A Gift, A Present, A Package by Krissanna Noakes

Happy Monday! Only 12 more days til Christmas! This week’s devo is “A Gift, A Present, A Package” written by Krissanna Noakes!  Please take time to read this devo that she has written for us! It will put the best perspective on wrapping Christmas presents this year!  I hope that you have an amazing week!

A Gift, A Present, A Package – Krissanna Noakes

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is wrapping the gifts. I like to pick a theme each year. One year I used rolls of white craft paper, markers, and embellishments to turn the presents into snowmen. Another year the packages were all wrapped in Disney themed papers. Other years have been color combos like blue and silver or purple and gold.

This year as I was thinking about what theme I want to use and searching Pinterest for ideas there was something that jumped out at me. There are basically three words we use interchangeably to describe what we are giving someone: gift, present, and package.

While I know these words are synonyms, I also wondered as to the definition of each and if there was much variation in definitions. That is where this devotional formed.

As Christian ladies, we know “Jesus is the reason for the season”, if you will. However, I wanted to delve deeper into the gift, the present, the package of Jesus.

The definition of gift is “something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation”. Romans 6:23 tells us “the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. Just as we don’t expect the recipient of our gift to pay us for the price we already paid, neither does God expect payment from us.

Can you imagine giving your child or grandchild a gift, holding out your hand, then saying., “Okay, honey. That’ll be $19.99!”. That seems ridiculous because they most likely couldn’t pay, but also because we give it to them out of love. Just as God gives us eternal life through His Son. He’s not holding out his hand for payment. Jesus already paid it on the cross. Ephesians 2:8 & 9″… it is the gift of God: not of works…”. Think John 3:16!

Next, is the definition of present: “a thing presented as a gift”. God’s present was wrapped in the form of a baby (Luke 2:7 & 12). His only begotten Son was immaculately conceived to live a sinless life. A life that would offer a present for everyone.

For the most part, we can’t get each person on our Christmas list the exact same present. My grandson loves monster trucks. That’s all he wants right now!

However, my daughters would be less than thrilled if I bought them monster trucks. God in his infinite wisdom gave mankind one present that is a fit for all. He didn’t have to send multiple presents that night in Bethlehem in order for everyone to have something to receive. Luke 2:10-11

Finally, we have the definition of package: “something conceived of as a compact unit having particular charcteristics”. The package of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, is the ultimate package. It is perfection.

I’m sure you ladies are like me always looking for that perfect gift for each person on your list. Yet, as my children have grown into adults and as my husband and I add years to our marriage, I find it harder and harder to buy gifts for them. They definitely don’t receive that perfect gift from me!

However, the perfect package of our Saviour is holy(Lu. 1:35), righteous(Is. 53:11), just(Zec. 8:9), guileless(1 Pet. 2:22), sinless(2 Cor. 5:21), spotless(1 Pet. 1:19), innocent(Matt. 27:4),. The list could go on and on in describing this perfect package for there is nothing lacking. This is the package I want for my loved ones!

So, this year as I’m wrapping gifts, presents, and packages I’m keeping the theme focused on Jesus. I’m keeping my heart and mind focused on Jesus for I’ve already received the perfect gift. I need nothing more.


Jesus – Horn of Salvation

Jesus – Horn of Salvation

Halleluyah Shofar Authentic, Natural, Long Curved Fancy – Shofar PNG

Luke 1:68-69 – Blessed be the Lord God of Israel;for he hath visited and redeemed his people, And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;


The phrase horn of salvation is only used three times in scripture (2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 18:2; and Luke 1:69). Both times in the Old Testament are David giving thanks to God for delivering him from his enemy.


2 Samuel 22:2-4 And he said, The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence. I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.


God is our defense and offense. Because Jesus uses His power to secure and protect His people, Jesus is the horn of salvation for us.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 30-31 December 2019

Dec 30

1.30 still wide awake. It’s like my brain got mixed up on time or something. Need to fall asleep soon.

Need to try to start my pt exercises back up gotten slack since painful tooth epidemic.

