Two Journeys: One Heart Memoirs from April 21-22, 2022
LS & BC Memoirs – February 16-17, 2022
February 16
530 I hurt so much all over. Feel like I was beaten up badly. I’m so tired and just want to cry.
Leviticus 11-13; 1 John 3:11; Acts 7: 54-60
Song: In Jesus’ name we press on
I hurt so much it hurts to move. I desperately need a day to rest, but I have a friend that needs help.
Take morning meds and vitamins plus pain Rx. Pain levels at 8. I’m not in tears but close to it. I won’t say 10 bc that means I need to go to hospital and I’m not going there unless it’s a dire need.
The Single Best Hour You Can Spend Right Now (or Ever)
Not sure what I think about this information just yet. Need to do some research. A little skeptical.
Help Rae study for exams today. Share verse and pray with her and see her off to school. Attempt to straighten living room, but it hurts to much to move. Every muscle seems to be wound extra tight. Slight movement in wrong direction causes muscle spasms.
Need to lay down for little bit.
7:54 Holosync challenge day 2:
What was your experience?
What was the rest of your day like?
How did you sleep?
How do you feel different?
How is day 2 different from day 1?
While listening today place attention on breath
Larger and stronger prefrontal cortex will help: willpower, ability to chose, focus will improve, longer term planning will improve, allows you to resist temptations, improve creativity, learn easier, memory improves, better decision making, calms lymbic system
:11 raining and almost immediate reverberation from ringing bell. Brain instantly hurts.
:34 I start to feel the reverb ripple through my body. Nerve pain intensifies. I don’t like it one bit.
1:19 muscles start to randomly twitch throughout body. Head behind to itch.
1:40 chest wall begins to ache deeply. Increased pain is agitating me.
2:20 muscles in legs being to burn
3:15 reverb from noises ripple through body and increase pain. It’s making me want to cry from the pain.
3:39 muscles in upper back begin to sting. I’m not liking this. I begin chewing on my inner lip.
5:59 I’m getting sleepy
6:50 head really hurts
12:38 feeling distracted and back of head and neck throbbing
13:45 burning chilling sensation in front part of brain. Brain feels like it’s swelling but also releasing pressure. Weird.
Right now I just want to sleep the pain away. Set alarm for 30 minutes.
Playing wholetones music while I rest.
Mind starts racing through all activities that need to be done, but with excitement. Pain in body slowly starting to ease though I’m still very stiff and hurting much.
February 17
530 too early still very tired. Stiff and hurting all over. Need more sleep.
Lights bothersome. Hands , arms, legs, And feet tingling and throbbing. Low back throbbing.
Romans 8:37; Isaiah 6:5-7
Discover it’s been raining and calling for scattered thunderstorms today. Great. I have two appointments and possibly a third to go to today. I don’t want to be out caught in them. Ugh
Stretch and yawn and lft side of neck cramps horribly for couple minutes. Have to move and readjust to get it to ease up.
Leviticus 14-15
Feet, ankles, and bottom part of tibia freezing cold
Holosync challenge day 3
Intro video notes:
Everyone’s experiences will vary.
Sometimes the listen sessions that feel uncomfortable actually create the greatest positive changes in the brain.
Instead of resisting let it be okay. See what happens and watch with curiosity
Soundtrack notes:
:15 again the reverberation sound ripples throughout my body instantly making brain hurt.
1:27 I’m envisioning myself floating on a boat in the ocean near a bouy in a rainstorm.
1:47 I’m becoming very uncomfortable and have to readjust my pillows.
2:36 my insides are hurting more
4:15 I envision myself and a friend in some kind of shop with treats goofing off. There’s an indoor waterfall in the background and bells chime when customers come and go. My friend takes a treat off the table and eats it. We giggle like teenagers.
4:50 nerves in upper back start stinging and burning.
5:00 I start to feel restless and slightly agitated
6:00 reverb from bells continues to ripple through my nerves throughout body. Pain increases
6:50 muscles begin to randomly twitch throughout body
7:15 nerves are stinging burning throughout body. I’m getting very sleepy.
9:06 skin begins to feel like it needs to be peeled to ease swelling
11:20 envision a bunch of people of all ages running around a building. I watch for a while and hesitantly decide to join them. When I do, they disappear and I’m left standing alone. A tear escapes my left eye (not in the dream, but physically).
