Thought I’d take a moment to share my day in hopes it’d be of some encouragement.
Hebrews 13:15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
I’ve had a very interesting day filled with opportunities to share praises about my health journey and how God has helped along the way.
On my route to my TBI support group meeting, I visited the library to inquire about computer classes for relearning and website assistance. I was able to secure appointments for later this month.
The South Alabama occupational therapy students provided assistance during the meeting. Since I haven’t been able to attend in a while, most of them were unfamiliar with me. Some even questioned if I was a client or a spectator. 😉
We played Safety Bingo (things to watch for to prevent falls), Uno No Mercy, the students did some assessments as to how we are managing in daily life and things that were struggling with, and did a restaurant etiquette simulation. God provided me with the opportunity to share my lightning strike adventure and my overcoming breast cancer!
During the simulation, I thought it was make believe and decided to play along, including asking if the sprinkles were sugar-free. Lol. Therefore, I ordered a double scoop of rainbow sorbet with sprinkles on top. To my surprise, the lady brought me an actual cup of sorbet! Chose to indulge and enjoy. Though I’ve been indulging a little too much lately and am feeling the repercussions.
On the way home, I decided to stop in at Divine Creations to get a hair cut. I explained my nervousness and that I really didn’t know what I wanted but knew I needed something done. I had an enjoyable conversation with my stylist about the goodness of God. I’m well pleased with the results. Thank you, Liz.
Upon arriving at home, I received a message that my lightning strike and breast cancer story had been posted on the Brain Injury Association of America’s website!!
God is always, only good. We may not understand why God allows hardships in our lives, but as long as we are willing to learn, He will direct our steps so that we may be able to help encourage others and bring Him honor and praise! 🙌
I also chose to share the news with my lightning strike support group (LS&ESSI) to hopefully be an encouragement to them to always keep moving forward.