Journal Entries Jan 23-24, 2018

January 23, 2018

5:39am- woke up at 4:30am with my rt hip & thigh throbbing and I have a bad headache.  Lft ear ringing for about a minute now.

10:13am- Day 9 workout

12 partial lunges, 13 heal touches, 12 donkey kicks left, 12 donkey kicks right, 13, butt bridges, 20 second plank

3:26p- Just took a showrr…now I’m feeling weak as if to pass out. Going to lay down a piece. 

8pm- ended up passing out for a couple of hours. I guess I was tired.

11:01pm- Rt hip hurts,  headache gone after applying e.o.  Hand hurt.  Rt wrist swollen.  Itchy skin causing me to jerk randomly

January 24, 2018

Lamentations 3:25-26 – The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.  It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.

One of the more popular hymns is “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” This hymn was written by Thomas Chisholm, and composed by William Runyan. Mr. Chisholm wrote the poem to account for God’s faithfulness and mercy over his lifetime.

Chisholm was born in Kentucky, but did not become a Christian until he was twenty-six. He entered ministry at thirty-six, though poor health forced him to retire after just one year. During the rest of his life, Chisholm spent many years living in New Jersey and working as a life insurance agent. Still, even with a desk job, he wrote nearly 1,200 poems throughout his life, including several published hymns.

Chisholm explained toward the end of his life, “My income has not been large at any time due to impaired health in the earlier years which has followed me on until now. Although I must not fail to record here the unfailing faithfulness of a covenant-keeping God and that He has given me many wonderful displays of His providing care, for which I am filled with astonishing gratefulness.”

Like Chisholm, our circumstances may not always be favorable, but it is in these moments that we can see God’s faithfulness at work in our lives.
When trials and struggles seem to be an every day occurance, we can reassure ourselves through Scripture that our trials are only temporary. God’s promises will not fail.

*I’d add reference from resources that I found this information, but I did not notate them nor do I remember.

2:33pm- Itchy skin. Rt hip hurts aweful…feels swollen.  Hands swollen and achy.

Co-op today from 9am-1pm.  ASL 2 did good review.  I was impressed and thankful.  ASL 1 not so good.  Had to do a lot of review.  Talked with Rachel S about ASL classes only being for older kids.  She said that we could do that.  Also discussed Plexus.  Will do once we do our taxes.

9:14pm Stomach hurts.  Low back hurts.  Rt hip throbbing.  Leg muscles are cramping.  Took muscle relaxer at 9:10am. 

9:15 Upper back muscles have pins and needles sensation.

Journal Entries Jan 20-22, 2018

January 20, 2018

Went soul winning though I had muscle hurting and bad attitude.  Dezirae’s birthday party went well. I’m exhausted and hurting

Praise the Lord!!! Pastor Joe & Jordon were able to lead 3 people to the Lord while out on soul winning today! To God be the glory!!!

January 21, 2018

10:30am – woke up in excruciating pain around 4am.  Horrible pain in center of chest like it’s caught.  Extreme pain in rt hip.  Joe adjusted back around 6am.  Took naproxen about 6:15am.

11:25am – Having trouble wearing watches.  They quite working afte wearing a little bit even with new battery.

January 22, 2018

Galatians 5:22-23 – But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Whether we are starting a new journey or facing a detour in life, we can choose to either be controlled by the Spirit or walk in the flesh. We can only succeed if we keep trying. If we slip and fall, we can ask for God’s amazing grace.

8:40am-Rough night.  Woke at 12:30am to excruciating pain in my stomach.  Had to go to the bathroom.  Had diarrhea.  Multiple trips about every 20 minutes until 3:30am

8:13p- When life seems to get you down because the struggles are real, a good movie to watch is Soul Surfer.


11:13p- I’m starting to dread writing things down.  Feel like I’m focusing too much on negatives, but these notes have helped me see how I’m progressing.

*Please note that the link I include in my post I don’t necessarily endorse, but they are things that I have researched trying to find answers to problems because the doctor’s I have seen so far don’t seem to have a clue how to help me.

Journal Entries Jan 17-19, 2018

January 17, 2018

It’s hard to believe that our baby will be a teenager this week! She has been such a blessing. I thank the Lord for all my miracle babies.