10.43 Girl’s  Dad called to check on his daughter. Asked permission for her to join my kids to go to mall.

2.00 finally figured how to get info onto tithing envelopes. Print on stickers and apply to envelopes. Kind of tacky but we can use the blank.

3.27 getting very sleepy

Arms feel heavy & tingly. Eyes heavy. Low back throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Need a nap. Feel asleephot a while and no one bothered.

6.05 received phone call that my friend has been told she can go home

Waiting for discharge. They will come by to pick up their daughter on the way home.

Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down. Lft and ankle tightening tourniquit feeling with some tingling.

9.00 cut Joe’s hair, but back throbbing something horrible. Need to rest a while.

9.52 getting very sleep. Hands losing grip causing me to drop things. Body jerking randomly. That’s a new symptom. Hmm?


Dec 31

8.00 woke from a horrible nightmare!! I don’t even want to recall it. My spirit just wants to cry. Lord, please cleanse every wicked imagination out of my subconscious and set me free from the nightmares. Psalm 139:23-24

I have bad headache.

8.40 did morning pt exercises then folded one load of clothes. I’m out of breath, tired, and my arm muscles jave fatigued. Ugh!

8.50 why is so hard to get a response from other pastor’s wives when you reach out for advice? I don’t get it. I guess I’ll reach out to others until someone has time to respond.

Head pounding. Toothaches. Short of breath. Low back tingling & achy. Rt hip aches. Lower legs & feet tingly. Body feels kind of clammy like I’m feverish

12.30 Had Jakob take me to drop of laptop. Guy will give call in couple days for prices on what needs to be done to fix it. Praying it won’t cost too much.

1.20 face is starting to feel flushed. Head hurts.

Been printing labels for tithing envelopes. Cannot for life of me figure out how to get envelopes to feed for printing…it just jams. Someone suggested something about downloading certain program but that escapes me as well. However, I’ve figured something outside box to make them usable. Not very pretty but they serve the purpose.

2.30 thought just crossed mind that rx may be causing flushing in face. Sure enough – gabapentin can cause lightheadedness, feeling faint or dizzy, and flushing.

2.50 attempted to wash a few dishes. Lower back intense throbbing, hands ache & throbbing, toes cold, feet tingling, out of breath. Sitting down for a while to rest.

5.00 center of chest really hurting, sinus issues, rt ear hurts,

Joe came home and helped (actually he did all the work I just observed) me use my new ninja air fryer. Little disappointed at first bc it had already been used & returned to store. I told him we can clean it out and use it. If it works, great. If not, we’ll return it. Turns out the wings and fries tasted great. Better yet it uses minimal oil.

Thankful for my Christmas gift. It will make my life much easier.

11.00 watched New York ball drop with Joe then went watched New Orleans drop with kids. (Couldn’t keep eyes on screen too long because the movement and bright lights are bothersome and make my eyes hurt).

I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Brain fogged from over usage today. Prayed for all those with ptsd tonight due to the fireworks. I’ve jumped a few times and we aren’t even doing them this year.

Jesus – High Priest

Jesus – High Priest

Hebrews 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.


Levitical priests had to be holy men of God, but they also had to make sure their hearts and lives were cleansed before offering sacrifices on behalf of others. .

Because Jesus is ”holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens” (Hebrews 7:26), He is the only one who could possibly approach the heavenly throne on behalf of others as He is. Jesus is rightly called the High Priest.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 28-29 December 2019

Dec 28

6.30 slept pretty good last night. Feels pretty good. Tooth hurting. Took ibuprofen.

Reading Bible came across the following verses…

Psalm 139:23-24 – Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Reminded me of song I learned when I was younger.

7.00 time to make breakfast. Discovered that I didn’t have chocolate chips so I improvised and used Reese cups. Had Jordon chop them up. Took half pill of Gabapentin bc tooth starting to hurt.

8.50 I’m getting sleepy.

10.00 Praise report: I was able to curl my hair by myself today! Mind you I had to play music to keep my nerves calm and had to rest my arms several times. It took almost an hour to curl my hair. But for the grace of God I am overcoming.

11.00 went to visit church member who is sick. He’s still struggling breathing but seemed better than I expected. Continuing to pray for him. I was able to climb his stairs without falling. PtL!

