Nov 22
4.24 awake. Ugh! In so much pain…especially upper back, shoulders, and arms. Hurts to move.
6.45 don’t want to get up yet. Still much pain. Hands swollen and achy. Entire back throbbing chilly tingling sensation down spine. Legs ache. Feet ache. Mouth dry. Tired. Strange dream
Coconut oil good for lots of things.
9.00 sometimes I wonder if muscle relaxer rx pills some more potent than others bc some days it seems harder for me to wake up than others.
9.00 Jordon got call to go to a job. My errands must wait til someone can go with me.
2.45 Im flat exhausted…feel crash oncoming. Need to lay down a piece – til feeling subsides or else I’ll fall.
4.30 I crashed hard. Trying to wake up now. Need to get ready for kids play.
11.40 overall good day I think. Kids did well in play tonight. Lots of people in auditorium…sometimes makes me wish I could wear beats to muffle the multiple sounds that hit my brain. Looking forward to Christmas break from co-op. Kids are not. They enjoy getting to hang out with friends. I understand more than they know such is why I forbear.
Whole body aches parts even sting sharply as if storm’s a brewing nearby. Hope to fall asleep soon.
Stinging needle pain in hands, artms, shoulder, back, & toes. Headache. Center of chest hurts. Low back throbbing. Dizzy. Random sharp stabing pain in lower legs and feet – enough to make me jerk. More I try to relax the more my muscles randomly spazzing thru body. Very irritating at times.
Song from play swirling in brain…only remember bits and pieces…candles burning bright…
Nov 23
7.30a whole body aches. Headache.
Lots to do today but will have to pace myself so I don’t hurt myself
Family will help alot too.
3.30 resting watching movie. Having trouble deciphering words spoken.
10.00 I’m plumb exhausted. Took me all day to make pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, & dinner rolls. Jordon peeled potatoes for me. Dezirae made Hawaiian salad. Joe took care of turkey. Jakob got called into work at 3am. He got home around 6pm.
I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Took Tylenol arthritis and 1/2 muscle relaxer. Preparations for Church Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow. Back muscles and hands stinging pain. Not up to doing pt exercises. Feet throbbing. Low back throbbing. Rt heel feels bruised. Legs ache. Center chest aching but starting freezer burn pain. Definitely did too much…hope I don’t hurt too much in am.
Thankful God gave me strength to get through and for family’s help.
Another thought prayer answered today. Given a couple tops…one matched a skirt I didn’t have to match. PtL!
Nov 24
5.20 whole body throbbing! Eyes watereth. I just want to sleep a little more.
8.45 need to lay down to restbforbfew minutes before services begin. Pain rx wearing off. Didn’t bring anymore with me.
Organify? Had top superfoods to help rejuvenate your body.
10.00 tip of middle lft finger lft side hurts like dickens. Finally figured out somehow I cut the tip at edge of nail bed. Not sure when but it sure hurts.
1.30 during afternoon service my rt side began cramping bad tried to wiggle discreetly to ease pain to no avail.
3.30 came home and practically plopped onto chair in livingroom. Turned on heating pad and sat several hours til pain eased enough I could move a little without too much pain.
11.00 fell asleep for a little bit in chair. Time for bed. It was good day but I’m plumb exhausted.