January 18, 2018

8:44p- Center of chest hurts like its caught.  Rt hip hurts.

January 19, 2018

8:41a- Had a nightmare…being attacked by snakes!!! I hate snakes.

Rt hip throbbing.  Whole body aches.  Make breakfast for Dezirae’s birthday…now I’m exhausted.  Have a lot to do today to get ready for her birthday party tomorrow.

10:51p- Wore myself out trying to get ready for her party tomorrow.  Walmart didn’t have any available electric wheelchairs so I had to push a buggy.  Dezirae was a big help, but about ½ way through I had to sit on floor to rest a while before I could go anymore.  LOL! J

House isn’t quite clean like I’d like, but it’ll have to do.  Not sure how I’m gonna make thru tomorrow, but with God’s help I’m not about to mess it up for Dezirae.  Help me, Lord.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.

Journal entries Jan 14-16, 2018

January 14, 2018

10:25a- Mental fog.  Tired.  Rt hip throbbing.  Left shoulder blade aches.  Hands & fingers tingle.  Toes are freezing.

11:29p- Yawned and it caused a painful cramp on right jaw.  Joe had to massage under my chin for it to ease a bit.  Hours later and my rt jaw and rt ear hurts.

January 15, 2018

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:19-21

6:49a- Joe woke me up at 6am!  Ugh!  Not a morning person.  Rt hip hurts.  Head and ear hurts on rt side.

9:17a- Day 6 work out – 12 bicycle crunches, 10 swimmer kicks, 10 side lying left lifts – left, 10 side lying left lifts – right, 12 flutter kicks, 20 second plank.

2:30p -That moment when you realize you forgot to add the sugar for the no bake fudge cookies! 😲

January 16, 2018

7:44p- Day 7 workout – 10 side lounges, 12 swimmer and superman, 12 clapping crunches, 10 flutter kicks, 10 bicycle crunches, 20 second plank

7:46p- Upper back has stinging needle pain.  Tired.  Center of chest hurts.

Journal Entries Jan 11-13, 2018

January 11, 2018

9:52a- Woke up with stabbing needle pain in back.  Feel very sluggish. Hands and feet swollen. Congested.

10:17a- Day 4 workout – 13 heel touch; 14 adductor stretch in standing; 13 wall push ups; 11 butt bridge; 12 claps over head; 20 second plank

11;36p- Low back is throbbing.  Numbness in hands.  Stomach hurts. Don’t feel good today.  Lethargic.

January 12, 2018

Proverbs 4:26-27 – Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.  Turn not to the right hand nor to the left:
remove thy foot from evil.

If we ground ourselves in the faith of the Word, we will do our best to live day-to-day following His examples. Some days will be better than others, but knowing Christ is our cornerstone our foundation will not crumble in the midst of failures. Instead, we will dust ourselves off, get back up and keep trying. “It will be worth it all when we see Jesus”.

10:04a- Day 5 work out – rest day.

10:53p- uncomfortable throbbing pain in rt hip.  Stabbing needle pain  in upper back.  Congested.  Grouchy.  Still not feeling good.  Center of chest hurts.

January 13, 2018

Mark 10:27 – And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

8:54a- Woke up to following: Throbbing pain in upper back.  Rt hip aches.  Hands and feet tingly as if waking up from falling asleep. 

In researching info., found   Stretches for Sciatica Pain Relief

“Here are six exercises that do just that:

  • reclining pigeon pose
  • sitting pigeon pose
  • forward pigeon pose
  • knee to opposite shoulder
  • sitting spinal stretch
  • standing hamstring stretch”

Typically a lightning strike contains one billion volts of energy!

Journal entries Jan 9-10, 2018

January 9, 2018

7:38a- Rough night…Joe woke me up around 2:30 because I was snoring differently than normal…quiet and almost rhythmic.

Around 3:30, I had a nightmare about snakes.  About the time in my dream a snake was coming at me Joe touched me and scared me awake…thought I was going to have a heart attack!  Couldn’t get back to sleep very well after that.

8:28a- Laid back down for a little bit…woke back up with left arm and left leg partially numb.

10:31a -Decided to do the copy work for the hymn studies with my kids today. It was actually difficult for me to write that large! Not bad I think, but there’s room for improvements. 😊

8:22p- Work out day 2 – 10 Standing bicycle crunches; 11 Wall push ups; 10 Clapping crunches; 10 Fire hydrant left; 10 Fire Hydrant right; 8 Claps over head; 10 second plank.