12:20 a second tear escapes right eye. I’m in much pain physically.
14:00 I now have a headache. Ugh
953 on way home from first appointment I got distracted and missed my turn to go home. Took me a moment to realize why surroundings weren’t familiar. Lol. At least I figured it out before I got lost. 🤣
Put dinner in slow cooker – Ham & Potato Casserole.
1100 decided to work little more on tax prep. Making progress, but not as fast as I’d like. Can only do it in segments and even then it gives me headache from focusing.
1120 Jordon comes home. It scares me. I knew he was coming home soon and still I jump.
I get up to take break and walk around a little.
1250 time goes by quick. Need to eat lunch before taking Jordon to Dr. Good thing he has appointment. He had metal shelf fall on his head this morning. He has bad headache, feels little dizzy, and is sleepy. Will have Doc check him out.
I’ve got headache. Vision hurts and is blurry. Nerves lightly burning and throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling from lower tibia to foot. Feet cold. Toes tingling. Tired.
Jordon checks out okay.
930 exhausted and hurting all over. Going to bed
1040 can’t keep eyes open
Feel little better after nap. Decided I could try to go to see friend. While getting ready , the earring I saw fall down the drain appeared on the mat in my bathroom. Praise!!! I was so excited to get my earring back I text Joe the praise right away. Thank you, Lord.
Able to go to friends house to be any encouragement. Enjoyed eating brunch with her (grilled chicken bacon sandwich and sweet potato fries.
Went to church to pick up couple things, but also had enough energy to do couple things as well.
Once back home, had enough energy to make dinner though I had to ask for help. Exhausted and rested rest of evening. Went to bed at 9:30.
Exhausted, but feel good about the day. I’m still quite stiff all over and hurting a lot. Pain level about a 6/7. Took night meds/vitamins plus 1/2 benadryl and 800 mg naproxen. Head hurts but not a headache. Neck hurts. Shoulders tight and throbbing. Arms and hands tingling and throbbing. Low back throbbing. Legs stinging, burning, throbbing. Feet stinging throbbing. I’m actually hot today, but no fever. Knees throbbing. Nerves prickly through body.
Thankful for
1. Ability to keep my friend date
2. Finding my earring.
3. God provided some food
February 17
(milk, snacks, peaches, juice)
LS Journal Entries 4-6 November 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries – Sept 19-21, 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 3-4 June 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 1-2 June 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 30-31 January 2021
Jan 30
800 strange dream. Woke to both arms and hands numb and tingly. Head itches. Used let hand to itch but couldn’t feel hand itching. Felt weird. Neck hurts. Sinuses very congested. As I was sitting up collar bone and upper rt arm cracked. Ouch! Headache. Body itches. Eyes watery. It’s cold.
Haven’t done good job taking morning meds this week. Missed three days. Gotta try to do better.
Morning meds:
Edarbyclor 1/2 pill, propranolol 20mg 1 tab, Dexliant 30mg 1 capsule, Echinacea 400mg 1 capsule, B12 500mg 2 tabs, B6 100mg 1 tab, Vitamin C 1000mg 2 tabs.
100 church errand to find greenery for platform & a trophy. Found greenery at Hobby Lobby at 50% off. Yay! No finding trophy. Ugh. Will have to improvise – think outside box.
Mom says my numbness & tingling in mornings is symptom of fibro. Curious is the LS triggered auto immunity?
330 need to pull more yard debris to road. People finally coming tomorrow to pick up debris from the hurricanes last year. Have huge pile. Neighbor, Mom, & Dezirae helped.
500 freezing sensation in center of back. Had Joe check if it was discolored – no, but it’s icy to the touch. It’s so distracting.
1130 started load of towels too late in day. Waited to put them in dryer.
Headache. Sinuses congested. Post nasal drip. Hands & feet throbbing. Sharp pain shoot up forearms. Neck aches & stiff. Low back aches. Sides crampy. Skin itchy.
Jan 31
630 whole body sore, center of chest aches, legs ache. Feel like I was beat up. Joe sweet to rub my legs and back but it hurts so much. Nightmare – being attacked by octopus.
Took all my energy to get ready this morning. Exhausted. Headache.
Anxiety – accidentally discovered that squishing something while riding in car helps keep me calmer. Dezirae found Yoda squishy toy at thrift store to help.
