Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 16-17 June 2019

June 16

7:00a – morning! Strange dream midst of Joe scared me awake. Put me in yucky mood. Ache all over. Feet hurt to walk on. Headache but it feels weird. Muscle randomly twitching thru body. Neck hurts. I just want to go back to bed.

8:00a- Joe sweet and put chicken in crockpot for me seasoned. Today’s Father’s Day but I’m not feeling it with kids not here. Glad Jakob’s here.

9:30a- balance very off today. Not feeling right. Let Joe know. Showed! me a storm’s coming

10:30a- taught Sunday School. Lesson was about Joseph’s brother visiting him in Egypt. Taught about kindness, forgiveness as God has forgiven us. (Eph 4:32). 

It began to storm with Lightning and thunder. Some of girls were getting scared. To be perfectly honest, I was too but I knew deep inside I had to be brave (I wanted to hide under table).

Reni asked ever so serious like, “Mrs. Melissa, I have question. What are we gonna do about the storm? I’m scared.”

I responded, “It’s going to be okay. We’re just gonna ignore the storm right now and focus on our lesson.” She said, “Ok” and smiled.

Kids just melt my heart. ❤ They certainly know how to help change your perspectives.  

12:00p- pain in lower back intense

2:50p- just finished lunch up with my Dad, Joe, & Jakob. Only able to wash part of dishes and get most of food put away. I’m hurting so bad! Need a nap. If it weren’t for it being Father’s Day, I’d stay in bed today.

4:00p- working straightening mission house up for next guests on 24th. Made 1 bed. Straightened out linens, & organized kitchen drawers. Back throbbing, out of breath, & exhausted. Have about a week to finish it up.  

6:00p- random hiccups

10:50p- I’m exhausted and really hurting all over. Hopefully, I’ll fall asleep quickly and stay asleep.  

June 17

9:45a- enjoyed being able to spend one on one time with Jakob this morning. Alone for about 5 hours. Took that time to rest, watch hallmark movie, and start planning lessons for school upcoming.

Washing dishes causes great pain in back and chest. 

Attempted to finish a split skirt pattern I started two years ago, but couldn’t figure out how to get started on next step. It was Greek to me. Perplexing.

6:00p- discussed with Jakob decisions he needs to make in near future.

11:59p- struggling to fall asleep even after deep breathing exercise. Keep hearing noises outside. 

Low back throbbing, rt hip throbbing, itching, hands swollen and achy, feet ache, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness in lft foot, 

How is Your Day? -Lucinda Metsinger

Happy Monday!!! Are you ready for another great week to spend with the Lord?!? This weeks devotion is “How is Your Day?” written by Lucinda Metsinger! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today. I hope you have an amazing day!!!

How is your day?

One of the best things my father ever taught me was, “Never let anyone else decide what kind of day you’re going to have or what kind of person you’re going to be.” He was usually telling me this wisdom when I came crying to him about some ornery thing my brother had said or done. At the time, I just wanted my dad to scold my brother for being ornery. However, he knew that he would not be able to correct every person that came into my life and hurt my feelings or made me cry. My Dad was trying to help me realize that allowing someone else that kind of power in my life was giving them power that only God should have. God, and God alone should be the One to decide what kind of day I’m going to have or what kind of person I’m going to be.

Throughout my life, I have recognized that this wisdom can be used over and over again, not just on ornery brothers, but other prickly people.

– You can use it when it comes to the church lady who has to let everyone know ALL the gossip.

– Use it on the fella who cut you off in traffic.

– Use it when dealing with people who are unkind to your children.

– You can even use it on your willful child who seems to know just the right buttons to push to send you into “Crazy Mommy” mode.

No matter who the person is, they should NOT get to decide what kind of day you are going to have or what kind of person you are going to be. Only GOD should have that power.

