Sept 17
500 woke with headache & feet freezing. Center back sharp stabbing pain radiates thru to front of chest. Hands swollen and throbbing.
718 washer only partially working. Won’t ring out clothes have to wring by hand…so painful but don’t want to get too too behind on laundry. Have to go rest quite a while afterwards. Dryer time increases as well.
Causes hands and arms much pain. Low back severely throbbing. Headache increases. Rt hip pain increases. Took 1 Excedrine Tension Headache tab. Tylenol not helping.
935a Rae & I worked in yard for about 30 minutes then had to take break. Trouble getting burn pit lit. Think debris is still too wet.
Rt lymph node and ear feel swollen. Rt ear hurts too.
1045a went back out in yard for 2nd pass. Could only work few minutes before pain was too much. Came back in to rest.
1230 Joe came home early today. Made tuna salad for lunch.
830p currently my rt ear is throbbing like toothache and feels like it’s on fire! Ear is bright red. Lower lobe swollen twice size. Rt eye leaking. Lymph node behind is swollen and hurting especially hurts to touch. Hearing not changed. Inside ear itches and hurts.
Good at giving advice to others but cannot remember what to do for earache. Called Mom. Says the hot part concerns her.
Took Naproxen. Sprayed couple drops of peroxide in ear and let it set til it stopped bubbling then let drain. Put ice pack on outer ear hoping it’ll reduce fire and pain.
For earaches, dab one drop of lavender massage oil behind the ear and rub gently. Alternatively, place one drop of lavender oil on a cotton ball and carefully place inside the outer ear.
Called my friend, whose husband is a nurse. She know essential oils. They said to ice ear to numb ear, reduce, swelling and pain. Apply purification oil to back of ear. Also do lymph node drainage massage.
Worked in yard some with Dezirae to clean up debris in yard from Hurricane Sally. Costochondritis is flaring up and it hurts. Ugh!
915 turned wrong and got Charlie horse cramp in rt side. Hollered and couldn’t move until it eased. I tired to move but couldn’t.
918 call from mom. Couldn’t answer
921 able to call her back. Shared info she found on internet.
Lymphatic drainage – has good instructions how to do.
Could be ear infection or red ear syndrome stemming from migraine cluster headaches and spinal injuries.
945 tried to take night meds and choked on them. Almost choked them back hurt. Made throat hurt. Can feel it’s little swollen. Took about 10 min to get them down.
Sipped stress relief tea. Applied sleepy time lotion to legs and arms. Applied drop of lavender oil behind ear.
I’m tired, hurting, and exhausted. Going to try to get some sleep. Lights bright. Headache worsening. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to toes. Low back& rt hip hurts. Hands ache. Chest hurts.
Lord, I know many of my symptoms could point to corona. Please don’t let them jump gun. Calm their hearts and give wisdom to help properly.
Sept 18
430 woke from dizzy nightmare thinking I overslept. Alarm not set. Set alarm.
630a Joe told me to rest bc I’m not feeling good. Rt ear still hurts but not as bad as last night.
804 called Dr for apt. Nurse will call back.
1030 still haven’t heard from nurse. Calling. Spoke with desk nurse. Nurse tried calling but she called a wrong number. Waiting still to hear from nurse.
1038 nurse asked me to come in right away.
1100a Dr apt at 212 BP 111/70
Dr believes I have bad case of cellulitis (bacterial infection) on outer ear. Inner ear looks good. Called in strong antibiotic. Also call in different cream for ringworm on neck and lft arm. Purification & Lavendar oil are helping reduce pain and swelling for ear.
Dr did ask how I’m handling other ailments. Told her about chiropractor treating gallbladder/liver channels. She was glad to hear I’m getting help. As for everything else, learning to adapt and manage best I can. Though storm days are unbearably tough. She agreed with barometric changes and all.
Picked up van from Landry to use while Puryears on mission trip. One month.
300p checking on LM. Debris everywhere. Rae able to clean house for her today. Her phone & cable out. Able to figure out way to contact cable company to report outage. No clue about phone co.
610 pharmacy/store closed early bc of curfew in place. It didn’t register till I tried to pick up rx. Will have to wait until tomorrow.
620 came home to cook dinner. Rae helped.
1054p I’m exhausted. Sides cramping horribly today. I hurt everywhere. Head itches. Skin itches. Congestion. Legs throbbing. Low back throbbing. Lower rt side spasming. Feet tingling.
Sept 19
630a woke from nightmare to upper torso to head and arms screaming in stinging pins and needles pain, night sweats, lower body aches, toes icy tingling sensation, headache, sinuses congested.
230 just found out that missionaries need mission house and are coming in tonight! I haven’t even been there since before Hurricane.
Joe surprised me with 24 roses. Very pretty color purple pink hue.
444 Joe & Dezirae helped tremendously. Thankfully we didn’t have to deal with mold just ants in freezer and a vacuum that quit working. I’m hurting from head to toe and exhausted.
530 rested few minutes before starting dinner. Joe came and helped me finish dinner so I could work on bulletins. I still forgot to buy legal paper.
1030 Center of chest stabbing pain – like I’m being stabbed with dull rusty knife. (That’s what description came to mind, but I’ve never been stabbed by a knife let alone a rusty one. Where did that description originate?) It hurts something awful nonetheless. Did maneuver to uncatch chest. Done too much today. Amazing how attempting to sweep a couple minutes can cause so much pain.
Headache, neck throbbing, upper shoulders throbbing, skin itchy, low back aches, sides cramping today. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness & tingling. Toes tingly. Hands achy. Arms pins & needles sensation. Lethargic yet awake. St elbow sharp stabbing pain. Lights bright. Skin sensitive – piece hair feels like sharp blade crossing skin. Rt ear hurts, swelling is coming down, burns periodically. Periodic face flushing and feeling hot today.