Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 30-31 December 2020
Dec 30
6am woke hot n perspiry. Whole body throbbing. Low back intense throbbing. Legs ache. Feet slight pins and needles to stand at first. Arms ache. Very tired.
Started on Bible reading goal for next year. Genesis 1-3
400p driving home my right hand popped and caused extreme sharp in hand. Both hands ache something aweful. Need a nap.
800 showering still quite a chore. Arms cramping and fatiguing out. Out of breath. Have to sit and rest a while to catch breath.
930 been trying to get pics and info on year review for church last few days. Need to transfer to Joe’s laptop. My body is fighting back in pain!!
1000 headache. Neck hurts. Shoulders ache. Upper back aches. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs ache with random muscle spasms. Arms & hands throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness & tingling. Lft leg midway to toes and both feet feel like their freezing. Short of breath. Hands are beginning to sting. I’m very tired, but last longer than usual. Yay.
Periodic random sharp pains in lft abdomen. Oh, boy!
Dec 31
600 very rough night. Up every couple hours. I hurt horribly all over. Arms and hands throbbing. Body feels like storms coming.
845 Joe called to let me know appliance store finally had washer. He asked them to hold it for 30 min so I could go look at it. Only problem was I didn’t have a vehicle.
Also, we have friends coming at 9:30. I tried calling. Had to leave her a msg to push back until 10am.
Called mom for help. She happily obliged.
Washer is a Maytag w/ commercial technology. I bought. Guys at shop loaded it in van.
Joe & Jordon will have to unload after church tonight. Friends helped with cleaning livingroom and kitchen.
400p running late to pick up birthday brownie for quarterly birthday celebration. Brownie went over good. Tasted very good too. My flounder ended up being good.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 28-29 December 2020
Dec 28
800a woke to horrible pain in low back and rt hip is killing me. Drains me of energy. Trouble moving. No pain in feet. Slow moving today. Hands and arms numbish & tingly. Very thirsty.
1000a need to look for exercises to help with flexibility and tightening core muscles – I mean strengthening.
Found YouTube video about 6 exercises everyone should do
Tone & Tighten
Real fitness for real people
6 exercises you should do daily
- Chin tuck
- Neck & Upper back extension
- Doorway stretches
- Lower back extension stretch (cobra)
10 second hold, repeated 10xs, 2-3xs daily
- Tall knee hip flexor stretch
20 seconds hold, repeat 3xs, 2-3xs daily
Both sides
- Hamstring stretch
20 second hold, 3xs, 2-3 xs daily
1050 TBI coordinator wants to do in home visit tomorrow. At least right now they’re doing outside visits only bc of covid and the social distance rules.
145p burned my index finger on air fryer. Applied mustard to ease pain. Ouch!!! That hurts!!!
315p decided to go to store to get items needed for dinner tomorrow.
600 I’m feeling the exercising in my chest. It’s hurting something fierce. I hope I didn’t agitate the costochondritis. Need to sit still and rest a while.
930 decided to try hoverboard with kids holding each hand. Jordon hollard, “With your balance Mom No!” I told him I just wanted to try but with their help. I couldn’t balance too well and it only wanted to move backwards. I think I ran over his toes. Ouch! If kids weren’t holding my hand I would’ve fell on my face. Epic fail!!! Lol. At least at this moment I know I cannot ride hoverboard.
1000p finally remembered to pay phone bill. It was 6 days late. Ugh! At least there wasn’t a late fee.
1150p low back pain is extremely intense. Upper torso stings mildly. Neck hurts. Brain hurts. Headache. Tummy didn’t hurt as much today but still hurts some. Hands ache.
Dec 29
6a exhausted. Woke feeling as if I walked a marathon without preparing. Ankle to top of head hurts. Arms numbish & tingly. Low back throbbing.
830 having trouble getting moving today. However, I did finish reading my Bible for the year today.
945 exhausted and very lethargic all day. Worked on year end review in segments until brain started fogging and hurting. Sinuses congested headache. Easily agitated. Tired but not falling to sleep yet.
Titus 2:11
Unity in 2023 – Cathy Sandiford
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 25-27 December 2020
Dec 25
1130 bahaha just discovered the asparagus got left out and is already rotten. Have to back up and punt. I’m exhausted and getting grouchy.
330 finally able to lay down. Tummy hurts. Family picking up house while I lay down.
Invited two guys for Christmas dinner. Both were very appreciative for the food and fellowship.
