Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 14-15 Jan 2020

Jan 14

5.30 rough night. Trouble getting comfortable. Whole body hurts. Body temperature kept fluctuating off and on all night. Sinuses congested. Extremities tingling stinging off and on. Bad dreams.

5.50 decided to read Bible since I’m having trouble getting back to sleep. Hands keep cramping causing me to lose grip.

6.14 rubbing pain blend into hands

7.00 took cat nap. Maybe if I get up and moving I’ll feel better.

8.30 feeling nauceous…that’s not good. Oh, I need to take my bp rx & vitamins.

10.00 talked with Gerald (Dezirae had to remind me his name). Started drizzling this morning. I asked God to stop the rain for about an hour. About 5 minutes later, the sun started peeking through the clouds and the drizzle stopped. I thanked God. Sooner after a deaf man, Gerald, (Dezirae had to remind me his name) proclaimed, “God is good!” To which I replied, “all the time”. He smiled big and shook head yes.

10.45 not feeling any better. Going to go lay down a bit. Jordon brought me sprite to sip. He’s so sweet.

2.00p decided to look up what will ease nauceousness naturally. Trying ginger capsule.

7.00p tried eating dinner. Chicken too greasy. Taking another ginger capsule.

9.15p I’m exhausted. Going to bed.

Skin itches all over. Not sure why. Rubbed pain essential blend on itchest parts. Took Benadryl to cover rest of it. Sudden sharp pain in lft big toe shooting up foot to ankle…made me jerk. Rt hip & lower back throbbing. Tummy aches. Dry rot (not right word?) Oh socket not hurt today unless crackers got stuck. Whew! I almost itched my lft eye with oils on my hands that was close! Eye itches.

Hope to fall asleep soon. Both ears itch. Palms itch.

Praise! Bro Jerry came home today. Kids got lesson on handwashing their own clothes today. Hope our washer can get fixed soon. Lord, You know the need before it happened.

10.17 legs from waist down throbbing & tingling.

11.00p that moment when you’re feeling lousy and as you get ready for bed you realize that you haven’t taken any of your meds or vitamins all day!

Exhausted. Wore out. Whole body aches. Hands swollen and achy. Sensitive to bright lights & loud sounds. Lft lower leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Low back aches. Rt hip hurts. Muscles twitching in lft foot. Headache. Skin itches. Sense of smell sensitive.

Praise dry socket hurting less today. Swishing with peppermint mouthwash is helping tongue.

Jan 15

5.30 woke early. Freezing. Feel yucky. Hands swollen, throbbing, & tingly. Something prodding me to check on ACT info for Jordon. Ugh! I’m a bit behind, but at least we can rectify. Will have to add ACT prep to his studies this semester.

6.30 chose to take shower. Still little nauceous. Wore me out.

7.25 mid back throbbing. Muscles in legs twitching. Headache. Eyes watery. Calves throbbing and burning.

10.20 guess my peripheral vision is still off. Thought I had enough room to get past Mrs. Dawn in class. Scratched my back lft shoulder on metal piece of whiteboard…scratched it ugly. It took all my energy to not cry it hurt so bad! Managed to keep it together after breathing quick prayer under breath asking God to help.

11.00 next hour I found a vacant room to hide in and used that time to rest a bit.

11.50 recvd call from young lady wanting to chat little bit. It was nice.

12.30 made it home. Had Dezirae check my cut. Whew! It’s probably 3-4″ long. Looks like it may have bled slightly.

2.00 took trip to church to finish bulletin board & take food for some of our church people. Rae & I put notes in their seats to surprize them & put their names on their item in the fridge.

4.00 recvd call from Joe that he has to work til 10pm due to coworker being ill. Asked if he needed food. He said yes & sinus headache rx. I sure wasn’t thinking when I asked.

4.25 recvd call from friend to let me know her husband in hospital & she’s still having difficulty recovering from her surgery. Need prayers.