Along the way, I’ve also realized that I can use this wisdom when it comes to hard circumstances that come my way. Hard times WILL come. We cannot control when they will happen, but we can decide what our response to them will be. Many things in life can knock the props out from underneath us.

– The loss of a job

– A wayward child

– A cancer diagnosis

– The death of a loved one…etc

Satan will use any number of things to try to make us bitter or angry or jealous or even spiritually paralyzed. As a Christian, we can decide to give God the hard circumstances that come our way, then, sit back and watch Him use them for our good and for His glory. Only GOD can do that!

Don’t let anyone or anything but God decide what kind of day you are going to have or what kind of person you are going to be!

Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Isaiah 26:3-4, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 20-21 June 2019

June 20

5:00a- woke in severe pain in rt hip & headache.

6:00a- took Naproxen, Joe applied pain rub to rt hip area – still throbbing

6:20a- applying ice pack to rt hip. Feet throbbing. Pain increaseth causing tears to leak out eyes. 

6:49a- lft ear ringing, head pounding, neck hurts, arms aching

8:30a- took nap. Head still pounding. Took migraine rx. Legs throbbing, neck hurts, rt hip throbbing, muscles spazzing randomly throughout body

1:00p- took 2nd nap.

2:00p- been hard to maneuver bc my legs feel like lead bricks today. Don’t know how to explain or cause. Migraine has eased. Still have slight headache. Things prepped for VBS mtg tonight (I think).

Feeling lethargic and weak presently.

Making D.E. drink. Maybe it’ll give me enough energy for rest of day.

4:00p- leave for church. Kids going to help with mission house. Recvd call letting me know Dr Shouppe, my chiropractor, passed away this morning.  🙁 He was one of only Dr’s that cared about my recovery.

11:55p- wide awake. Lower legs throbbing, tingly. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling. Lower back & rt hip aches, muscles randomly twitching thru body, neck hurts, hands ache, skin itchy, feet cold, head hurts

June 21

7am- woke from nightmare. Neck & rt hip throbbing, headache too. Muscle randomly twitching.

9:30a- going to The Explorium as family today. 

4:30p- saw new Dr today. Joe & I really like him. Very thorough. Did neck xray. Multiple muscle spams down spine from neck to lower back. Throat culture to check type of yeast in order to know how to treat. Took time to ask questions and listen.

He’s surprised that other Drs haven’t done much testing that should’ve already been done. Started today with neck xrays, throat culture (still battling thrush), fasting labs next week. Because I still battle vertigo, he said I most likely have inner ear damage.

Changing pain rx. Wants me off Naproxen as it could be a contributor to the thrush. Keep up with homeopathic/natural remedies for thrush. Increase Echinacea.  Glad I’m taking it.

Said other Dr should’ve treated me more strongly in beginning for thrush. Said there’s other things they should’ve already done but haven’t. Dr wants copies of file from other Dr.  I told him not sure wants in my file and explained what neurologist suggested. He was appalled. Told him they want to put me on botox, dementia rx, & antidepressants and I refused bc after research I felt side effects would’ve magnified symptoms. He said I did right for me.

Dr willing to learn and work with me treating one thing at a time. He’s okay with me using natural remedies. Dr says I have a good attitude considering all I’ve been thru…lucky to be alive. Told him I told Dr that God still has a purpose for me. Dr said, “He must have bc you’re still here.”

I thank the Lord for answered prayers!!! 

6:00p- exhausted! Resting until friends come in from out of town. Going to meet them for dinner.  

11:20p- had good visit. I’m exhausted.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 18-19 June 2019

June 18

8:00a- rough night. Didn’t fall asleep until after 1am so much pain. Woke every about two hours. 

9:30a- made pineapple upside down pancakes for Jakob. They were delicious.

10:36a- its thunderstorming! Every nerve hurts. Extra unbalanced. Sinuses congested in overdrive. Brewing some thyme tea with oil of oregano to help.

