Sept 23
600 not as sore as yday but still hurting nonetheless. Bought paint stripper to help prep front door easier on me. We’ll see how it goes.
12pm Rae helped scrap door too. Only could scrap in spurts until I hurt bad then had to rest for 30 min or so. Together we have about 75% of paint removed. Mom came over and said she’d help after lunch. I welcomed the help. She wants to help as bday present for me.
1220 Rae & I go to LM house to help her out. Needed few groceries. Rae cleaned her house. I cooked lunch. Rae worked on picking up her yard from Sally. I helped some too. Almost have front yard cleaned then will work on back yard.
430 went to bathroom dropped something on floor tried to pick it up and lft side up under chest knotted up into a Charlie horse cramp! I hollered. Rae came running asking if I was okay then started giggling because she said I sounded like I was trying to give birth. I told her I’d be okay once the cramp stopped and giggled with her bc it probably does sound funny. It just plain hurts.
Low back throbbing intensely. Legs throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling mid calf to foot with numbness and tingling to toes. Both feet throb. Tummy bloated.
600 tonight’s dinner: ham and spinach casserole with biscuits. Half way thru eating first biscuit started craving one with grape jelly. It’s weird having cravings since the gallbladder/liver channels treated. Been craving steak and garlic, butter shrimp. Joe’s going to cook that for my birthday dinner.
930 I’m exhausted. Done way more than my body likes. It’s telling me so. Eyes are heavy. Body hollering it hurts. Neck hurts. Hands and forearms swollen and throbbing.
Sept 24
545 arms fell asleep and tingling horrible for about half hour. Shook hands, neck popped, smacked hands nothing worked. Bad headache. Whole body aches. Low back throbbing. Lights bright. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Feet tingling.
630 laying down trying to get rid of headache. It’s lightly raining outside causing dripping noise outside bedroom window. Constant dripping is driving me crazy causing headache to worsen. Turned on box fan, took Excedrine and laid back down little while. Hands still numb.
730 BP 130/82 hr 64
830 decided to work on blog for little bit. Once logged in, got notification that I needed to update monster…and finish connecting analytics. Tried to follow instructions but the looked Greek and couldn’t figure out even with googling individual instruction steps. Took me an hour just to connect set up monster plugin.
I have no idea how to upgrade the php update. I so need a tutor or something. Next step PHPupdate required. Have no clue.
1030 figured out how to schedule posts. Able to schedule thru weekend one post a day. This feature pretty cool. Little at a time I’ll keep plugging away. One day my goal is to learn enough to start making money through my blog…this way Joe can go full-time as pastor and I may get medical help I need (might not need it by time I get there but I want to learn avenues to help others in future).
1245 Need to eat lunch. Not hungry. Low back throbbing intensely after attempting to iron Joe’s suit – definitely a labor of love. Legs tingly. Feet freezing. Headache. Brain foggy. Vision feels blurred.
930 decided to watch movie with Dezirae. Ever After: A Cinderella Story. Definitely a different twist on things. Liked the idea of Davinici being in movie and Danielle’s love for books inspiring.
Sept 25
1217a that movie was a long one. Rae reminded me I was turning 49. For a moment I was thinking I was 48.
My whole body deeply aches with burning sensation. Legs slightly stinging. Very tired.
730 slept longer than intended but had trouble waking. So tired. Whole body deeply aches and stiff. Hands sting and swollen. Toes and feet tingling.
1000a sat with LM for an hour then Rae & I went to work cleaning up her front yard. Took me a bit to figure out groove on using blower. Made things so much easier. Able to get 3/4 of yard cleared. Arms gave out, back severely throbbing, legs throbbing, out of breath, lft arm cramping, I actually broke a sweat
230 exhausted. Need nap.
600 Ladies Conference tonight and tomorrow. Looking forward to feeding my soul.
740p hands and arms stinging
Very encouraging messages heard from Francie Taylor & Amy Vassak. 5 Ladies from our church this year. Yay. Lord willing, we’ll have more next year. Covid had topsy turveied so many things this year. Strange but good.
1030 exhausted. Nerves stinging thru body. Headache. Hands swollen and throbbing. Both lower legs tourniquet tightening feeling more prominent on lft leg. Feet tingling. Out of breath. Eyes heavy.