Jesus – Faithful Witness

Jesus – Faithful Witness

Revelation 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

When a witness is summoned to testify, he must give the truth about what he knows. He can’t be caught lying since that would undermine his testimony.

Jesus is our faithful and true witness (Revelation 19:11). His testimony has been scrutinized more than any other in history, and no inconsistencies have ever been discovered. He always tells the truth.

Lighting Strikes – Journal Entries 19-21 December 2019

Dec 19

7.00 rt ear hurts, stuffy nose, low back aches, rt hip burning.

9.30 called dental clinic. Quick thought prayer…please allows me to be seen before end of year. Spoke with nice lady over phone. Apt available tomorrow! I expressed my surprise. She told me they had cancellation this morning. Praise the Lord! I pray they can just put filling back in tooth. May also need antibiotics. Been swishing/drinking thyme peppermint tea to help.

12.30 rt ear throbbing & feels swollen. Prominent ringing in ear.

7.24 face feels flushed and feverish. Headache.

8.30 church went well tonight. Sweet spirit. Brain had hard time keeping up with notes and tempo of hymns. Trouble with coordination between brain, eyes, and hands. Ended up plucking notez with top hand for most of them.

10.00 sharp pain in center of chest as if ribs are caught in middle. Very painful! Don’t know what caused it.

11.00p toothaches are horrible. Rt ear throbbing. Rt jaw throbbing. Pain rx taken. Orajel applied multiple times. Salt water gargle. Antiseptic mouthwash with peppermint oil swished. Thyme tea with peppermint swished. Vicks rub on cotton ball and put in rt ear gently. Headache. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down to leg. Feet chilly. Tired.

Lord, please be with President Trump & his family. Protect them. Guide them. Surround them with Your mightiest angels during this difficult evil time surrounding them especially at Christmas. Please be with the Senators please turn their hearts towards You and help them make the correct decision that will ultimately bring You honor and glory due Your name. In Jesus’ name and through His blood I pray. Amen!

Dec 20

8.30 dental apt at 8.45. I’m stressed and a bit scared. Don’t like dentists. I know..I know…Psalms 56:3 What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

I know I must have faith, but I’m still scared.

9.56 waiting long to be seen. Desk nurses never met a lightning survivor. They asked a bunch of questions. I was able to give account & praise to the Lord that I’m still alive. One told me I was definitely a blessing.

Nervousness is aggravating my Costocondritis. Ugh! Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Jaw & tooth nerve pain is intense. A 10 at times – only because it hurts bad enough that I must do something about it. I don’t want to be in agonizing pain at Christmas. I want to try to enjoy it and do my best to remember if only with pictures to jog memory.

Decided goal next year is to start assembling memory albums to help me remember my past with my family.

Headache ensues. Whole body aches. Center of chest dull stab pain.

10.30 finally being seen. Xray taken. Lead apron actually was calming. There might be something to the weighted blankets?

Everyone was so nice and took time to explain to me what was going on. Dental tech asked about how it happened.

11.30 stop at Publix for rxs. Check bp 119/82 hr 65. Pharmacist asked me more details of my lightning strike. Asked if it burst my eardrums. I told him no but my rt ear hurts all the time now. If anything it magnified my hearing. He said wow and asked how. I told him about being able to repeat everything Dr & nurses were saying hallway thru closed door. Pharmacist said wow and made reference to having hearing like million dollar man for a while. He told me that I was blessed because since we talked he’s been researching about lightning survivors and most of them he’s heard of or read their eardrums burst. I agreed that I was blessed indeed to still be here.

2.00p laid down to rest bc morning events wore me out. Fell asleep for an hour. It was my body’s way of dealing with the pain.

6.22 intense sharp pain in rt ear & jaw! Stopping me in my tracks. Putting ear on heating pad. Fell asleep.

Tooth pain and earache is kicking me in the butt.

9.30 trying to wait up for daughter to get home. I hurt so much I just want to crawl into bed and crash. Putting heating pad on chest. Feels like Costocondritis is flaring up. Ugh!

10.30 had daughter put colloidal silver drops in ear. It seems to have helped ease the pain slightly. Chest center throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Whole body aches. Tingly pin poking needle pain thru body. Sometimes I just don’t know how to explain pain. I’m exhausted. Bad headache. Pain rx taken. Taking muscle relaxer to help me sleep


8.30 finally fell asleep after midnight some time. Rt ear & jaw still throbbing.