5.00 Repurposed dinner from last night by adding taco meat and more cheese. Rae & I took him dinner. Back home by 6pm. I’m exhausted hurting and need to rest.

7.21 Jakob called to chat. Checking on me since I wasn’t feeling well yday.

9.30 heading to bed. I’m hurting all over, exhausted, and have long day tomorrow. Realized refilling my pill container reminder box that I haven’t taken any pain meds in two days – not because I’m not hurting but bx I forgot to.

10.30 took benadryl. I literally am throbbing from head to toe.


Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 12 -13 Jan 2020

Jan 12

6.45 oh the pain!!! It feels like the lightning finally wants to come out of my body thru my left hand but won’t. It hurts so bad it’s disturbing my sleep.

7.14 fingers in both hands tingling painfully something fierce. Hands stinging. Neck near shoulders throbbing. Back aches.

7.30 sadly the white patches and sores on my tongue are returning. It’s apparent I must swish with peppermint mouthwash 3xs daily.

8.00 Joe suggested that I rub pain rub on hands. Did so & used my fav lotion on top of it. Hands ease pain some but not gone.

8.30 put breakfast casserole in oven to heat up. Trying to get things ready for church this morning.

8.45 remembered I forgot to pick offertories for today. Sitting at piano trying to figure it out. Asking Lord to guide me.

9.00 I’m smelling food? oh, no! I forgot about the breakfast casserole!!! Off I go to check it out. Wheh! I didn’t burn it too bad.

11.00 had trouble with coordination and reading notes to play piano. Trying to play intro to song couldn’t for life of me hit right notes…sounded aweful in my ears!!! Ended up going to begining of chorus to play mostly from memory. Hands hurts so so much!

Lord, please send us an accomplished pianist. Oh, I loved listening to the Swhinshaupt guys playing piano.

12.00 had to reapply pain rub to hands. Joe reminded me that I told him my hands hurt so bad that it feels like they’re being stabbed with knife multiple times.

1.30 got really sleepy suddenly.

2.00 I’ll go take nap in nursery for about an hour. Setting alarm for 3pm.

3pm came and went. Slept til 4pm.

4.30 Main goal today: bulletin board. Dezirae helped me with putting wrapping paper up as background. Joe saw we were having trouble and came to our rescue.

4.45 now to search out the lettering. Ugh! Don’t have enough letters of color I wanted. Now for backup plan (didn’t have one til now. Shh! I won’t tell if you don’t)

5.15 Mom comes to help me with finding rest of letters. Then she helps me put letters up on bulletin board. Thankfully, most are peel and stick bc it’s not going as I had imagined. Ugh! Running out of time before church starts. Will need to just get letters up and readjust later. Well, 90% of board is up. Still need to get/make the snowflakes. Arms are hurting now anyways. Need a break.

5.55 hands stabbing pain increasing again. Reapplying my pail roller blend. It seems to be helping.

6.00 I can’t understand why I can play hymns I’ve played for years. Times I have trouble with coordination between looking at notes, processing, seeing notes, and playing on piano. It’s almost like I have blinders between eyes and hands.

Suddenly got very dizzy & brain clouding it was very difficult to play last 3 hymns. Had to sit few minutes with eyes closed to calm dizziness before getting up to go to seat

6.30 suddenly feel like I’m being stabbed under rt arm pit, but nothing’s there where it’s hurting.

Thankful I can lean on the everlasting arms of Jesus

8.18 before church Mom mentioned she had been watching documentaries on essential oils. Asked her email me link.

Peppermint and orange oil diluted in carrier oil good for reducing fevers. Cool! I’ll have to research combos on that one.

Regaining control of your health: treating disease with essential oils

9.00 muscles in rt side back cramping suddenly while sitting eating dinner. Decided to eat yogurt with dinner. Maybe I need to add probiotics back to my regimine?

10.50 whitish color on tongue has diminished. We’ll see how it looks in a.m.