11.03 Joining others now to knock doors. Joe told me to stay in car. I’m quite wobbly on feet yet from rx.

I’m exhausted. Upper back & shoulders stinging needle pain. Arms tingly. Low back aches. Legs ache.

12.30 feel like I’m going to crash. Need to rest a bit.

1.00 going on a double date with our son and his girlfriend

10.19 going to bed. I’m exhausted and having trouble keeping my eyes open. New rx making me really dizzy & sleepy.

Rt ear aches. Tooth hurting. Eyes heavy. Hands tingly and stinging. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Low back aches.


Dec 29

7.00 overslept ugh! Good thing I’ve learned to simplify getting ready in mornings.

7.30 realized in middle of dreams last night that I forgot to update the Scripture readings in the bulletin! Maybe I can print changes onto stickers. computer is telling me its about to crash due to hard drive error. Ugh! Joe said not to use computer until we take it shop. All my pictures are on it and I don’t recall if I have them backed up somewhere.

8.30 decided to use white out at church to correct error with Bible Reading Schedule and write in corrections. Getting writer’s cramp just doing white out. Gotta push through. I want them to start year out right.

10.20 feeling weird…when I close my eyes (my eyes feel so heavy) it feels like I’m on a roller coaster going down from high spot and my body lifts off the seat a little. Not a fun feeling.

9.10 realized that in my haste to take my morning meds I accidentally took two 800mg ibuprofen. Ugh! Too late.

11.00a trouble playing music this morning. Trouble focusing and coordination. Schedule changed up messes me all up…don’t do well with that…I have trouble knowing what verse they’re singing to know when to stop or how many times I’ve played it thru. I’m all flustered and want to cry.  Joe expect me to know what point he’s on. He was on point three before I had even turned to passage. I just want to run and hide to cry people aren’t understanding.

A little girl suddenly exclaims “Uh Oh” as tears stream down my face. It makes my heart smile. It makes me think of why I do what I try to do for the Lord. To see her aunt and uncle start coming to church and see them grow in the Lord makes everything worth while.

12.00 Began to have a meltdown so during closing prayer I went to office to cry alone. Joe came after me to check on me. I told him I couldn’t do it anymore. He asked do what? I told him what happened. He told me he would take care if it. He said he understood especially since I accidentally overdosed myself I would be extra sensitive and I was due for a meltdown. Take my time. I cried for little while longer. Began praying asking God to help me. Able to dry up my tears, but I cried my mascara away.

2.30 Joe suggested I lay down for an hour and then we could go over to mission house to spruce it up for incoming missionaries.

3.30 Joe tried to wake me but I was so tired I just couldn’t wake myself. Jakob & Brianna graciously offered to help Joe and went and took care of mission house for me.

4.30 finally woke. Feeling groggy and my tooth is hurting.

4.34 received phone call from friend’s daughter asking to spend night with us. I told her sure. We’d love to have her. Wow! I feel honored that they trust us to let her spend night with us.

Once I hung up, I went to tell Joe. We talked. Joe suggested I go pick up drinks & chips for dinner at parents house. Jordon drove. I’m starting to like that he can drive. Gotta slowly brave my nerves to let him drive more.

11.59 upper shoulders and neck ache. Rt hip hurting with pain shooting to upper thigh. Wide awake. Nerves tingling randomly throughout body. Rt hip suddenly feels like its on fire and burning. Hands ache and tingly. Headache.



Jesus – Good Shepherd

Jesus – Good Shepherd

John 10:11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.


A shepherd is one who tends sheep. The duties of a shepherd can be quite cumbersome at times. He must keep a careful watch over his flock at all times. In fact, shepherds are often subjected to great peril, sometimes even sacrificing their lives for their sheep.


Similarly, Jesus was born to be our Good Shepherd, willingly sacrificing His life for ours. He came to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10; Matthew 20:28). In declaring that He is the Good Shepherd, He speaks of laying down his life for his sheep (John 10:15-18).



Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 25-27 December 2019

Dec 25

6am I’m in so much pain from my tooth! I’m determined to do my best to not let it ruin my day.