Oddly, I can hear the train blowing it’s horn and the closest track is over 11 miles away. Had to ask Joe if he could hear it. He had to open back door and still didn’t hear it at first. This extra sensitive ears/hearing thing is bothersome at times.

10.50 a friend called distraught. Lent an ear to help her talk it out.

11.30 made visit with Joe for church. Although I enjoyed the visit, it was all overwhelming for my brain after a bit and I found myself dozing momentarily. When my brain takes in all it can handle, I find myself needing a nap to rest my brain for a while. I decided to chew a piece of gum to help.

5.00 crashed on chair in livingroom for 30 minutes or so. Couldn’t go anymore.

5.30 Joe asked for Welch Rabbit for dinner and helped with shredding the cheese. Delicious and easy.

10.30 watching Christmas movie. Toothache still hurts but not as bad as y’day. Pain rx & antibiotic helping. Headache. Neck hurts. Rt ear hurts. Stinging pain thru body. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches.

Lighting Strikes – Journal Entries 16-18 December 2019

Dec 16

7.00 rough night…woke several times. I hurt so bad all over…feels like I was beat up. Fell into box fan couple of times. Accidentally kicked myself in rt thigh when trying to get out from under covers and left a painful bruise. Wish I could figure out natural remedy to ease pain.

Read Bible: 2 Corinthians 1-7 Posted daily Bible verse: Luke 1:46-49 Thankful that Mary and Jospeh didn’t freak out too much when they were told they were part of God’s plan. Boy, that sure could’ve had a different ending!

In posting saw Patsy Clairmont’s post with prayer for today…

“Morning Prayer: Breath at Daybreak, resuscitate my courage to enter the demand-strewn path ahead. Help me not to pick up problems before they materialize. When I hit a dead end, help me not to camp out there. When I encounter a difficult person, help me not to join their fraternity. And when I am that person, remind me that it cost You for my freedom and forgiveness. Amen”

Though I don’t remember verbage used, I remember my family as a child listening to a tape of hers entitled “God Uses Cracked Pots”. Just the title has been an encouragement to me on my difficult days especially on days I hurt horribly and feel broken. Thank you, Lord, for shining examples to encourage the weary to keep pressing on in Jesus’ name.

10.00 Movie playdate at friends house with our daughters too. Watching Pride & Prejudice.

5.00p movie had good story line but it was very long.

6.00p Joe sweet to offer to figure out dinner when he came home bc I hadn’t thought to plan anything yet. At first I wanted to be offended, but I was really hurting and exhausted from weekend’s activities. I chose to reserve judgment til he came home to observe his genuinity and sincerity of actions. Glad I chose to wait. Thankful I have a family that cares for me.

11.00p Body has ached all day as if storm is brewing. News media confirms such. Pins & needles sensation in hands, arms, torso, legs, & feet. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Low back aches. Neck hurts more so if turned too far in either direction. Rt thigh aches. If I turn too far in either direction (like reaching over to pick up something I dropped) my side cramps horribly as if rib got caught and won’t let loose. Ouch!

Dec 17

9.00 Dezirae treating her and I to getting our nails done for Christmas. Trying Linda’s Nails bc the other one we went to was closed today. Friendly atmosphere. Love the color #104. Now to test how long it’ll last.

10.30 TBI. Bif turn out today though there were still missing. I’m tired and have headache.

12.30 went to thrift store to get some more Christmas gifts.

3.00 on way home saw person stranded in middle of road. Decided to turn around to see if we could help. It turned out to be a mom with little ones (newborn & 1yr old) in back. She was out of gas. I offered to go get the gas for her. She gave me 100 bill. I was surprised. We took money to the gas station and got a gas can and gas. Told the cashier that we were helping a stranger bc she ran out of gas just down road. He took the large bill and told us to have a Merry Christmas. Took it back to her. Gave her the change. Gas can had new mechanism I couldn’t figure out. Felt like a dumb blonde. Finally able to figure out how to improvise to pour gas into her car. She thanked us. We told her she was welcome and gave her a tract. Felt good to do a good deed.

4.00 finally home and I’m exhausted. Sat for bit. Asked kids to help put dinner together.

