Journal entry 10.05.2017

October 5, 2017

6:30pm-  woke up several times during the night.  general aching throughout whole body, surprisingly, I don’t have a headache.  Stuffy nose.  Light cramping in calves.

10:59am – I’m exhausted (washed load of clothes, fried eggs for breakfast, shared testimony on FB homeschool group), and I didn’t do much.  Feet freezing, and I’m cold.  No fever.  Lower back throbbing.

11:27am- laying down resting, icy sensation in center of chest

1:56pm- new predicting that Hurricane Nate could possible hit us.  Had kids go in back yard to start cleaning up.  I tried to help.  Upper back throbbing like a toothache.  Icy sensation in center of chest.  Rt hip hurts a little.  Hand and arms hurt.  Exhausted.  I think I want to cry.

4:36pm- Oh things you forget when you have an injury! Ugh!

9:03pm – I’m in so much pain!!!

Possible side effects from lightning strike injuries:  peripheral neuropathy, traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, may later develop fibromyalgia.

Posted on LS&ESSI( Lightning Strike & Electrical Shock Survivors International) ht

I was researching for more natural ways to heal nerve pain – specifically regarding Diatomaceous Earth and if it would help. I came across the following two articles and thought I’d share.…/202203-diatomaceous-earth.html…/environment…/mad-as-a-hatter/

Personally, I took it several years ago when I hurt my foot and couldn’t walk on it. The doctors said it wasn’t broken and I probably just sprained it badly. A friend told me about Diatomaceous Earth. I began taking it couple times a week because I was skeptical at first. Within three weeks, my foot was better and free of pain.
I just started taking it again. Hoping it helps even a little.

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