Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 17-19 January 2021

Jan 17

1210p gently trying to stretch out my sciatica pain as I can endure the pain while trying not to cry . Trying to find position I can sleep in.

945 very rough night…hardly slept at all.

1140p tummy gurgling like crazy. Low back & rt hip throbbing but not as bad as yday. Coughing much. Trying to stay hydrated. Continuing to take Vitamin C 4k mg, Echinacea 2 capsules, & zinc 50 mg. Night meds taken.

Diffused thieves oil in house most of day.

Muscles throughout body sting. Stuffy nose. Mild headache. Exhausted. Weak.

Jan 18

1045 woke to both arms severely numb & tingly. Back throbbing. Headache. Still tired. Strange dream. In a strange land searching for something I know not what. Ears ringing.  Sinuses congested. Low back throbbing.

Feels like cough is in chest more. Need to up my vitamin C.

1230 Son has problem with history books not matching up. Student book is older than lesson planner. It’s frustrating both of us. Him bc I’m not making sense though it makes common sense in my head. Me bc I’m having difficulty verbalizing the easy fix and Joe has to interpret for me.

Now my brain hurts like crazy. My vision is blurring. Sinuses contesting more making me cough more which in turn make my whole body hurt worse than it already does. Need to go rest a piece so I can attempt Bible Class with the kids.

900 just finished making bed. I’m wore out, hurting, and exhausted. Rt wrist & forearm throbbing with sharp pain shooting up to rt shoulder. Entire back has burning sensation like it’s on fire!  Chin feels numb suddenly. Strange. Need to rest awhile.

1000p decided to eat pickle. Burned my tongue. Ouch. Tummy hurting now. Pickles are not my friend right now.

Muscles are twitching randomly through body. Doesn’t feel good.

Jan 19

1200a tummy hurts bad. Bloating.

1220 coughing fit ensues. Feels like I’m trying to cough up a lung. It hurts whole body. Took 2k mg vitamin C and night meds.

1000 woke from strange dreams to feeling like my cover weighed like ton of bricks making moving very difficult. Not good feeling to wake to.

Received phone call from Dr office. Confirmed I have covid too. Not allowed back in Dr’s office until I get a negative test result. Can’t get another test until 14 days from start of symptoms and am symptom free. That’s going to be fun game bc some of my symptoms I had prior to covid due to the LS. I’ll continue he to keep Vitamin C saturation high until I feel better. It seems to be helping with some of nerve pain too bc I haven’t taken much rx pain meds last couple days. We’ll see. God is in control.

650 pushed all I can today. Made Dezirae a birthday cake. Biscuits n gravy for brunch. Ordered pizza for dinner.

Cough seems worse but quiets after I take C

I’ve reached saturation but continue bc of the cough. Don’t want to get pneumonia. Hurt all over. Feet freezing up to chins. Nerves sting.

1150 cough keeping me awake. Took 2 TBS Delsym. Applied Vicks to bottom of feet & chest. Applied Nasonex 1 squirt each nostril. Took zinc 50mg, C 2k mg, & night meds. Sucking on hard candy to soothe cough until rx kicks in. Hopefully, I’ll fall asleep soon.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 15-16 January 2021

Jan 15

1228a still wide awake. Brain hurts but not slowing down. Light sensitivity. Took Excedrin migraine. Night meds taken plus extra C, Echinacea, & zinc.

The added stress on my brain from the neuro testing last week really did a number on my immune system and overall health. I knew I’d be down for days from pure exhaustion but I didn’t consider how it would affect me physically. Ended up sick like my husband. I’m praying its not Covid…feels more like a bad case of the flu.

Still waiting for results of Joe’s covid test. Quarantining stinks but then again I haven’t had much gumption this week either. It’s hard enough fighting to recover from LS let alone top it with flu like symptoms and a sick hubby. Yuck! This too shall pass.


it’s hard…extremely hard…especially when you’re in midst of it. Reminding myself…


Psalm 73:26-28

My flesh and my heart faileth:

but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. 

For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee. 

But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.


I haven’t felt much like Bible study this week either being frankly honest but I have kept up with my Bible reading & devotional app.

Read Genesis 46-50 & Psalm 119:25.


Need to work on adding next Scripture journal to blog. Have it partially finished. Maybe I’ll have energy to work on it tomorrow.


Chilling burning sensation in between shoulder in back radiating thru shoulder blades to mid back region. Cramping in let abdomen center chest area…hurts painfully.


Diffusing thieves in room to disinfect the air.