11.00 I’m exhausted. Rt jaw & ear throbbing. Very cold. Feet cold. Rr side cramping pain. Sharp shooting stabbing pain in rt hip. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness.

Dec 18

7.00 many days morning comes too early in my brain. I’m so tired most of time. Though since starting the multivitamin I’ve noticed a little bit more energy. That’s a praise!

9.00 time to make cookies for party tonight. Jordon’s going to help me. Hard to believe Jakob will be leaving for college again in 3 weeks. He’ll be a junior.

1pm cookies are made and our mess cleaned up for most part. I need to rest a while. Low back & rt jaw throbbing.

2pm remembered that I needed to go pick up Joe’s rx. I guess I’ll let Jordon drive a little. Christmas traffic makes me more nervous.

3.00 home safe and sound. Nerves on edge. Low back throbbing. Face feels flushed and feverish. Cheeks bit red. Headache. I’m tired.

4.00p I’ve done too much today. I feel it in my whole body. Under eyes are black and blueish. I’m tired and need a nap, but I need to get dinner on. Asked Dezirae to do it. She gladly said yes. Sitting in chair to rest a bit.

9.00p encouraged to have new people at family Christmas party tonight at church. One family not able to attend this year. Missed them. Praying God heals Jerry from cancer. I know that has to weigh heavy on their hearts.

11.50p bad headache. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down rt leg. Low back intensely throbbing. Exhausted. Face hurts. Rt jaw throbbing. Need to schedule dental appointment. Wonder if dentist would know how to treat my tongue issue? My inquisitive mind would like to know.

Jesus – Emmanuel

Jesus – Emmanuel

Isaiah 7:14 – Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

In the verses preceding, God told King Ahaz to ask for a sign of His protection. The king refused due to his lack of trust in God.

Our distrust grieves God, but our distrust will not make God’s promises any less effective. The Lord sent His own sign instead – Immanuel.

The name Immanuel (Emmanuel) means ‘God with us’, which describes His nature. He is God who became man, born of Jewish kin, bringing a new life. This act of ultimate sacrifice proved His unconditional love for us.

Thankful that God loves me inspite of my faults and failures.

Jesus – Daysman

Jesus – Daysmen

Job 9:32-33 – For he is not a man, as I am, that I should answer him, and we should come together in judgment. Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both.

Daysmen in the dictionary is an adjudicator, judge, or intermediary. A daysman must judge without partiality.

There is only one person I know who can rightfully be the mediator between God and man.

1 Timothy 2:5 says, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” 

Christ purchased peace for us with His blood on the cross. If we trust in Him, our sins will be buried in the deepest sea (Micah 7:19), and will wash them white as snow (Isaiah 1:18). This causes for no offense to be able to be laid to our charge.

Thankful that Christ is ever interceding on our behalf.

Praying you have a blessed day 🎄

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 13-15 December 2019

Dec 13

9.00 overslept. Forgot to set alarm. Whole body hurts. Nightmares

9.05 read Bible on phone. Upset bc I forgot my scripture journal at church with my study Bible. I have to improvise until tomorrow.

11.00 mentioned to Joe and Jakob that I feel like I need to go back to school for home ec. They’re reply no you don’t your cooking is 100xs better since the lightning strike. Funny how they’re perception is different than mine. I wasn’t talking about cooking. I was talking about everything as a whole bc I feel like I’ve forgotten how to do a lot of things.

On our way to make hospital visit & run some errands.

4.30 I’m exhausted and hurting. Need to lay down a while. Feels like my brain is on sensory overload and needs to shut down in order to process.

7.00p Wow! I didn’t think I’d sleep for two hours. Feel like I could sleep longer, but if I don’t get up now I’ll be up all night.

A friend shared following info with me.

 Dec 14

1am still wide awake.

7.30 overslept. Brain feels groggy and dugh what am I suppose to be doing?

It’s a rainy day and I hurt all over. Headache.

8.00 almost forgot to make the biscuits for breakfast. Got them done in nick of time. Also able to friends pkg ready to mail.

8.45 center of chest hurting, I’m tired

9.00 letters not going on board like I wanted. Rearranging letters multiple times now I must take break to finish in little while (muscles fatiguing & I don’t want center of chest to hurt more.