Joe got the turkey and steaks prepared. I peeled potatoes. Finished cinnamon rolls and put in oven.

12pm nothing is touching my pain. I’m in tears cuz it hurts so bad!!! I didn’t want this to happen. I’ve tried everything I can think of to no avail.

* drop of clove oil on gums

* swishing with coconut oil & oil of oregano

* swishing with peppermint mouthwash

* orajel

* warm salt water rinse – that hurt worse

* ice pack on side of face – that intensified pain

* peroxide drops in infected area

*taking ibuprofuen 800mg 3x daily plus Tylenol intermittently

*taking amoxicillin 500mg 3x daily been on it 5 days now with no relief.

5.00p applying heating pack to side of face.

5.30 trying clove oil on cotton swab – burning side of tongue & gums took out after minute

Pain is about to knock me out. I’m so tired. Rt hip throbbing.

Family has been so sweet getting house, clean, cooking, & clean up. I need to crash.


6.50 currently attempting to eat yogurt to counteract the burning sensation on my tongue and gums from the clove oil. It’s soothing the burning sensation but making tooth pain more intense. Can’t seem to lose for winning right now. I’d lay down but it hurts my head. Calling dentist in am.

9.56p finally remembered that a friend was in dentist field. Reached out. She suggested I call dentist sounds abcessed that has no place for release. Encouraged me to call dentist. May need stronger antibiotic. Dentist called. Waiting for call back.

11.23 Did my very best to have a joyful Christmas inspite of an extremely painful toothache that’s not responding to antibiotics.

Thankful for a sweet loving family who jumped in to help with the cooking and cleaning.

His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

11.20 warm sea salt water gargle. took muscle relaxer to knock me out so I can get some sleep. This toothache has trumped the constant headaches and daily nerve pain.  Tomorrow is another day. Lord, please my son’s safe as they travel tomorrow to pick up Jakob’s girlfriend to stay for a couple days.

Dec 26

8.45 rough night…up every 2 hours bc of toothache pain. Kept asking God to heal and ease pain.

9.45 Just got off phone with dentist office. Difficult conversation – had trouble explaining that I didn’t think the antibiotic was working and needed stronger one. Assistant stuck on not calling in more pain rx. I told her I wasn’t asking for more pain rx. Why should I ask for more if it’s not helping in first place. In tears. Conversations are so difficult for me to articulate most times. Dr not in until tomorrow. Want me to come in tomorrow as walk in between 8am – 10.30 or after 1.30. To recheck.

As for communication, this tbi is really getting my goat. I’ve gotta figure something out.

On positive note, this toothache has caused me to lose 5 pounds in less than a week.

10.30 brain is tired. I’m sleepy. Hands tingly. Legs ache. Rt hip hurting. Low back aches. Neck muscles tight and hard to move. Headache.

6.50p ate dinner and now my toothache is back to throbbing!! Rt ear hurts horribly. Orajel numbing tongue but not toothache.

Friend suggested using vanilla extract to numb tooth. I put dab on finger ans rubbed area around tooth. While it eased the pain a smidge, it numbed my lips and they feel weird.

10.23 vanilla effects didn’t last long. I’m very sociable when I’m in this much pain!!!  Told Joe I’d take recurrent headaches and nerve pain over toothache any day at least those I’ve learned to work through. Severe toothache halts me in my tracts. Ugh!

Lord, I need relief. Help me to get some sleep tonight. Thank you for Your sacrificial love to save a sinner such as I.

Took pain rx, antibiotic, muscle relaxer, & night meds.


11.27 in severe pain cannot get relief no matter what I try. Tongue now feels likes it’s burning. Rt ear throbbing. Keeps popping and making clicking noise when I move jaw. Rt Jaw throbbing. Tongue white coated again. I’m sure it’s from antibiotics. Feels swollen majorly. Biting down shoots sharp pain thru face.

Dec 27

6a- alarm scared me. Took me long time to fall asleep. Went to living room to lay rt ear on heating pad and finally fell asleep. Woke at 1.30 and went back to bed.

