Sept 4
1200 hydrogen water? Does it really work? Benefits?
1100p beyond exhausted. Skin crawling. Sides cramping easily. Gluten cramping. Upper shoulders aching. Hands swollen and achy. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. If I stand too long it acts up. Lower left leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness & tingling down leg to foot. Skin hypersensitive…hair blowing on skin feels like army and crawling all over body poking me with fiery needles. Rt ear hurts. Tummy bloated. Need a break to rest.
Sept 5
900 muscles spasming in left side. Whole body hurts.
920 muscles spasming in legs
1230p almost forgot to take morning meds
430 walking down school aisle in DG. Turned head too fast. World started spinning. Had to grab cart to steady self bc I started falling. Closed eyes for brief moment to steady spinning. Told Rae need to go home and rest.
630 took walk with Rae & Mom in neighborhood. Can tell I haven’t done in while. Legs very sore. Need to do my PT exercises. Hair on neck bothersome. Feet throbbing. Rt hand and elbow throbbing. Periodic sharp needle stabbing pain in ribs. Tired. Legs very stiff.
1159p low back & rt hip throbbing aweful. Dr hip has pain down leg. Skin itches. Body aches. Chest center hurts. Let collar bone area hurts. Headache slight. Rt shoulder area throbs. Night meds taken. Applied sleepy time lotion.
Sept 6
700 very rough night. Joe trying to be nice by rubbing my back kept scaring me awake.
Body hurts from head to toes.
745 drank half cup coffee to help bm. Tummy hurt. Nerves now all jittery. Surely I will have energy crash little later.
1100 got angry at Joe for laughing at me. I was trying to figure out what was going on. Nothing going as scheduled. Irritates me to no end. (No choir. Not standing. Etc.) Makes me want to shut down and pitch a fit but I know in my brain that would only be childish. Feel like a child sometimes and don’t care what people think. Ugh.
130 Need nap pushed as far as can go. Sinuses congested. Sciatica painful shooting pain down leg. Intense cramping pain deep in rt side. Back hurting all over. Feet hurt.
630 lost my place while playing piano so I stopped playing until I could find my place and feel comfortable starting again. Joe started laughing. I got irritated and told him so. He informed me that he was laughing bc I was making a face and going cross eyed at same time. I started laughing. I guess I can’t be irritated at a funny looking cross eyed face. Lol😜