10.15 Joe having us ladies stay back to finish decorating for tomorrow. Thankful for the help.

11.00 lower back throbbing like toothache. Trying to finish up bulletin board. Dezirae offered to finish it up for me thankfully. Now sitting to rest back.

1.00 Dezirae got called to work today. Joe offered to take her.

2.00 I’m exhausted, hurting all over, and need a nap. Going to lay down for bout an hour. Hoefully, it’ll give me energy to do what I need to get dpne for church Christmas dinner. Foubd recipebto cook corn casserole in crockpot…which makes things easier on me. Yay!

10.00 apple crumble in oven. Taking shower. Wore out and out of breath. Showers are like a work out now. Whew!

Dec 15

6.30 woke at 2.30a with sharp pain in side

Read Bible before getting up. Looks like I’ll be able to finish a couple days early. Yay! Next year I want to work on rememorizing scripture. I’m starting to remember things more…that’s big deal for me. Grant you I still have ways to go. I may be working on recovery for rest of my life but I still want to continue to progress.

10.45 got really dizzy all of a sudden. Room spinning. Head feels weird inside…filling up with heavy fog causing pressure on brain?

10.50 comforting a distraught soul. God is working on hearts. Lord please help us lead them to You always.

11.40 woah! I’m sure Christmas program was cute but it was much a do for my brain. My head hurts and is quickly fogging up -almost to point it’s hard to make sense of things. Brain needs a nap but it won’t happen for another few hours.

12.30 talking with visitors at lunch. I purposely repeat their names out loud so I can remember their names. It’s important to me so I want to try to make others feel important too. While talking with them I could remember Mom & Grandma’s name but stumbled on daughters name ( now that I’m trying to recall I remember daughter & grandma’s name but not mom’s ugh!) Anyways, my tiredness became apparent because I messed up on saying what ingredients I put in the no bake fudge cookies. Talina graciously explained that I was struck by lightning and mess up what I’m trying to say sometimes. We had good laugh bc I said I put flour in them when I meant sugar. Then she said it’s not why she got struck but what she’s doing with it and being a witness for the Lord. It may seem odd to say but not sure how to word but it was a proud momma moment for me. Get it that she was talking about me – but that she came to my defense but also that my light for Jesus is shining through.  I’m making an impact for my Lord!!! Thank you, Jesus.

3.30 finally home and crashing. I physically cannot push anymore. It was good day but a bit much for my brain to handle.

5.23 woken by a phone call. Didn’t plan on sleeping that long, but could sleep longer. So tired & wore out.

9.30 Dezirae & I made peppermint bark for our movie day tomorrow at a friends house.

Low back intense throbbing. Rt hip aches. Rt ear & jaw throbbing. Pins & needles sensation in arms, back, & legs. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Exhausted.

Good day at church. Had 25 total. PtL! It is being made apparent that I need to start a ladies Bible study next year. It’s time my vision takes foot. That’s not right says my brain but I cannot think of proper verbage. Hopefully y’all get it. Need to pray and ask God what Bible study to start. It will start slowly once a month. Now to figure out what day and time. As long as God leads, I need to follow and obey. It doesn’t mean I’m not scared nor do I feel adequate, but I know where God guides He provides.

Jesus – Counsellor

Jesus – Counsellor 

Isaiah 9:6  – For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

A counselor is someone we turn to for advice. Someone in which we confide in time of need.

Jesus was born of a miraculous birth; and became an astonishing advisor who performed marvelous miracles pointing men to the Father even in His sacrificial death. He is the ultimate example that all things work together for the good (Romans 8:28).

Jesus is the Wonderful Counsellor who alone can give us the best guidance, help, wisdom, and deliverance. May you always keep your eyes on the Mighty God who gives everlasting peace from the Prince of Peace.


How Thirsty Are You? – Debbie Netterville

Happy December ! I hope everyone had a GREAT weekend serving Jesus!

This week’s devo is “How Thirsty Are You?” written by Debbie Netterville!  Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today! I pray you have a blessed week.

How Thirsty Are You? – Debbie Netterville

In August we were in Burlington, Iowa helping a church with Bible Handouts. Saturday night we went out to eat with the pastor and his family. In the middle of the night I woke up and began throwing up. Up and down all night. We thought it was food poisoning. I was unable to go to church all day. I continued throwing up and unable to keep anything down. This lasted a couple more days and I was beginning to get weak. Scott decided we needed to go to the ER. You know how long it takes waiting in the ER. When they finally called my name, they took blood and gave me some meds for nausea.