10am Joe took me to dentist at 8am. I had to go as walk in. Before we left, we asked God to help me be able to be seen within 20 minutes. God answered our prayers as we were in and out in under twenty minutes! PtL!

I mentioned to her about question I posted lightning strike support group and mentioned what was said. She agreed!! She also said that metal filling usually crack the teeth, but when I was struck the heat from the lightning caused the fillings to expand which causes tooth to crack. It was relieving that she understood and agreed with theory suggested.

I was given stronger antibiotic and pain medicine. Also, not charged for visit.

9.00 went to Sam’s to pick up food items for home. Decided to check pharmacy for prices on rx. Price was reasonable decided to have them filled there. Pharmacist said to make sure I take probiotic or eat yogurt with antibiotic.

10a ate breakfast & took rx.

10.20 starting to feel weird. Nerves in whole body tingling arms are worse tingling. Feeling drowsy, droopy, and dizzy. Toothpain easing. Feel like I need a nap.

1.00p fell asleep for about 1 hour or so. Rt ear hurts. Still droopy dizzy drowsy feeling – torpor (a state of not being active and having very little energy). At least I’m no longer in so much pain that it causes tears.

1.45 stood up to go make sandwich got extremely dizzy and almost fell. Oh, boy. Able to eat a turkey sandwhich with minimal pain. Sitting back down. Not safe right now to be up and around. May need to cut dose in half.

4.00p got word that friend fell off horse and is in ICU. We went to visit her. She’s in so much pain. It pains me to she her hurt so. We stayed a while then my husband said prayer for her.

7.00 ate soft foods for dinner. Have to take meds with food. Within half hour after taking gabapentin I felt very drowsy and dizzy. Conked out.

Scrolled thru facebook. Saw post about Ark Encounter. Made comment that one day I’d like to go with my family and mentioned about my LS. A man had audacity to judge that I had done something horrible for God to strike me with lightning. It angered me. I quickly asked God to help me respond in kindness. My answer was as follows…

Have you ever thought that maybe God allowed it so that I can reach others for Christ that wouldn’t be reached otherwise?

Look at Job. He was an upright man, one that feared God, and eschewed evil (Job 1:1). God allowed Satan to try him and he suffered pain with sore boils that covered his body (Job 2:7). Through his trial he lost everything including all his children (Job 1:17-18), yet Job stay faithful to God. His response was “…the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. (Job 1:21-22).

God is the Master and Creator of everything. It is not for us to question how He rules or complain or judge how He runs it. God’s plans do not always make sense as we endure but once on the other side we can see the purpose was for His honor and glory.

My prayer is God allows me to be used for His honor and glory. Thankfully, He has allowed me to be a witness and a help to others that I would’ve never thought possible. He has enlarged my coast more than I thought possible (1 Chronicles 4:10).

10.00 Joe had to help me to bed so dizzy.

Whole body feels tingly. Tooth hurting. Sharp pain shooting thru jaw. Rt ear aches.

Why does peppermint mouthwash burn my tongue feeling? Tongue still half white with blister looking splotches.


Interesting article – I’m sure my case is quite unique to figure out.

11.00 can feel myself crashing. Good night for now.

Just checked Fb post I commented on. Man with not so kind judgment has since deleted his comment. Hmm. Thank you, Lord, for helping me to return grievous word with kindness.

Lord, please be with that man and help him to be kind to others as You have been kind to us.

♫I love You, Lord, I love You, Lord, Because of Calvary; I love You, Lord, I love You, Lord, You’re everything to me.♫

Jesus – Firstborn

Jesus – Firstborn

Colossians 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:


Christ was born in the image of God – a vision of the Father in human form. Begotten is defined as ‘brought into existence by or as if by a parent’. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. 


Before all creation or any creature was made, Jesus existed. All things were made by Him (John 1:3) – absolutely everything.


The emphasis in this passage is on the preeminence of Christ. He should have first place in our hearts and lives. We need to let go of everything that hinders us from glorifying Christ.

Lighting Strikes – Journal Entries 22-24 December 2019

Dec 22

7.00 woke in horrible pain all over. It’s been raining all night.

