I like the weekly meal plan with grocery list under each day, but I strongly dislike the color yellow & I prefer organized boxes to help me shop in grocery store so I not repeating steps and aisles multiple times. I found a grocery list I like to use for most part, but it’s for people with babies which I have teens and I try to make my own cleaners so I don’t go down those aisles much.
There might be something to the Tylenol Arthritis. I didn’t wake as in much pain as I usually do especially after a busy day. I still hurt but not as bad.
8.30 Kids have play practice today for program on Friday. Kids chattering before practice begins is bothering my brain. Head hurts and lights bothersome. Moving to dark room.
10.45 preschoolers are adorable ringing their bells, but oh does it hurt my head so. Remembered I keep ear plugs in my purse. Put them in to dampen sounds. At least my hair covers my ears so you can’t see the bright orange plugs. It amazes me how well I can hear still with plugs in ears.
12.30 allowed Jordon to drive to store from co-op. Had a close call. He did good job correcting himself. I’m tired and my nerves are shot. Took back driving after he parked. Explained me being tired makes nerves more jittery and they don’t mix. He agreed.
2.28. I’m exhausted. Need to rest a while. Nerves feel like they’re on fire. Feel like I’m going to crash.
Nov 21
6.30 awake several times in night. Pain causes troubled sleep at times. Strange dreams – ones I don’t want to remember.
I hurt all over. Comforter feels like lead. Headache. Hurt from head to toe. Decided to let kids sleep in a little since they’ve been ill this week.
7.30 hands stinging. Feet especially right getting sharp stabbing stinging pain making me jump! Rt ear ringing and achy. Neck hurts. Shoulders & back hurting. Chilling sensation going down spine to lower back. Lower back throbbing. Legs ache. Don’t know how to get the sharp stinging stabbings to stop.
11.45a finally finished Jordon’s costume for tomorrows play. Took me few hours just to figure out how to cut it out. Took me few hours today to sew it together. Had to look up how to sew sleeves on. I almost did it wrong. Good thing I thought to google instructions for sleeves. I would’ve been horrified. It’s a bit too large, but it’ll work. But I did it!! Thank you, Lord!
3.00p helped Jordon put some stuff in car to take to church. Muscles in legs now spasming. Low back throbbing. Short of breath. Hands ache.
4.00 taking pain rx to help me get thru this evening
7.24 left side back throbbing. Arms and hands stinging.
11.50p lower back & left side cramping & throbbing pretty bad. Hands swollen, achy, & tingly. Speech not matching brain thoughts. Neck hurts. Chest center hurting. Hiccups. Headache. Tired. Jakob bday tomorrow and I’m not ready. Jordon offered to help make cake. Sweet boy. Taking muscle relaxer. Need sleep lots going on this weekend.