Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 13-14 Feb 2020

Feb 13

0630 rough night…not much sleep. Headache. Whole body aches. Tired.

0720 read Isaiah 23-28

Isaiah 26:3-4 – Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,  whose mind is stayed on thee:  because he trusteth in thee.   Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength: 

0800a ugh! I finally remembered to show Joe the backwards c on my neck lft side. He asked if it itched. No. Periodically I have sharp stabbing pain in neck. Joe suggested I put iodine on it and bandaid. Thought it was stinging a little when I applied but thought nothing of it. I had allergic reaction to bandaid and c looks no different. Nice.

1230 putting dinner in crockpot. Using new recipe. Beef and potatos au gratin.

0100 lower back is throbbing almost to tears. Need to rest a while.

200 How a Sibling struck by lightning became a source of inspiration

0315 Jordon wants to stop at store on way to church. Works for me. I need a t-shirt. Making Joe’s present for Valentine’s if I don’t flub it up. Lord, I want it to be special for him.

0330 friend called to check on me to see how I was doing. She has health issues herself…actually dealing with cancer. Lord, please lay Your healing hand on her. Makes me feel loved when a friend calls to check on me. I know I need to do better but that’s partly why I try to check in on so many bc I know how it makes me feel though at times I really don’t know what to say about how I’m doing.

0400 purchased item and walked away. Got to door greeter and realized I forgot my purchase. Sweet door greeter heard me ask Rae to go retrieve it for me. She kindly asked why I’m always forgetting something. Had to blessed opportunity to share that I was struck by lightning 2 yrs ago. She replied, “Bless your soul. God has something special in store for you.” I thanked her and agreed that He certainly does.

Walking out to car told Rae that I must have made an impression on her for her to remember me but I didn’t think I forgot that much. Lol.

0430 stomach hurts not nauceous but just hurts.

0629 I’m plumb wore out.

1130 headache. Low back throbbing. Stinging needle pain in shoulders and upper back. Feet hurt with tingling sensation. Hands ache. Center of chest hurts. Wore out feeling. Prickly needle pain in legs.

Why is the phrase pins and needles? Aren’t they the same?


Feb 14

0700 whole body hurts. Tingling in upper back, hands, arms, and feet. Middle back throbbing. Headache slightly. Congested. Very tired. Hard to keep eyes open.

0715 read Romans 9 & 10

Thankful for my Father’s everlasting love.

0750 Tingling chilly semsation in center back that feels almost like frost bite kind of burning. Feet and hands hurt. Just want to sleep it off.

0830 eating breakfast. Stomach hurting something aweful.

0850 Mom, Kids & I going to church to spruce up mission house for guests abd and paint bookshelf in office.

0100 had to pace myself. Arms fatigue quickly. Back throbbs. Have to work then rest a while before continuing. Decided to start small projects back up around church with help of course to keep moving forward. I know I will hurt afterwards but the feeling of getting things accomplished is good.

0530 going on a dinner date with my hubby. I love spending time with him. I miss working with him 24/7.

My stomach is hurting. Took 2 ginger capsules before leaving.

0600 back muscles are stinging. It’s hard not to focus on it. Can’t handle pain anymore. Taking pain pill.

0645 I asked for frozen yogurt instead of chocolates. Joe made it happen on way home. He’s so sweet.

0745 need heating pad

1000 pain rx not helping. I believe the little I’ve done today was too much. Frustrating but I won’t know my limitations unless I try.

Center of chest throbbing. Short breaths. Back is stinging. Arms and hands hurt and sore. Feel bloated. Tired. Feel beat up. Hurts to move. Indigestion. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down rt leg. Headache. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling.

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