800a woke to bad headache. Muscles twitching randomly thru body. Eyes sensitive to light. Entire body stiff and achy. Sinuses congested with slight bloody nose. Taking migraine rx to ease head pain. Chilling burning sensation that starts at base of neck travels down spine to mid back.


1220p Received call that Joe tested positive for Covid. Whole family must quarantine for 14 days. Ugh! I have to go get tested now.

100 something feels weird in my eye. I take my glasses off to discover the nose piece fell off my glasses. Ugh.

1000p just spent half hour looking for my glasses repair kit (Jordon was helping me stay on target). He found $10 in one of my old wallets. Cool! Dezirae comes to see what we were doing only to remind me that I had one in my purse. Screws were too big. Ugh! Now I’m flat exhausted.

Getting bouts of nauceousness.

1120 drinking hot chammomile tea in hopes it’ll help me sleep tonight. Taking 2nd dose of C, Echinacea, & zinc. Tylenol sinus for the sinus headache & night meds.

Jan 16

1145 whew I slept a long time. Must of needed it.

Woke to feeling like my arms and hands were about to explode. Burning stinging sensation thru body. Head hurts. Woke from strange dreams …

100 a friend dropped off a large pot of wedding meatball soup. It’s so delicious!

Low back & rt hip is throbbing like an infected toothache!!! It’s hard to move.

Chronic back pain

630 asked family if they wanted brownies. Joe told me I wasn’t cooking bc I needed to rest. Asked Jordon to make some cookies.

930 applied pain patch to lower back.

1100 patch area starting to burn some. Not sure if that’s supposed to happen or not.

1130 sat to use restroom and lower back snap crackles and popped! It hurt but I am able to move little better. Lower rt back & but area throb intensely. Why does it have to hurt so much!

I’m not taking it anymore. I’m going to bed. Maybe my body will wake in better mood and less pain tomorrow.

Ate on the soup all day and still have a lot left. It was big help as I was in no shape to cook at all today.

I hurt so bad I can’t even lay on my back in bed!! Attempting to lay on stomach.

Took pm rxs, zinc 50mg , C 2k mg, Tylenol sinus.

Lightning Strikes Memoirs 13-14 January 2021

Jan 13

500a Joe still sick. Bad dream (follow up Dr visit. Bloodwork showed some level elevated indicating oncoming heart attack. Level was 54 not under 45. Dr’s decided to admit me to hospital for observation. Didn’t want to go. Had to strap me to gurney. Once there I kept sneaking out of bed to visit other patients. Dr’s not happy.)

Whole body stiff and throbbing. Left nostril clogged making difficulty to breath.

Took Tylenol sinus, C, zinc, & Echinacea. Applied Vicks to bottom of feet and chest. Feel like I got ran over. Ugh.

630 trouble falling back to sleep. Tummy hurts.

1030p temple headache with vice grip feeling around head. Fatigued. Sensitive to lights & sounds. Tummy hurts. Watery eyes. Runny nose. Severely congestion.

Looked it up. Possible migraine. Guess I’m learning more about migraines.


Jan 14

1253 tummy hurts so bad I’m miserable. Constipation. Just drank 1/2 cup coffee hoping it will help stimulate nerves. Didn’t drink morning bkfst shake bc of congestion but I’m suffering otherwise.

Center of back freezing sensation suddenly. Head still pounding. Congestion has eased some enough I can breath some.


600a fell asleep after 1am. Still have migraine. Taking Excedrin.


1000a very rough night. Headache eased but not migraine anymore.

Made sure I drank breakfast shake (8oz almond milk, 2 oz whole milk, 2 TBS chia seeds, 1 tbs peanut butter, 1 tsp chocolate syrup, 7 ice cubes)

Chia.seeds have multiple health benefits. They are full of nitrients, antioxidants, full of fiber, high quality protein, etc.


1200p finally able to use restroom. Tummy feels little better.

800p able to work on grades a little,  wash load of clothes, and put up turkey bone broth. Wore me out for rest of day. Headache increases.


Watching movie “The Rocket” it’s about a kid who endures a tragic head injury and loses his dream to play football in high school. He then has to find a new focus in life…running.

I can resonate with the kid in movie. Not only am I still dealing with multiple issues left from the lightning strike, but also I feel as if I’m reinventing a new me. The old me died that day and I’m desperately trying to find the new me or my new focus in life all while still trying to juggle what the old me did and this me wonders how in the world did I ever balance it all?! But for the grace of God I press on.


1000p tried to sit on my rt leg but my rt thigh cramped intensely!!! Had to adjust position quickly.


