July 1
7:30- been awake off an on since 5am. Headache, whole body aches all over, low back throbbing, muscles randomly spazzing thru body.
Bad dreams (1st dream didn’t make sense. 2nd dream I was getting beat up and got tired of it. Just as I was so angry I started fighting back and then woke up)
Song on my mind when I woke -♫ He didn’t throw the clay away.♫
3:46p- attempting to clean house for company is a bit much for me even with kids help. Can only do things in spurts before muscles start burning. Gotta figure out how to work smarter than harder. It’d really be nice if I could hire a cleaning person to help. I’ll pray about it. Need a working dishwasher too.
9:30p- Jordon’s bday party went well. Should’ve scheduled longer time, but at least they had good time. Lord, please send good Christian family to our church that has teens Jordon & Dezirae’s ages so they can have friends to hang out with regularly. Please be with Bubba. Keep him strong and courageous in the midst ok battle.
July 2
8:00a- didn’t fall asleep til after 1am. Took muscle rexlar at midnight. Forgot to set alarm. Muscles spazzing before sleeping. Woke to muscles spazzing on left side. Headache. Took 2 Tylenol.
10:00a- tbi mtg today
12:20p- meet 2 new tbi people today. Kiara injured 4 yrs ago while attending party. Some guy went on shooting rampage. She was shot in head. Her story was on news. 2nd person Kenny fell off back of truck 8 yrs ago.
12:58p- migraine has overtaken brain. Lights bothersome. Head pounding. Took migraine rx. Laying down in dark room hoping rx will help soon.
3:50p- jerked awake after thunder cracked loud near house. Arms were numb and tingly. Headache eased but I’m still tired. Didn’t get much done today.
10:00p- center of chest is really hurting. I’m exhausted and have no umph. Today was off day for me. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.