We spent another day in Burlington, but I was still weak and unable to keep anything down. We decided we wanted to head home to Bourbonnais, Illinois where our home church is and some of our family. We wanted to have family in case we needed help. Wednesday, we drove from Burlington to Bourbonnais, about a 4-hour drive. It was long and miserable for me.

When I would wake up in the morning, I would be so hungry. I could even feel the hunger pangs. I would eat yogurt, applesauce, oatmeal, drink water, 7UP and Pedialyte. I was still unable to keep anything down. I knew I was getting weaker. So again off to the ER in Kankakee. I think it was Friday evening when we went and spent 7 hours waiting. I was so miserable. So again blood work but this time they took x-rays. When they got the results it was not good news.

In fact, they said I was a very sick woman. I thought “oh no”. I had a double hernia with a bowel obstruction. That explains why I was not able to hold anything down. It was around 7:00 am on Saturday when they admitted me to the hospital. I was not allowed to have ANYTHING, no food, drink or even ice chips.

Family and friends were asking “why they didn’t figure it out in Burlington?” I said, “because God allowed us to get home where I could have my family and church family with us.”

Here is when the “thirst” really began. They gave me a “green lollipop”, (that is what I  called it.) A green sponge on a stick that I could dip in a glass of water and then just wet my lips.  The doctor wanted to wait a couple of days to see if I could hold anything down. On Monday  they started giving me some soft foods, but I was throwing up again. My doctor said I needed to  have surgery, so they scheduled it for Tuesday. After surgery I could have some ice chips with  my “green lollipop”. By this time the ice chips were GREAT! But still barely quenching my  “thirst”

As I laid there thinking how thirsty I was I began thinking about “How much do I thirst  after God’s Word?

I remember when I first got saved and how I longed to read my Bible. I was thirsting  after His Word. How exciting it was to find help from the scriptures. It was a thirsting that

looked forward to every day. “O God, thou art my God early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth  for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is:” Ps. 63:

Do we really thirst after the scriptures? “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst  after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matt. 5:6 As we read our Bibles our cup gets filled  and we can continue on. We empty ourselves, then we go right back to our source

I remember both times before my cancer surgeries, the first thing I did was open my  Bible to try to quench the thirsting of my soul. I needed to get my cup full of His Word to get me  through my cancer journey. “…I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal  thee: …” II Kings 20:5 This was the verse the Lord gave me for my 1st cancer journey. The next  verse for my 2nd journey was “…This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that  the Son of God might be glorified thereby.:” John 11:4

Our physical thirst and spiritual thirst are totally different. But as I would take my “green  lollipop” dip it in water and rub my lips I would think of how thirsty I was for a drink of cold  water. Then to get my mind off my physical thirst, I would open my Bible to fill my cup with His  Word. I needed Him more than anything

How thirsty are you? We need to be drinking daily from His word! “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst: but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 10-12 December 2019

Dec 10

3am woke to severe cramping in lft side…had to try to move to get it to ease up.

6.30 woke to severe cramping in lft side. This is nuts. Why am I cramping so bad again?

7.55 dinner in crockpot. I’m exhausted. Laying down for a piece. Head hurts. Whole body aches. Rt jaw aches.

10.00 went to look for keys to go to TBI mtg. Couldn’t find my car keys.

1.40p took me all day to this point to cut out letters for bulletin board. My brain hurts, headache, neck hurts, eyes hurt. Whole body aches, stinging needle pain in hand, arms, and parts of torso. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling. Ears ringing. Need to lay down a while.

4.30 wasn’t planning on sleeping that long. Had trouble waking…so groggy. Woke to answer phone from Joe. Picking up items I needed bc I was grounded. Accidentally dropped my keys in his car and couldn’t go anywhere. When I first realized it, I was upset. Looked for short while, but couldn’t find them anywhere. I guess God helped me stay out of accident. Thank you, Lord!

Whole body has stinging needle prickly pain. Hard to focus on tasks. Corn bread in oven. I depend on timer a lot now or I forget items are in oven. Easily distracted. Gotta make strawberry mix for shortcake. Yum!

6.30 resting on chair in livingroom…so tired.