1130 head pounding. Eyes hurt. Congested. Feel horrid. Tired. Nerves hurt. Low back throbbing. Hands ache. Sinus pressure in face is aweful.


Applied Immune Boosting EO roller on wrists, back of neck, & bottoms of feet.

EO’s included are peppermint, frankinsense, thieves, & lemon oils mixed in carrier oil.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 10-12 January 2021

Jan 10

650 overslept. Strange dream – I was reliving David & Goliath story but in modern day I was a congresswoman facing off against Pelosi. Joshua 1: 9 repeating in head.

Whole body achy & stiff. Low rt back still has intense pain like I fell and bruised it deeply. Bending over causes intense pain. Moving slowly.

Lightning Survivor asked about what has helped to ease neuropathy pain.

Following article gives list of supplements that can help…

I personally take B vitamins, magnesium (500mg or more), Calcium with D3, turmeric, etc. I’ve taken alpha lipocic acid, but didn’t notice much difference at the time. One of my doctors gave me Cognitex Basics which helped with brain function too. Need to get more.

130 exhausted from morning services. Feel like I need to crash. Low back & rt hip throbbing.

315 slept maybe half hour pain kept me awake.

830 exhausted. My head feels swimmy like it’s floats in mucus.


Jan 11

750a woke late. Slept hard once I fell asleep. Could sleep longer but need to get moving.

10a sat on floor to try to help Rae with math. After little bit tailbone felt like someone hit it with a sledge hammer. Told Joe I may be injured but at least I’m still mobile. Lol.

230p realized I didn’t have my phone. Didn’t know if I dropped it in store or left at friends house. Began to panic. Tried to call hoping it was at friends house but she didn’t answer. Wasn’t sure I had right number. Went back to her house. It was there thankfully. Sigh of relief.

I’m exhausted and wanting to go home but Joe asked me to take Rae to phone store so she could get her new phone.

Need to also pick up Joe’s rx. Dr confirmed sinus infection.

All this running around is taxing on me. I’m not feeling so good myself now. Need some rest.

1150p if only my brain would let me sleep. Runny nose. Congested. Sinus pressure. Exhausted. Headache. Rt ear hurts. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs achy. Feet freezing. Hands achy & swollen.


Jan 12

830 woke from bad dream to back arms and hands stinging horribly.

1210 been trying to study for bible study tonight. Topic isn’t hardly touched on the rabbit trail I’m attempting. Want biblical aspect. Brain hurts. Eyes feel blurred and heavy. Need to rest. Lunch break

1245 headache. Brain hurts. Feet & hands cold. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Tired. Whole body aches. It’s 66 inside. Put hoodie on to warm up. Need a nap. Took Tylenol sinus. Think I might be fighting a sinus infection too.

140 trying to decide on ice breaker for tonight. Rt hand sudden feels like it’s on fire! Shake hand but sensation still there. Low back feels like ice. Pull sweatshirt down to cover it. Sensation slowly creeping up back to middle & sides.

500 getting ready for tonight. Face is flushing. Cheeks feel like they’re on fire. Headache. Sinus congestion. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Facial pressure and pain. Exhausted. Tummy feels bloated. Feet cold but not freezing. Need to lay down for bit.

1100p ladies mtg went well. Only got thru half the lesson.

Headache. Sinus congestion and pain. Stuffy nose. Rt ear hurts. Neck hurts. Chilly sensation in base of neck travels down spine to mid back. Cramping pain in lower lft abdomen. Low back & rt hip hurt. Hands swollen and throbbing. Skin feels like it’s crawling. Eyes heavy & hurt. Legs ache like I walked a mile. Feet hurt and cold.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 07-09 January 2021

Jan 7

750 almost forgot to write. Woke around 9:00am. Feel like I got ran over. It hurts to move. Need to try to move to loosen up my joints.

Washed load of towels. Decided to work on hanging up clothes and trying to straighten closet a little. 3/4 way through I turned and stepped wrong and hurt my lower back. Ough!

Need to sit for a while so I decided to balance the checkbook. Took me three hours because I wrote couple things in twice and didn’t write in several things. Had to use excel to help.

Using heating pad on lower rt side. It hurts like the dickens to walk

945 pain is off the charts!!! It hurts to move. Heat not helping. Skin stings. Arms & hands throb & burn deeply to bones. Headache. Thirsty like I’m dehydrated. Grouchy but trying to mind my p’s and q’s. Annoying cough today. Tongue hurts. It’s cover in white again and welts.

