LS Memoirs -Sept 15-18, 2021
Sept 15, 2021
530 woke to whole body stiff and immense stinging throbbing pain. Very tired. Sinuses stuffy. Headache. Mouth feels cottony.
Song: ♫There is a River♫
Daniel 1-3, John 18:19-21,
Helped Dezirae study for quiz/Test. Ate scrambled eggs and toast for bkfst. Chicken bones in crockpot to make broth. I’ll let it cool on low for at least 24 hours. Balancing checkbook took me almost two hours. Couldn’t figure out why my balances weren’t matching until I found I forgot to write in an amount. Had to use computer to help with debits/credits. Headache and tired.
Decided to work more on cleaning floor. Took me a bit to put away misplaced items. My nerves are stinging something fierce throughout body. It hurts to move. I’m beginning to lack desire to do anything more today, but I’ll rest as needed and press on slowly.
It’s raining outside due to hurricane hitting Texas. Forecast says we’ll have rain all week.
1250 feel a crash oncoming. Need to lay down a while. Alarm set.
Twas out in less than 5 minutes. Slept 1 hour
900 my legs, arms, elbows feel like their on fire while my feet are freezing
Head is pounding. Sinuses are acting up.
Intense headache. Took 1 headache pain rx otc, night supplements, and 1/2 benadryl. Nerves stinging fiercely through body. Feeling lethargic.
Choked on post nasal drip making me cough hard. I dislike coughing hard bc it makes me hurt severe all over and urgent need to use restroom. Headache intensifying. Took one more headache pain otc pull. Skin hypersensitive – hair on neck feels like million ants crawling.
Sept 16, 2021
545 took a long time to fall asleep last time. It’s very hard to ignore stinging burning pain in nerves.
Woke suddenly I know not why. Was about back to sleep and Joe scared me. He’s upset because his current job short him 10 hours and now he has to do the work to prove it. This in turn upsets me and refires my stinging burning nerves that just started calming down.
Song: ♫Rise and shine and give God the Glory♫
1 Corinthians 10:13, Daniel 4-6, Psalm 91:1,
Decided to try playing wholetones music while reading Bible this morning. Also drinking Stress Relief Tea. I need to get my nerves to calm down.
Interestingly enough the cat even calmed down enough to sit on couch content and puring. Lol.
8:40a In a panic state, can’t find the laptop nor my flashdrive. I was going to work on typing up Joe’s college class notes to submit and work on my blog, but it’s on the flashdrive. Ugh.
1030a Kitchen Floor officially cleaned and waxed. Whew! Time for a rest.
1230 worked for little bit on Jordon’s memory quilt. My back is killing me! Need to lay down a while.
230 I’m on way to pick girls up. Bottom dropped out of sky. My first reaction was panic!!! I’m trying to calm my mind and with scripture and music on phone. I know what’s right and know to trust God but my emotions are betraying me. I turn down side road bc I know they’re will be less traffic. I make it to stop sign before turning on Theodore Dawes Rd. I send Joe a text to ask for prayer and cry for just a while.
Joe calls to check on me and suggests I call my parents to ask them to pick girls up. I tell him, “No! I need to do this. I just need your prayers. I’m not going to overcome fears if I retreat every time.” As he hangs up a car approaches behind me.
Thankfully, the rain starts letting up and my muscles starts relaxing. I make it to girl’s school without incident.
Glad to make it home. I’m exhausted and spent. I have no energy to push forward.
500 laptop was left at church. What a relief.
600 at church, there’s much to be done but I’m spent and feel a crash oncoming. Need to rest awhile. Entire back stinging and throbbing greatly. Rest of body stinging and throbbing not as bad but still unable to ignore.
Alarm rings. I press snooze. Still feel weak. 645 Joe comes to check on me. I ask him to help me up. I inform him I’m in much pain and ask if I cannot play piano tonight. He agrees.
It was nice to be able to sing instead of play for a change. Music soothes my soul.
1100p my nerves won’t calm. Stinging burning throughout body. Rt hip throbbing.
Sept 17, 2021
115a in much pain that it’s keeping me awake. Rt side of chest popped now have severe sharp stabbing pain in rt side of chest thru to back. Headache. Whole body aches deeply. Just starting to get sleepy.
845 overslept. Joe woke me at 6:30a. I didn’t hear my alarm. I was supposed to get up to help Dezirae study. Didn’t fall asleep until sometime after 1:30a. I’m so tired. Whole body stiff, stinging, burning, throbbing in pain. I just want to stay in bed. Rain please go away soon.
Proverbs 4:26-27
Saw that Dezirae forgot her binder. I text to ask if she needed it. She said she did. Took it to her.
Decided to get the items I needed at grocery store while I was out. Found 2 boxes of Stress Relief Tea. Yay! Completely exhausted by time I got back home. Time for a nap.
Daniel 7-9, Ephesians 5:1, Hebrews 10:11-14
Fell asleep for almost three hours. Could sleep longer but I need to can the chicken broth. Able to can 7 pint jars. Yay.
Gals want to go to volleyball game at school tonight. I don’t really feel up to it, but I will for their sakes.
930 feet are freezing. Rt wrist and forearm are swollen and throbbing. Rt chest and shoulder throbbing. It feels like ribs might be out of place again.
1030 Joe asked about the wholetones music. He asked me to play some to fall asleep to. Both upper shoulders burning throbbing pain. Chest pain rt side more intense. Nerves stinging burning throbbing. Drank chamomile tea.