Upper back muscles throbbing. Middle section aching. Neck aches. Hands swollen and throbbing. Feet cold and achy. Lft leg tingly some. Lft knee hurts. Rt knee outer side itches. Congested some. Sniffles.

In spite of the pain, it’s been a good day overall. Good spirit among the church people. Good messages from the Pastor. Love the hugs from all the kids.

Jan 13 – nothing written


Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 11 Jan 2020

January 11

1.50a just finished checking her hair. Sprayed with tea tree oil as I went. Had to rest my rt arm repeatedly due to severe cramping. Had to have her move in such a way I could use my lft arm more. Had her spray down my hair too. Will have her check it later. I’m too tired and need some sleep.

Legs keep feeling like electrical surge thru them especially when I stand for more than couple minutez.  They ache something fierce.  Room is starting to spin on me.  Feeling weird.  Maybe just need to.sleep it off.

2.05 finally in bed.  Its raining outside and wind is quite strong.  Praying for God’s protection round about us with no damage to humans or property. Please send the rain to Australia to put out the fires.

6.00 hardly slept a wink arms and hands going numb and tingly but this type is oh so painful…like I’m being stabbed with knife up and down arms and hands all at same time.  When I stood to go to bathroom my legs & feet felt same way. Kept trying to change positions to see if it would ease.  As difficult as this is, I’m thankful it’s me and not my kids.

6.30 ask Joe if he was awake. he said yes.  told him what was going on.  he gave me a back massage which eased it for a short time.

7.45 think I might take a muscle relaxer so I can finally get some sleep.

9.00 looked up symptoms for migraine bc of my sharp pain, numbness and tingling in arm and legs, bloodshot eyes.

Learned that cluster headaches cause bloodshot eyes.

Think mine is a plethora of things due to impending storm.  It causes multiple pain areas thru body…headache, muscle cramping, sharp stabbing pain randomly twitching thru body, numbness and tingling in arms, hands, legs, & feet, ringing in ears…just to name a few.  Once rain/storm hits, my symptoms ease up some and then I feel very fatigued and weak.

9.30 Joe decided to go to church to work on mower.  Decided that kids & I could come us girls could work on taking down bulletin board while guys worked on trying to fix mower.

In route to church, Joe decided to head to SeaHope boat to tour it first then head to church.

What an awesome ministry!  I’m so excited for them.  God has been answering prayers in a BIG way.  They’re boat is currently dock in Bayou near our church.  It needs repairs before it is completely ready for long sails.

I did my best to tough it out climbing through the ship.  It was quite a difficult chore for me.  When I found the chance, I was sitting to rest my weary legs.  Sure do wish I could help.  I love helping others.  Got to a point though that my legs were cramping so bad that I told Joe & kids to go ahead and let me rest a while.  Had to have help climbing the ladders…that was a bit scarey for me but the men were all gentlemen helping me along the way.  Made a gal feel like royalty or something.

11.45 headed to church.  Gals worked on bulletin boards and guys worked on mower.

12.30 storm is rolling in.  I’m exhausted and hurting.  Certainly got a workout today.  I’m gonna feel it sooner and later.

Forgot about taking muscle relaxer and I’m still wide awake.

10.15 I’m definitely feeling it later.  My whole body is throbbing.  Storms rolled through this afternoon too.  I just want to cry.  It hurts to move just about every inch of my body.  It’s swollen and sore.  Feels like I was beat to death within inch of life.  I don’t know why I used that?  The last time I felt almost this bad was the days after I was struck by lightning.

Took night & pain meds. Still have headache but it’s easing. Still having some difficulty with numbness and tingling in arms & hands. Rt ear hurts. Lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Legs & thighs throbbing. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurting. Calves burning. Upper back pins and needles. Shoulders throbbing. Lft hand numb currently. Whole body tight. Ribs ache. Dry socket aches. Rt jaw aches. Toes cold.