Forgot to take morning meds. Took evening meds plus 1/4 muscle relaxer & pain rx. Have Dr apt in am to finish from Wed apt. Will stop by chiropractor’s office to see if they can fit me in.

Joe says I pulled muscle. He applied pain eo rub to help.


Jan 8

7a rough night. Every time I turned I woke in extreme pain. Severe sharp pain in tummy at 1am. Constipation. Nightmare (taking a day trip on a beautiful Isalnd.


Evaluation questionnaire had almost 200 questions. Took me about 45 minutes to complete. Had to get permission to use dictionary bc I forgot what some of words meant and questions were bit confusing.

Felt like they were trick questions to see if I was delusional, or schitzophernic.

Peculiar orders come to me at times. T

I Have a great deal of stomach trouble. T

Dirt frightens or disgusts me. F

I am often sorry bc I am so irritable and grouchy. F

Often I get confused and forget what I want to say. T

Someone has been trying to influence my mind. F

I am never happier than when I am by myself. F

I feel helpless when I have to make important decisions. T

Most married couples don’t show much affection for each other. F

If people had not had it in for me, I would be much more successful. F

I recognize several faults in myself that I will not be able to change. F–assessment


Went to chiropractor next. Did accupuncture and adjustment. Confirmed that I pulled two muscles in lower back. Suggested I might be a little dehydrated. Most likely a freak accident bc of the stress from the neuropsychological testing I endured day prior. Will be sore for few days but am already moving better.

Cracked the Dr up. I don’t recall conversation, but I replied “I’m different than the average bear.” To which both hubby & Dr chuckled.

Dr corrected me saying, “Well it’s suppose to say I’m smarter than the average bear.”

To which I replied, “Even with a brain injury I’m smarter than the average bear. Hehe”

Joe stated while laughing, “See what we have to deal with she does this all the time now.”

Dr said, “Oh.”

I told Dr that when I realize what I said wrong and it’s funny I’ll join them laughing. Lol.

Humor is good medicine.

1110a sitting on heating pad now. I’m exhausted. Headache. Hands swollen. Tummy hurts.

1130a hubby graciously fixing lunch so I can rest.

Went to bed after lunch. Slept until 3pmish. Had to get up and moving. Hurts to lay still for long.

1130 indigestion is horrific. Nothing is helping. Ginger soothes only while sucking on chew. Feels like I’d feel better if I’d puck. Don’t like the feeling one bit. Nerves making skin itchy. Whole upper body stings. Chest center hurts. Ears hurt. Low back throbbing.


Jan 9

800a when I finally fell asleep I slept pretty good except for a bad dream (in middle of accounting for a job, but suddenly forgot how to do my job. Boss yelled at me and started chasing me. As I was running away boss turned into scarey creature trying to eat me.)

Trying to figure out why some of questions were asked in exam. Found following website explaining…


830 low back feeling some better. Able to slowly move without moaning in pain.

430 chilling tingling sensation down spine.

450 having trouble opening tuna can with can opener. My hands don’t seem to cooperate. Keep dropping things.

600p slight bloody nose. Mild headache.

1140p low back throbbing intensely. Straighten lr before going to bed. Get ready for bed. Maybe standing 10 minutes and low back hurting so bad need to sit. Bloody nose increases. Headache strengths. Hands swollen & cold. Chest hurts – it popped while raising arms to put pjs on. Tired but awake. Feet freezing. Mid back has warmed a little. Tongue not as white coated. Legs ache.

Leg throbbing – stinging shooting pain from knee to

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 04-06 January 2021

Jan 4

6am woken to phone call. Not ready to get up. Whole body aches deeply, but not as bad as weekend.

700 laying back down. I’m so tired.

Read Genesis 19-21. Took cat nap.

800 ready to work on organizing recipes so I can find them quicker for meal planning. Washing comforter in new to me washer. Yay! Prepped veggies for crockpot soup.

School starts back up today. I’m not ready. Stressed over activities of new couple of weeks…dentist, cognitive test, birthday party, start gathering info for taxes, etc. Ugh!

1030 chest hurting, body sore

130 face feels flushed, chest sore, brain feels foggy, tired and need a nap.

250 at bank depositing checks. St middle back cramping. Can’t seem to wiggle right to get it to stop. Headache. Tired. They do not have enough tellers working today. Three lines open and currently 12 in lines and it grows. There were only 9 in line when I approached. I’d go inside if it were allowed. Ugh.

Face feels flushed and cheeks feel on fire. Don’t know cause.