Lightning buddy posted following…


This (nerve damage) would explain some of my lack of appetite, stomach pain, constipation, acid reflux/gerd issues since the lightning strike.

7.30 God laid dear friend on my heart this morning. Not sure what’s going on but I stopped to pray for him, his wife, and family. I miss them.

8.00 extreme pain in rt ear & jaw causing tears and agony. Taking morning rx and pain rx. Swished peppermint mouthwash to ease pain.

8.15 text friend to let him know I prayed for him this morning. Enjoyed our short chat.

11.30 I have such a headache. Difficulty playing hymns this morning. Hand eye coordination off. Vision slight blurry.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. 


Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.

1.00 only at one plate and I feel stuffed. Exhausted! Pain Rx wearing off. Need to go rest a while.

1.44 almost asleep woke myself choking

2.20 left side of brain deals with logical, rational, and analytical thinking while right side of brain deals with intuition, creativity, and imagination. Sounds to me as if most of the world has some type of brain injury bc their thinking is not logical, rational, or analytical and they lack intuition, creativity, and imagination.

Makes me wonder how can one discover what part of the brain was damaged? If I could learn which part of my brain was damaged, maybe I can then learn how to holistically heal and or train my brain to overcome. I also believe that music is an important element in learning.

7.28 intense shooting pain in rt ear & jaw.


8.00 having trouble keeping up with everything. I barely keep up with all the activities let alone things in the house. Don’t have enough bread for toasted cheese sandwiches. Decided to make tortilla pizzas for dinner.

9.00Swishing with 1 tablespoon colloidal silver to see if it’ll help ease the pain.


9.30 Pain intensified!!! Decided to try peppermint mouth swish. Pain eases some. Now using heating pad.

10.10 pain easing a bit. Exhausted.

11.22 my nose is freezing.


Dec 23

10.00 extreme pain!!!! I can’t even drink without it hurting. Called dentist. Instructed to take tylenol in between the ibuprofuen & continue the antibiotic.

1.35 trying to eat yogurt. Rt hand is shaking bad. Pain in jaw & tooth has eased from 10 to 8, but tiniest things increase pain.

Asked question in lightning support group about others having dental issues post LS. Several people have had dental issues post injury. Was informed that “…your metal fillings heated up and cracked teeth vertically. And a lot of us have TMJ issues too!

A lot of dentist do not catch the vertical cracks because they are rare. But when we are struck the fillings heat up and crack the teeth or you bite down to hard when thrown and break or chip teeth.”

I never thought there could be a correlation, but it would make sense.

Lord, please help heal my infection. I don’t want to be miserable for Christmas. I want to enjoy it and it be enjoyable for my family.

4.30 managed to go to produce mkt, bank, and grocery store. Gone too much…rt hip sagging and I’m limping bad. Headache. Exhausted.

5.20 rt ear & jaw intense throbbing. Feel like im

9.30 tried to go to bed as soon as I laid down intense sharp pain in rt ear and jaw. Couldn’t handle pain. Got up and swished with colloidal silver. Then laid ear on heating pad til pain eased.

10.30 pain still intense but not like hour ago. Lord, please help antibiotic start working. This pain is kicking me down.


Swishing with oregano & coconut oil. Pain takes a lot out of you.


11.26 oil pulling seemed to have helped ease the pain slightly. Hoping I can go to bed without too much pain. No pt exercises tonight.

11.58 rt ear throbbing. Exhausted. Neck hurts. Shoulders ache. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down rt leg. Hands & arms tingling. Low back achez. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling.


Dec 24

5.00 rough night. Bonked in nose accidentally but it hurt so causing toothache to hurt. Took Aleve.

8.20 thought I hit snooze but guess I turned it off. Ugh! Gotta get going. Whole body aches. Tooth don’t hurt as bad at present. So tired.

Luke 2:20 “And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.”

Low back throbbing. Feet aching and tingly. Hands tingly. Neck sore and tight.

5.00 on way to church. Jordon driving. My nerves aren’t handling it too well…very jumpy but trying not to be. Rt hip throbbing. Actually able to eat dinner tonight though difficult to chew at times. Center of chest aches. Hands ache. Sleepy.


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