I’m telling myself that I just need a good night’s sleep to feel better in the morning.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 9-10 Jan 2020

Jan 9

6.30 woke up with bad headache & dry socket hurting. Whole body aches. Stuffy nose. I don’t even recall if Joe came to give kiss goodbye.  Don’t recall any part of the bad dreams I had last night (that’s not a bad thing though).

2.00 missed my noon nerve pill bc I fell asleep in livingroom. I can tell bc nerves are really hurting.

2.20 went to Publix to pick up Joe’s rx. Girl helping me realized it was me and got excited asked how I was doing. Pharmacist looked up smiled at me said hello. Another tech saw me smiled and said hello. Dezirae leaned in and asked how does she know you? I chuckled and replied you didn’t know your mom was popular? Girl

10.55 scrolling thru facebook came across following:

11.30 there’s a raised mark on my neck lft side that kind of looks like a backwards C that’s been branded on my neck. It doesn’t really bother me except when I look in mirror and see it. I know it’s been there for a while, but I can’t figure out what it is.

Feeling extra dizzy and tired but can’t sleep at moment. Head hurts horribly. It feels like it’s being squeezed. Headache. Whole body aches. Nerves feel like they’re twitching running back and forth in body. I can see what I want to explain but cannot figure how to put to words. Like a live telephone wire and you can see the electricity traveling from one point to another…that’s my nerves feeling in body right now. Neck hurts. Need an adjustment but not sure whom to seek out since Dr Shouppe passed.


Jan 10

6.30 have my alarm set for 6.30 so I can take my meds. I probably should set my alarm for the other times to remind me, but I don’t know how to get it to tell me when to take what. I’ll be glad when I can go back to taking my meds just twice a day and even then I had trouble remembering to take them.

I have such a headache!!!

7.00 got word that a church member’s surgery is at 7.30! Lord, help me to get ready quickly and out the door.  Me and mornings don’t cooperate well.  Grabbing morning meds to take at hospital. My eyes are little blood shot

7.33 Joe asked nurse if member was in surgery.  Nurses about to escort him back to OR.  Given personal nurse escort to him.  Walking this fast is making my head spin.

7.40 Got to room as Dr was explaining what going on and what he might expect.  Dr prayed with them.  I was pleasantly surprised.  We were able to go in an have prayer with him too.

7.45 sat with member’s wife for a while

8.00 Joe says my eyes look more bloodshot than before.

10.22 got home from hospital. I have such a migraine. Taking migraine pill.

11.00 laying down a bit in dark room to see if I can get rid of migraine.

2.15 woke from sleep.  My whole body hurts. All my bones hurt.  Lft side of throat hurts – oops no its rt side. Need to take elderberry, c, & zinc since I was at hospital. Don’t want to get sick.

3.49 sitting in livingroom can hear water sizzling on burner in kitchen which tea is brewing. Rt ear throbbing.  I dislike having migraines. They make me feel very weak afterwards.

5.26 back to hospital. Joe cooked dinner using air fryer. We’re delivering to wife.   Storm storm go away fly to Australia and put out their fires.

Extremity bones ache something aweful. Rt hip throbbing. Head aches. Neck hurts. Lft hand numb and tingly. Lights bothersome. Close proximity to cars make me nervous. Joe preaching at me about fear. Ugh! Not helping. Told him he needs compassion.

9.30 back home. Stopped at store to pick up couple items to finish our dinner. Needed eggroll wrappers. Could only find spring roll wrappers. Dezirae’s a bit skeptical. Told her maybe the only difference is shape.

Got home and found out that was not the case! Spring roll wrappers look like see through plastic. Gross! I’m not eating plastic. Decided to read ingredients. Hmm? Not plastic. Read instructions. Have to wet them to wrap them. Wet first one. Eeww! Feels like jellyfish. Messed first one up bc I let it stick to itself accidentally. Finally got the pepperoni and cheese stick wrapped up. Now to airfry them. Not too bad, but definitely need to locate egg wrappers next time.