916 going to bed early. Tired and hurting & very cold. Tummy bloated and feels like it’s going to pop. Face itches. Skin hypersensitive…hair on Joe’s arms feel like sharp needles poking mine. Rt inner ear hurts & itches. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Tops of feet freezing even with socks on all day. Toes stingy-tingly and starting to chill.  Cramping lower rt abdomen.

1020 can’t sleep. Pain keeping me awake. Decided to look up info about testing on Wednesday.

Too much info to read right now. Increases headache.


Jan 5

500 rough night. Woke at 1am with extreme pain in abdomen. Had to use restroom.

Woke again at 5am with milder pains.

645 strange sounds coming from abdomen. I just want some sleep.

Tummy upset and bit nauseous. Took ginger capsule to settle stomach.

700 chilling sensation up and down spine. Feet freezing.

1000p bad headache.. Much pain. Low back & rt hip throbbing.


Jan 6

630 rough night. Trouble falling asleep and kept waking up thinking I overslept. Detest alarm noise it irritates me to wake up to need to change it. Very tired. Whole body aches. Sinuses congested. I wonder if the zyrtec is even helping anymore. Moderate headache. Nervous about testing. Mixed emotions.

2p neuropsychological testing went longer than expected.  (appointment lasted from 8am-1pm). Dr told my husband that I look exhausted and need a break. I will have to go back Friday to finish (it’ll be another hour). I will get results at end of month. I am flat exhausted and will most likely be down rest of day.

Eyes started watering mid testing. Brain began fatiguing had trouble answering simple questions I should’ve known. Fought falling asleep on girl giving test. Periodic ears ringing.

345p Series of puzzles, drawings, matching, math problem, memory tests, defining words, spelling, repetition of numbers and words, naming object and animals. Thinking about it now tires me out. Bad headache, exhausted, rt hip throbbing.

745p just found PDF on neuropsychological testing wish I found it earlier



God is so good in providing this testing. It can be an important tool for helping understand my injury and how to better help me improve and overcome.

800 going to bed early. Been dozing off and on since we’ve been home.

Learned my husband thought I was as smart as Stephen Hawking prior to my LS. I didn’t recall who he was. Just looked him up. He was a pretty smart guy. I guess that’s a pretty huge compliment. Awh.

840 trouble falling asleep. Asked Joe for some herbal tea to help me sleep.

935 Tummy hurts horribly again. Trots again. Ugh! I forgot Chammomile tea relieves constipation.

945 exhausted. Brain hurts. Headache. Whole body aches. Rt inner ear hurts. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Lower abdomen stabbing sharp pain. Legs ache. Feet sting. Toes tingling. Hands sting & tingle.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 01-03 Jan 2021

Jan 1

100a arms and hands stinging burning. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Need some rest.

700a woke from weird dream and exhausted. Trying to escape something?

Whole body stiff and achy.

800a I get to wash clothes today. That is my goal for today.

430 info was posted on support group page today –

930 exhausted and hurting all over. Overdid it, but it was so worth working towards getting caught up on wash today. Sudden feeling of allergy attack. I’m beginning to wonder if I’m becoming lactose intolerant again. Tummy feels bloated and hurts. Took Tylenol sinus and going to bed. I have bad headache.

Dezirae & I worked little on planning her sweet 16th bday party.

Feel like I’m about to crash.


Jan 2

155a woke in severe pain!! Also feel like I broke a fever.

600a it hurts to move so much I just moan but I really want to cry

Joe gently rubs my back. It feels good.

830 body feels weird…my back feels like it has a fever, my feet are freezing, my head feels chilly, low back throbbing aweful, tailbone feels out of place and bruised.

Strange – went to use restroom and low back popped. It hurt but low back pain not as intense though it’s still throbbing maybe 8 instead of 9.



Jan 3

1215a finally going to bed. About choked on my night meds. Feel like one is stuck in throat. Ouch! Sinuses acting up all of a sudden.

130a awake to use restroom. It hurts to move. Applied pain rub to lower rt back region.

330a pain awakens me. I’m so tired.

530a must have been moaning in my sleep. Joe starts rubbing my back but even that hurts. I’m not telling him bc I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

630a alarm frightens me awake as I just fell back to sleep. I want to throw it across room. Today would be a day I’d be highly tempted to stay in bed. I will take pain pill and push on through Christ alone.

730 Joe sweet being by gathering items for lunch.

900 on way to church, Joe remembers we are having missionary today. Ugh! I didn’t remember nor prepared. Positive note we will take them out for lunch and I not have to cook. Thank you, Lord.

230p back at church I need nap feel crash in coming. Tummy hurts. It always hurts after I eat. Has to be a reason but I don’t know why.

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