June 22
Woke around 630 couldn’t fall back to sleep. Low back throbbing. Sinus severely congested and difficulty breathing. Upper back stinging slightly. Hands swollen & throbbing. Arms achy and little tingly. Legs throbbing. Feet hurting. Headache.
Made waffles for breakfast. Burnt tip of rt ring finger on chocolate chip causing blister instantly.
900 it’s been thundering off an on most of morning.
1030 just finished making bed. Wore out and exhausted. Arms throbbing. But able to do it slowly by myself. Need to rest a bit before next task.
930p in bed early tonight. I’m wore out from day’s events. Able to fold two loads laundry half way thru arms started fatiguing and cramping. Rested a little while & finished.
Kids helped me clean & rearrange pantry. Found file cabinet at thrift store. Took most of day.
Whole body aches. Rained off and on all day. Didn’t hurt as bad as usual to start think the pain rub on bottom of feet helped. Arms & hands numb & tingling. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aching with pain shooting down leg. Lft ankle hurts. Ears itch. Nerves crawling. Lft neck to me doesn’t look like it’s getting better but Joe says it does.
June 23
700 woke to much pain thru body. Definitely overdid it yday. Sharp stabbing pain in lower lft leg starting just above ankle & shooting upward thru leg. Hands swollen & stinging throbbing. Pain pulsating thru body. Feet hurt to stand on.
930 Dezirae cleaning house today. It’s been thundering & raining on and off most of morning. I can feel it too. My body hurts horribly all over.
230 I need a nap but need to make pit stop at store to get few misc items & items for dinner. High pain days wear me out easily. Doesn’t help I’ve pms too.
245 store out of wheelchairs. Legs are burning & back is stinging. Must push to walk behind buggy. Dezirae sweet. Told me to walk as slow as I needed. Bless her heart.
330 Muscles thru body stinging & I’m exhausted.
830 hurting head to toes. Stomach cramping horribly. Headache. Going to bed early to curl up in ball with heating pad.