Rented a movie to watch as family.

10.20 sharp pains in chest. Hurts so bad its hard to move.


Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 4-6 January 2020

Jan 4

6.00 vaguely recall being scared awake just as I was falling asleep. Don’t recall saying anything but apparently I yelled at Joe waking him up and making it hard for him to fall back to sleep for a while. Don’t know time it occurred bc I chose not to look in order to try to fall back asleep.

Felt bad for waking him, but my scare was very real not certain if it was just a dream that caused it or not. Sometimes my dreams seem very real only to find out the next morning it was just a dream.

Alarm scared me awake. Had it set so I can take my meds on time.

Muscles in my midsection rt side and stomach spasming this morning. Center of chest tight and hurts. Hands ache and tingly. Rt jaw aches to ear. Feet & lower legs ache like I tried to walk a marathon (maybe someday) headache.

6.15a upper nerves in chest and neck feel jittery. Took 15 minutes of deep breathing to calm my nerves some

8.45 rt jaw throbbing. I figured 3rd day would be worse but I didn’t think it’d hurt this bad. Feels like someone punched me in jaw. Center of chest pops if I move wrong. It hurts too. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Feet freezing. I’m exhausted. Neck aches. Chilly freezing feeling traveling slowly from feet up to mid lower legs. Feels weird. Upper legs ache. Hands ache. Craving jello.

8.50 crashed on chair in livingroom. Woken at 10.45 to go to bed.

Rt jaw throbbing. Dizzy it’s hard to walk. Whole body aches. Feels like my body trying to break fever. Gone to bed.


Jan 5

11.00a muacles in rt arm cramping greatly. Getting dizzy.

11.30a muscles fluttering in lower rt leg

11.40a muscles in lft leg twitching. Headache. Neck tight trying to stretch it out. Center of back & chest cracking when I move causing pain. Sharp pain shooting thru rt ear. Rt jaw hurts/very sore. Exhausted.

11.50 got sleepy quite suddenly. 400 shekles equals $128k. How many pence in a shekle?

12.00 hands ache. Rt ear hurts. Feet ache. Legs ache to knee. Low back aches. Eyes hurt. Sleepy. Rt jaw hurts.

2.00 laying down for quick nap.

4.00 Joe opens door to nursery to let me know it was 4 and to wake up. Didn’t plan on sleeping that long. Guess I needed it. Groggy having trouble waking.

4.30 Guess if I just get one thing done today it’s better than nothing – decided to finish putting Christmas decor away.

5.00p church person shared blessings with us. He only comes in pm’s when he’s able. He goes with his mother Sunday am out of respect for her. He loved our Christmas gift & said that it meant alot to him & thanked us for loving him. He has grown so much in the Lord. It warms my heart to see how God is using us to touch lives for Him.

8.00 two hours past taking nerve pain rx and I can definitely tell it. Oh, the pain.

9.45 tried to wash load of clothes but something’s wrong with my washer. It’s aggitation sounds like metal & rocks scrapping against each other. Oh how it hurts my sensitive ears!!! The sound is worse than nails scrapping on a chalkboard!!

10.00p Joe is trying to fix it now. He asked Jordon for a magnet? A magnet? Not gonna question it right now.

10.19 rt jaw & ear throbbing!!! It hurts to chew. Hands & feet freezing. Rt jaw still slightly swollen. Low back throbbing.

10.25 washer fixed. Yay! Joe’s my hero for the hour!! Barrel was off kilter. Glad he could fix it.

11.30 bent over to pick up something while sitting on toilet rt stomach muscles cramped so intensely I had to stand and bend slightly in that direction to get it to ease up.

11.59 Trouble falling alseep.


Jan 6

12.45a may need to try my own advise…breath in…breath out…in…out…in…out… ♫when your worried and you can’t sleep just count your blessings instead of sheep and you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings.♫

School starts back up in am and I’m not mentally ready.