Overall had a good day. I’m hurting something fierce and need some sleep.
Dec 26
730 rough night. Woke several times. Whole body aches deeply stinging to bones. Headache. Woke from strange dreams. Tummy hurts. Nerves sting deeply all over body. Type of pain that’s not easily ignored and makes it difficult to move. I’d rather sat in bed all day, but I know that can’t happen today.
1200p Joe took me on a date. I suppose our waitress was having a bad day bc her service was horrible. I enjoyed the company though. I love spending time with the love of my life.
Kids went out to have fun at mall. They came back with gifts for Joe & I. Fire Stick for Joe & necklace for me.
8p family went to see Christmas light at Colonnades. Gave family in middle a thank you and some homemade orange marmalade. He look surprised we brought them a gift.
Jakob proposed to his girlfriend. She said “Yes”.
1155p attempted to braid hair. Hands cramped quickly making it difficult to finish. Arms cramping and fatiguing out. Intense chore. I miss being able to braid my own hair without pain or assistance.
Dec 27
630 woke from strange dream tired (I was actively either pursing something or being pursued. Not sure which.) Whole body aches. Minimal pain in feet upon standing. Low back and upper body hurt the most. Sinuses congested. Lots of nasal drip down back of throat.
815 sudden allergy attack almost made me puck. Took Tylenol sinus and nasonex. Feel weak and exhausted.
1000a in a very sarcastic mood. Don’t know why. Lol. Enjoy seeing the kids today. Supposedly one of the kids school bus driver knows me. Name seems familiar, but I don’t know if that’s good or bad.
11a trouble focusing on music. Brain feels overtaxed and tired
1150a suddenly exhausted and sleepy
236 upper body and arms sting. Need a nap.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 22-24 December 2020
Dec 22
Tummy hurts, urine darkening, low grade fever, general feeling of unwellness. Think I may have start of uti. Indigestion.
Headache, eyes watery, sinus congestion, random numbness and tingling in arms & legs, muscles ache, nerve pain, feet chilly. Going to bed early 930
Dec 23
Crazy day. Joe got off work early so he and Dezirae could leave sooner to go pick up Jakob & Bri for Christmas at our house.
Shortly after they left I went to pick up Jordon from work and do the grocery shopping. Took about hour and half even with Jordon helping. Walked behind buggy bc no wheelchairs. My rt hip is killing me!
I’m exhausted and in much pain. Suppose to be a thunderstorm some time after midnight. Nerves sting thru body. Nerves in legs also feel like on fire! Skin itches. Headache. Neck hurts. Lights bothersome. Low back throbbing. Feet sting.
Took night meds and naproxen 500mg.
Dec 24
245a woke to strange noise. Soon learned it was thunder and lightning. Nerves jumped into fight or flight mode. Emergency notice on phone indicates we are under tornado watch until 11am. Make me feel uneasy. Got up and checked house from inside. Praying for God’s safety. “What time I am afraid I will trust in thee” begins to repeat in my head.
I’m so tired. Think I’ll try to fall back asleep. Rt hip screaming pain. Lft arm & hand numbish & tingly.
Rain eased around 8 or 9am. Whole body throbs.
Took shower and noticed some how I skinned my knee recently and don’t remember doing so?? It’s bleeding and needs a bandaid. Made it longer in shower before arms started cramping and giving out. Progress is good. Still wore out after shower. Have to rest a bit before moving on to next project.
Enjoying being home alone today. Pacing myself so I can enjoy Christmas day. Finished the Hawaiian.salad. worked on picking up house more. Made pumpkin cheesecake. Dinner in crockpot. Worked on bulletin some. Listen/ watch Christmas movies. All of that wore me out to near passing out. Laid down about 230.
Joe & gang arrived home around 3pm.
755 trouble keeping place while playing Christmas hymns. Frustrating. Face feels flushed and hot. Headache.
1157 in bed before midnight save three minutes. Haha. I’m exhausted and hurting from head to toe. Cinnamon rolls in fridge for morning. Plan on getting up around 7am to do personal devos before activities begin. I forgot to grab the manners and customs book at church for my Bathsheba study. Did remember everything else though. Back stinging. Head pounding. Hands & rt hip throbbing. Random muscle spasms in tummy. Tummy not hurting as bad. Started taking AZO cranberry & C capsules for possible UTI. Already starting to feel better.
Discovered that three of my prescription meds cause weight gain. I’m tripled wammied. Ugh
Thank you, Lord, for Your sacrificial gift.