Exhausted afterwards.  Muscles are sore, but feels good to stretch muscles.  Hopefully, I can keep at it.

January 10, 2018

Luke 12:6-7 – Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Thankful that not only is His eye on the sparrow, but He also watches and cares about me! We can take comfort in knowing that no matter what we may face in this world whether it is adversity, unfairness, fear, heartbreak or failures, God is in control and His goodness and mercy will follow us.

6:06pm – Amidst the frustrations of the day…….
God has an old friend call to check in on how I’m doing. She refers me to a doctor that does holistic healing.
Just realized I forgot to eat lunch.

Thankful that the Lord’s mercies are new every morning. Lamentations 3:22-23

9:12p- Frustrating day!!! Confused easily.  Dezirae behind in Science.  Jordon needs History worksheets copied off.  Realized at 4pm that I needed to get to bank by 4:30pm.  Decided to get oil changed.  Fussed at because I forgot that Joe would need car to take coworker home around 5pm.  Got home at 5:30pm.  Realized while finishing dinner that I forgot to eat lunch.

9:19p- Stinging needle pain in back.  Brain fog & easily confused.  Tingling numbness in hands and feet.  Stuffy nose and congested,

11:06p- Work out day 3 – 10 heel touches; 10 donkey kicks left; 10 donkey kicks right; 12 clapping crunches; 10 flutter kicks; 10 bicycle crunches; 15 second plank.  Muscles ache a little,  Tired out, nut not exhausted.

Journal Entries Jan 6-8, 2018

January 6, 2018

8:33a- tried to fuss at guys for leaving lid off sugar.  Instead I said, “You guys need to remember to put the sugar back on the Crisco.” To which they just busted up laughing!

7:53p- Took 3 hour nap from noon to 3pm. Sharp tingly pain in upper back.  Minor ache in rt hip.

11:20p- Slight headache after working on bulletin for church tomorrow.  Had to take a break from it part way through.

Sharp tingly pain in upper back.  Buttock hurts.  Rt hip achey.  Feet freezing even though I’ve had socks on all day.  Hands and wrists swollen and achey.

January 8, 2018

8:00a- Rough night!  Excruciating pain especially in upper chest and back!!!  Hurt all over.  Raining all night.

But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me. Psalm 66:19-20

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Thankful for the freedom of prayer. It is not limited to a specific time or place. Prayer connects us with our Heavenly Father who wants to give us real joy even in the midst of our trials and pain.

9:00a- Started stretching exercises today…  Able to do the following: 10 squats; 5 wall push-ups; 15 side lying leg lifts – right; 15 side lying leg lifts – left; 10 butt bridges; 15 claps over head; 10 second plank.

1:26p- Janet, a friend,, asked how I was doing today. 

The Lord surely has blessed.  I’m thankful to be alive and for God’s faithfulness and mercy.

I’m probably at about 35%.  Some days I’m in excruciating pain, but other days its’ manageable.  Most doctor’s don’t know have a clue how to help except manage symptoms.  I’m determined to find natural resources to manage pain.

My biggest challenge right now is mentally – overcoming the brain damage – cognitive issues, focus & attention issues, frequent headaches, dizziness, some blurred vision, etc.

I’m clinging to the hope that God will heal me 100%, but I also know that it will take patience, perseverance, and lots of homework.

2:21p- Huge Praise! Just made our last car payment!! Woohoo!!! God is good! #feelsgoodtopayoffadebt

7:06p- I’m hurting… Both hands and wrists swollen.  Upper chest and back have sharp pain.

Journal Entries Jan 1 – 5, 2018

January 1, 2018

8:00a – woke in a sweat as if I broke another fever.  Eyes crusty and watery.  Upper back aches.  Low back hurts.  Shoulders ache.  Headache has eased up a bit.  Thankful the Lord has given me another day.

11:40p- Rt hip hurts.  Hands very swollen –couldn’t put ring on my hand.  Upper chest hurts.  Low back aches.  Thirsty.

January 2, 2018

8:00a- Sharp pains in upper back.  Hands swollen and achey.  Stuffy nose and congested.  Rt hip throbbing.  Eyes watery.