1.00 my rt arm is cramping something fierce today making it difficult to do things.

4.22 girls in bath & body dropped some drawers making loud noise unexpectedly. Caused me to jump & a scream escaped before I even knew what was going on. I turned to see what happened. Girls were struggling to lift the drawers & giggling. I don’t handle loud noises well. My first instinct is to duck and cover. I guess I still have ways to go on this realm. My whole body aches from tensing up * jumping.

5.00 so sleepy suddenly. Not good while driving. Need to get home. Need a nap.

6.30 feet are freezing

10.00 so so tired

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 1 -3 January 2020

January 1

10.00 Jakob short on money. I gave him my $20. He was hesitant. I told him well the Lord gives and it doesn’t say anywhere that I can’t give it away.

1.00p took homemade chicken & rice soup to a friend. Her family very appreciative. Joe shared blessing about giving money to go on date. Next thing we know her husband gave us gft ctrfct to seafood restaurant in bayou (name escapes me presently). They both said they wanted to be a blessing to us for all we had done for them. While guys were talking I started to doze off (it was my nap time).

2.00 let Jakob know God’s blessing. On our way for our date.

Restaurateur closed. Decided to go check out restaurant that friend suggested on Dauphin Island. Found Islanders. Elevator out of service. Had to carefully climb stairs. Took me about 10 to 15 minutes. Out of breath.  Legs feel jiggly.

5.30pm stopped at store on way home. Need nose piece on glasses. Optical place closed. Decided to check out Christmas stuff. 75%off. Found some goodies.

9.00 took shower. Back throbbing. Legs feel wobbly. Feet slippery. Fell in shower but able to pick myself up. Cut my lft leg & back of ankle shaving.

11.20 watching movie waiting for kids to get home. Low back throbbing. Arms burning and throbbing. Hands hurt. Legs ache. Overdone it today.   Center of chest sharp pains.


Jan 2

8.00 looked in mirror while getting ready. Checked out tongue bc it felt smoother than usual. It was surprisingly almost clear with only a slight hint of white covering on lft side.

9.00 dental apt. Bp 120/77 hr 76.  Bit nervous but I’ve been praying. Started working on me at 9.25. Gave 4 numbing shots. Waited about 15 minutes for it to take effect. Started trying to pull. Oh, Lord, it hurts so bad tears are leaking. I’m trying to be good. Dr asked if it was too much. I said, ” uh huh” (couldn’t hardly speak with the numbness and gauze in my mouth). She kindly gave me two more shots. Said sometimes when the nerves have been so tight for so long you just need a little more novacane. Gave me two more shots. Waited another 10 minutez or so. Once they left the crying escaped. Prayed again asked the Lord to help bc I have to get through this. I need to get better.

Tooth didn’t cooperate coming out. Only part came out. She had to get another tool to get other part of root out. Dr said it had been infected for quite a while. So glad that’s done.

12.30 Told Joe it might be best if I don’t try to play tonight. Dr instructions to rest & relax gor 24 jrs.

2.00 guess I crashed for while. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down to knee. Mouth still numb.

3.00 numbness starting to wear off. Not in to notating anything.

5.15p ate dinner. Took meds. Caught myself…almost took too much again.

6.00 I’m exhausted. Nerves shot. Laying down in nursery before church to rest.

Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down to knee. Low back throbbing. Mouth hurting though not as bad as I thought. Parts of mouth still numb. Toes cold & tingly.

10.20 toes burning cold tingly almost like frost bite (socks on and blanket covered). legs ache. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down rt leg to knee. Hands & arms tingling. Tired. Numbness has worn off and mouth hurts pretty bad. short of breath. Whole body aches. Neck hurts.


Jan 3

8.00 entire back feels like I was being beat up all night. I’m so sore. Head hurts. Rt jaw aches something fierce. Need to stay on top of nerve pain until jaw heals.