1120 it’s a blessing to be in church with family. Missing several people due to sickness or surgery recovery.
I get so frustrated at myself bc I royally messed up playing piano. Forgot tune of first hymn then totally hit wrong keys. It sounded aweful in my ears. I keep playing though bc I remember my piano teacher as a child told me to just keep playing even if you mess up bc most people in the audience won’t know you did anyways.
I am so tired. Eyes are heavy. Brain hurts. Eyes & brain feel blurry. Need a nap.
300p nap time didn’t go so well. Body in much pain. Hypersensitive. Joe was trying to help by rubbing back but the weight of his hand was making me hurt more. I wanted to lash our irrationally but didn’t. Just as I was falling asleep he’d put his hand on my back to rub it. It would scare me awake. Repeated several times. I gave up trying to sleep. Ugh. So tired.
1058 body hurts worse…pain is intense. Weather is changing. Wind is at 25 mph. Rt hip and low back throbbing. Hands & wrists throbbing. Center chest burns. Legs ache. Feet throbbing plus stinging tingling. Headache. Shoulders sting. Neck aches.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 10-12 January 2021
Jan 10
650 overslept. Strange dream – I was reliving David & Goliath story but in modern day I was a congresswoman facing off against Pelosi. Joshua 1: 9 repeating in head.
Whole body achy & stiff. Low rt back still has intense pain like I fell and bruised it deeply. Bending over causes intense pain. Moving slowly.
Lightning Survivor asked about what has helped to ease neuropathy pain.
Following article gives list of supplements that can help…
I personally take B vitamins, magnesium (500mg or more), Calcium with D3, turmeric, etc. I’ve taken alpha lipocic acid, but didn’t notice much difference at the time. One of my doctors gave me Cognitex Basics which helped with brain function too. Need to get more.
130 exhausted from morning services. Feel like I need to crash. Low back & rt hip throbbing.
315 slept maybe half hour pain kept me awake.
830 exhausted. My head feels swimmy like it’s floats in mucus.
Jan 11
750a woke late. Slept hard once I fell asleep. Could sleep longer but need to get moving.
10a sat on floor to try to help Rae with math. After little bit tailbone felt like someone hit it with a sledge hammer. Told Joe I may be injured but at least I’m still mobile. Lol.
230p realized I didn’t have my phone. Didn’t know if I dropped it in store or left at friends house. Began to panic. Tried to call hoping it was at friends house but she didn’t answer. Wasn’t sure I had right number. Went back to her house. It was there thankfully. Sigh of relief.
I’m exhausted and wanting to go home but Joe asked me to take Rae to phone store so she could get her new phone.
Need to also pick up Joe’s rx. Dr confirmed sinus infection.
All this running around is taxing on me. I’m not feeling so good myself now. Need some rest.
1150p if only my brain would let me sleep. Runny nose. Congested. Sinus pressure. Exhausted. Headache. Rt ear hurts. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs achy. Feet freezing. Hands achy & swollen.
Jan 12
830 woke from bad dream to back arms and hands stinging horribly.
1210 been trying to study for bible study tonight. Topic isn’t hardly touched on the rabbit trail I’m attempting. Want biblical aspect. Brain hurts. Eyes feel blurred and heavy. Need to rest. Lunch break
1245 headache. Brain hurts. Feet & hands cold. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Tired. Whole body aches. It’s 66 inside. Put hoodie on to warm up. Need a nap. Took Tylenol sinus. Think I might be fighting a sinus infection too.
140 trying to decide on ice breaker for tonight. Rt hand sudden feels like it’s on fire! Shake hand but sensation still there. Low back feels like ice. Pull sweatshirt down to cover it. Sensation slowly creeping up back to middle & sides.
500 getting ready for tonight. Face is flushing. Cheeks feel like they’re on fire. Headache. Sinus congestion. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Facial pressure and pain. Exhausted. Tummy feels bloated. Feet cold but not freezing. Need to lay down for bit.
1100p ladies mtg went well. Only got thru half the lesson.
Headache. Sinus congestion and pain. Stuffy nose. Rt ear hurts. Neck hurts. Chilly sensation in base of neck travels down spine to mid back. Cramping pain in lower lft abdomen. Low back & rt hip hurt. Hands swollen and throbbing. Skin feels like it’s crawling. Eyes heavy & hurt. Legs ache like I walked a mile. Feet hurt and cold.