10.30 deep muscle and bone pain thru body. Hands swollen and throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Low back throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Toes tingling. Rt ear & jaw throbbing. Skin itchy. Sinuses congested. Coughing little. Legs achy and tingly. Pins and needles sensation in legs & feet. Head hurts. Very tired.

Night rx taken including muscle relaxer and pain rx. Maybe I’ll get some sleep tonight.

Not one of my better days, but wasn’t a worse day either. Struggled thru PT exercises but pushed thru. Muscles in rt side twitching.

Joe asked me what I thought about a tranquility weighted blanket. Told him I’d thought about it, but I’m not sure how I would handle the weight. Sometimes my comforter feels like a lead balloon and I feel like I’m suffocating and can’t get it out fast enough. Not sure the concept behind it plus they’re expensive on a low budget income. Maybe I’ll check it out at later date and blog about it. Right now added weight to my hurting bones hurts to think about.

Dec 11

8.00 slept decently aside from nightmares. It hurts to move. Extreme pain. Whole body throbbing pain. Slight headache.

8.30 bible app gave me present…C.H. Surgeons Morning & Evening Devotions. Cool.

10.40 this is how I know my peripheral vision is off. In making a heating pad, I’m attemping to fill the heating pad and missed the funnel dumping rice everywhere! Ugh! Lol!

2.30 finally sitting down for lunch. Brain is fogging up. Vision blurred. Body still throbbing. I’m exhausted. Managed to make 2 heating pads with matching covers. Fixed crotch in pants. Stitched two ties.

10.45p loud noises put me in anxious mode. Dezirae popped bag of ramen next to me. Jumped & screamed. Jordon slammed mircowave door causing seeds I was drying to fly everywhere. Few minutes later Jordon accidentally dropped his spoon dropping it on ceramic bowl making loud high pitched noise. It not only scared me but also hurt my ears & brain. They’re only being kids but boy do the loud noises put me on edge and make me jumpy. Took me several hours to get nerves to start calming down. 

I hurt something aweful all over!!! Bad headache. Sharp shooting stabbing pain in rt hip! I need a calgon moment or something. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

Just discovered I forgot to take morning meds. Ugh! 

The body feels like toothache. Taking muscle relaxer and pain rx and going to bed.

*It rained off and on most of morning then got colder. It’s 45°

Dec 12

7.30 having trouble waking. Groggy. Whole body in much pain. Hurts to move.

3.00 having trouble holding things in lft hand…keep dropping items unintentionally. 68° inside. Bones & muscles ache. Able to get bills allocated for thru til next pay period. Have a little bit for Christmas. Thank you, Lord.

One of my packages have been delayed. Fedex misplaced it for several days. Called company. They assured me I’d get them next week. Expressed kindly my discontent bc now I would have to figure something else out for Christmas presents.

4.30 pain increaseth. Sharp stabbing pain in rt hip. Low back intense throbbing. Pain rx taken in order to get thru tonight. Hurts to walk.

5.00 ugh! Realized I forgot the letters for bulletin board. I forgot the bread for biscuits and chicken gravy for dinner. Wish my short term memory was better. Leraning if I allow myself to stress I’m essentially hurting myself bc my nerves tense inflicting bodily harm. We used baguette bread for the gravy. Bulletin board will go up on Saturday.

7.30 skin and face feels flushed

Extremely tired all of sudden. Feel like crashing soon.

10.00p today’s cramping episodes are my right side if I move wrong.

Can tell my brain was over stimulated today. Not making sense in my speech. Words either coming out jumbled or completely wrong. My wandering Jew plant died. I tried to say I can’t believe I killed it. When I actually said I can’t even keep the Jews alive. I’m sad. The boys chuckled at that one. I wasn’t laughing. Told them it came out wrong. The more I tried to correct it the more I fumbled. I ended up resting my head on my husband’s chest and sighed. He patted my head and said he understood what I meant. After that all was okay.

11.52 I hurt from head to toe. Rt hip intense sharp pain. Rt shoulder throbbing. If I move wrong, muscles cramp. Involuntary muscle twitching randomly thru body. Took muscle relaxer and pain rx. Sometimes I think they just make it worse in long run. Yet when I hurt this bad it takes seemingly forever to fall asleep

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 7-9 December 2019

Dec 7

8.30 very rough night…trouble falling asleep…trouble staying asleep. My whole body hurts! It feels like a storm’s coming through. Ugh!