5.30 can tell my brain is tired…I’m starting to talk backwords. Driving home from picking up my laptop tried to tell the kids that this road wasn’t well lit enough. Instead I said,  “This light is not well roaded.” They cracked up. I realized I messed up and just laughed with them.

6.30p family sweet enough to jump in and help cook dinner for me. Deer steak Alfredo, spinach, and garlic bread. I still can’t chew hard things so I had to pass on bread bc someone toasted it too long. Dinner was delicious.

8.30 Rt jaw is throbbing. I forgot to take my meds on time. 2 hourz behind.  Ugh!

11.30 still awake. Having trouble sleeping. Rt jaw aching. Neck hurts. Shoulders tight. Rt hip aches. Hands ache. Lower legs ache like I walked too much today. Feet & toes tingle. Toes cold. Lips chapped. Low back hurts. Mixing up words like crazy. Making entire family crack up so hard. I think their sides might split.

11.35 Jakob leaves for college in morning. I wish we had enough money to go with him but things have been tight with extra medical bills since my lightning strike scare. I have mized emotions. I’m glad he’s doing what he feels God wants him to do, but sad he’s leaving again. We’ll miss him.

Musclez twitching in my back.


Plan A by Robin Ogle

Happy January 10th!

We are 10 days in! Are you still on track with all of your “goals” for 2022??? This week’s devo is “Plan A” written by Robin Ogle! God always has a plan! Please take the time to read as Robin shares her heart with us today!  

Plan A – Robin Ogle

Have you ever made a plan? Was there a time you organized an event and it didn’t happen according to your check list? Have you ever face a disappointment after anticipating something? In the middle of the day did circumstance cause you to instantly have to regroup, redirect, and rethink?


In the past I tackled these with a sigh and a “OK, let’s go to Plan B”. Sometimes I found by sunset I was looking at Plan W and wondering what I would do next. With each change I pulled up my boot straps, acknowledged this was how God wanted it, and forge ahead with a forced smile, and a deflated, frustrated, tired heart. “What’s gonna happen next? ”, became the big question.


Recently, my thinking was adjusted. MY PLAN, ideas, event, or schedule may have be altered- but I realized it was changed to line up with GOD’S PLAN A. Now when there is a snafu, my heart is joyful and excited that NOW the day is going as HE PLANNED. I can embrace the reconfigurations of my life because my great God is constantly revealing His Plan A. No longer do I drudge through Plan C,D, or E. With thankfulness, contentment and peace, I choose to dwell on Plan A.


Here are trues to meditate on in order to keep your “Plan A” spirit on track:


God meets our needs.

Philippians 4:13,19; Matthew 6:31-33


God does what’s best.

Jeremiah 29:11;Romans 8:26-34



God has control over every situation.

Psalm 103:19; Isaiah 14:27; Isaiah 46:9,10



God is trustworthy.

2 Timothy 2:13; Psalm 36:5; Numbers 23:19; Deuteronomy 31:8




Ask, Seek, Knock

Ask, Seek, Knock

Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.


Have you ever sat and pondered why we ask, seek, and knock?

Perhaps we ask for what we want, seek for what we’ve don’t have, and knock on the door that we feel we have no access to. Why? Because our faith isn’t a strong as it should be.


Interesting that God repeats these words again in verse 8. His instructions are to ask in faith (James 1:5-8) with the right purpose (James 4:3). When we do, He will open the door.


Because we are surrounded by so many distractions in this world, we need to determine to seek God.  When we earnestly pray and seek God’s face according to His will (Deuteronomy 4:29; Jeremiah 29:13), He will hear our pleas and answer our petitions (1 John 5:14).


Everyone has the desire to be known and loved.  God also desires to be known and loved by His creation and He richly blesses those who desire a personal relationship with Him.


May we sincerely have a desire for a deeper relationship with the Lord this year through fervent prayer and regular seeking the scriptures.  We will not be disappointed. ❄️☃️

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