January 3, 2018

11:11a- BP 159/95 hr 85 lb200. temp 99.  Dr confirmed that I have a sinus infection.  Sinus cavities hurt.  Left ear hurts.  Headache.  Body aches.


January 4, 2018

6:10a- My head hurts.  Rt hip and lower back throbbing.

6:36pm – Dezirae & I had fun putting together a winter floral arrangement for church.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:  old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new.”   2 Corinthians 5:17

January 5, 2018

Sinuses are congested causing headache.  Rt hip hurts.  Lower back and tailbone throbbing.  Tired and want to go back to sleep.

Journal Entries Dec 30-31, 2017

December 30, 2017 · 

8:28a- Woke up to stomach pain, low back pain, upper chest tingling pain, and feeling like I just broke a sweat from fever.

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Thankful that the Lord’s thoughts toward us are always good. No matter what life may throw at us knowing that He loves and cares for us should not only help us to endure, but also give us confidence that He will be with us through it all (Philippians 1:6).

December 31, 2017

John 14:26-27 – But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

This year has been full of trials, traumas, blessings, hopes, and celebrations. I’m thankful that no matter what the new year may bring we can have peace that passes all understanding. Let’s strive to share this good news with others throughout the year ahead.

7:45p- Migraine most of day.  Low back aches. Rt hip hurts.  Hands swollen.  Feet cold.  Spot on head oozing & bleeding a little.  Sensitive to bright lights and loud noises.  Ringing in rt ear for about 30 minutes. 

Got unexpected visit from dear friend and her husband today.  What  a blessing to finally meet in person after all these years!  I cried and hugged her neck for a long time. Thank you, Lord! #Godisgoodallthetime

8:32pm- Feet are tiningly like theyre waking up from falling asleep.  Sensation is stronger in left foot.

11:14p- Received following notification on Facebook.  It was such an encouragement just when I needed one.

Kristin C. to Melissa S. – “Justin and Julia have both gotten to use ASL to talk with two separate people. Julia in Wal-Mart and Justin at work tonight. They were both so excited to be able to communicate with someone with what you have taught them. Both times they were grinning from ear to ear that they knew enough to really be able to communicate on some level. It is so incredible to watch their excitement. Thank you for being a part of teaching them something they can use for a lifetime ❤❤”

11:30p- Have major headache.  Discovered that one of my favorite websites has been changed up.  It saddens me because I am not able at present to process changes to maneuver through new blog to find what I need.  Broke down crying.  Jordon found my school flash drive.  Praise the Lord!

Journal Entries Dec 27-29, 2017

December 27, 2017  · 

12:12am- Low back hurts.  Rt hip hurts.  Went to night of lights with April & Mark.  Had to close eyes a few times because flashing lights were too much to handle, but it was fun.  Hands swollen and aching.

Hole in head still seeping fluid.  If I push on it, I get weird sensation in my head on left side.  Using frankincense oil to help.

7:27p- I attempted to take Benadryl last night for two reasons: 1. To see if that was cause of bloody nose, and 2. because I ran out of Zyrtec.  Had bloody nose again today.

8:32pm – researching information on grounding or “earthing” and it’s benefits

Earthing Science 101

Grounding techniques

December 28, 2017 · 

7:29a- I hurt all over…not normal pain, but achey all over don’t feel good pain.  Face and sinuses hurt.  Nose is swollen.

Had another bloody nose this morning.  Wasn’t able to catch it before dripping on my top.  Going to start antibiotics to see if it’ll clear sinus pain.  Need to get stuff to make clear saline rinse solution to see if that’ll help too.

Colossians 1:16-17 – For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:  And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Thankful for Jesus Christ who is the Creator of all things.

9:11p- Left ear ringing.  Sinus cavities on face hurt.  Think I might have sinus infection.  Eyes watering.  Severe congestion with trouble breathing.  Rt hip throbbing with horrible pain down outside of rt leg.

December 29, 2017 · 

8:21a- I’m in horrible pain in lower back and rt hip!  Did not sleep well.  I just want to cry. 🙁  Wish I had some orange juice.

Sneezing like crazy.  Severe congestion.  Water eyes.  Rt ear hurts.  Sinus cavities sore and tender.  Bloody nose (snot bloody when I blow nose).

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