Bible read. Scripture posted.

Worked on blog last night some, but couldn’t figure out how to retrieve timeline from Facebook on phone (usually do that part on laptop). Got thru June 2018. One month closer to getting caught up to present day. If only I could figure out parameters of schematics of tech side of the blog. It’s amazing I’ve gotten what I have. PtL!

Hiccups are annoying. Pain is at 8 right now. I’ll see if pt exercises help any. Getting moving eases pain a notch in some areas but not others. Sure could go for lavender Epsom Salt bath soak.

Sometimes I wish Joe would shut his phone off at night. It went off several times last night. Ugh!

11.40 turkey and chickens being processed today. Mixed emotions.

1.20 had to take some ginger. Getting nauceous. Headache. Whole body aches. Hurts to move. Chewing papaya enzymes too. Can’t take pain rx until stomach calms down. Ugh!

7.00 stomach still not right still feeling a wee nauceous. Indigestion burning esophagus. Took 2nd ginger capsule & 3 papaya enzymes. Face feela flushed again. Cheeks burning. Whole body hurts. Haven’t been able move much today.

9.20 indigestion burning. If I could puck (puke) I may feel better. Taking prevacid & nauceous dimenhydrinate rx

11.50 indigestion and nauceousness is easing

Looked up essential oils to help

Rubbed pain relief roller on back of neck and bottom of feet. Sniffed it few breaths as well. Hopefully I’ll feel better in morning.

Feet freezing. Random cramping thru body today. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Headache. Shoulders tight. Neck hurts. Center of chest popped couple times today just moving. Hurts horribly.

Able to order gifts for Joe & Jakob today. Will be shipped to house by 12/16. Check emails for updates.

Dec 8

7.30 snooze I hit for 15 min. Fell asleep sometime after 1am. Nightmares kept me tossing and turning. They didn’t calm until Joe moved closer to hold me.

What an encouragement to hear Joe getting a text out of the blue from fellow pastor (tw) telling him that he was praying for him.

10.00 visiting church with friends we’re staying with for weekend. Quaint & friendly, but I miss my church. Looking forward to being in our church tonight.

2.30 heading back home now. Already hurting. I enjoyed being able to discuss issues I’m challenged with post LS with friend that has some of same symptoms post her bad auto accident and be an encouragement to as well. Like the itchy skin could be a nerve damage thing. Or the trouble finding right words to express a thought.

5.30 rt hip throbbing with pain rt leg. Low back throbbing. Light headache. Face itches.

8.00 Joe treated us to McD’s for dinner so I wouldn’t have to cook. Only able to eat half my burger. Joe ate rest. Salt on fries tasted good. Odd. Haven’t had burger in long time. Yum! Ankles feel bruised.

9.00 got boost of energy when we got home. Wrapped first present for bulletin board & cut out other box shapes to wrap tomorrow. Need to have it up before next Sunday.

Started working on planning meals for week. Have few days done, but will need to get some groceries. Very low on veggies in house.

11.30p whole body.aches, low back throbbing, rt hip throbbing, feet tingling, hands ache, headache, stomach hurtz, tingling in ankles

It just dawned on me today that there’s about two weeks until Christmas. I’m no where near ready. Ugh! Not going to stress – one thing I’ve learned is that stress causes me much pain!!! Need to write out everything to do between now & Christmas and work the plan. Will definitely have to get help but what gets done gets done. I’ll try not to shed a tear for what isn’t done. Bummer I just remembered Christmas cards. Guess it might be shirt list. Prioritizing is key. I need a planning calender for next year.

Lord, please help calm my brain and give me restful sleep. Thank you for life, my friends, and family. Thank you for Your sacrifice at Calvary.

Dec 9

7.59p I’m wore out exhausted. Family watching the Christmas Great light.

It’s hurting my eyes and brain. Sharp pain shooting in rt elbow. Whole body aches. Took pain rx.

8.40 arms stinging. More tired. Feel like I’m fading.

11.22 pushed thru pt exercises. Feel like I just did rigorous workout. Whole body hurts. Cramping rt side. Rt hip throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Skin itches. I’m hot. fingers, hands, toes tingling. Rt ear hurts. Deep muscle bones ache.

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