1:53p- need to pick up few items from store. Sitting on floor in Wal-Mart. I’m wore out from shopping for few items. No wheelchairs available. Realized I forgot to drink my tea.

2:30p- came home, ate lunch, and crashed for about hour. 

10:29p- kids finally home. Whole body aches. Lower left leg numbish. 

Rt hip aching. Headache – was migraine earlier but took rx to ease it. Low back aches. Muscles randomly twitching throughout body. Neck hurts. Muscles fewl tight. Having trouble remembering to do things.

June 19

Had tough day trying to get things accomplished. Scatter brained today even with list. 

Head & brain on the dizzy side most of day. If move head too fast .

Recvd bad new that my chiropractor had massive heart attack over weekend. Next 24  hrs critical. Prayers for his survival and comfort for the family.

Rt hip throbbing intensely. Arms and lft hand numb. Headache. Lower left leg numbish with tourniquit feeling. Hands swollen and achy. Whole body aches. Upper shoulders burning and sting.

Took walk with Joe short ways. Had to stop part way to catch up with sea tossed brain. Felt like I was about to tumble.  Happened at store couple times too. 

Lightning Strike Journal Entries 14-15 June 2019

June 14

7:00a- rt hip is throbbing!!! Tears leaking from eyes. Joe felt that it’s really swollen this morning. I must’ve overdid it yday. Ugh! Still trying to learn my limitations. Used pain roller blend to help ease pain and took Naproxen rx. 


8:00a- Holy cow!!! I just received message from local news media asking to do an interview regarding what it’s like to recover from lightning strike. I agreed to do interview. 

I’m excited but nervous. Praying for God’s wisdom and help to make aware the struggles of being a lightning survivor.

12:00p- phone interview lasted about an hour. I have migraine now. Took rx to ease headache. Laying down to rest for a bit. 

1:30p- Joe taking me out for lunch. Hankerin for Greek food. Taking me to Jerusalem Cafe. Decided on Jerusalem Feast for Two. Food was delicious though the meat a little dry. Lamb had too much spice. My favorites were the Lentil soup and the Pistachio Baklava.

4:45p- I’m exhausted and really hurting. Icing rt hip down. Arms hurting. Nerves twitching. Center of chest aches. Upper back aches. Think I’m going to crash a while before prepping foods for tomorrow.

5:15p- crashed on chair in livingroom for 30 minutes. Aching all over. Lights bothersome. Neck hurts if I turn too far it shoots sharp pain down center of back. Lft shoulder throbbing. 

Need my afternoon energy drink to make the dessert for tomorrow. 

10:38p- rt hip still throbbing. Migraine eased to headache but still have it. Joe helped me make the dessert for tomorrow (Mississippi Mud Pie). Made it diabetic-friendly & gluten free. 

Center of chest aches, lft shoulder aches, back aches with chilling sensation in center rt, low back aches, legs ache, muscles randomly twitching thru body, feet hurt, rt hip throbbing!, tourniquet feeling left lower leg, neck hurts. Skin starting to feel itchy.

11:38p- can’t sleep. Trying to listen to soothing music (wholetones) to help me sleep but rt ear swollen so that earbud wouldn’t fit. Rt ear hurts 

Random hiccups. Dizzy.

June 15

7:00a- sharp shooting pain in rt arm to tip of pinky woke me thus am. Ugh! Lower back & rt hip throbbing like toothache. Headache. Yucky taste in mouth. Hands swollen and achy. 

9:00a- PT exercises. Breathing, Supine push, Knee Rock, Half Squat to Chair, Standing hip side kick (slow), VOR 1 exercise, Breathing. 

Standing hip side kick getting sharp pain in rt hip each time. Think I’ll stop til talk with therapist.

10:55a- trying to get things ready for Men’s activity. Cutting up tomatoes & cucumbers caused upper back & shoulders to sting. Had to step away & rest. Washing dishes and making tea caused lower back to throb like infected toothache! Had to sit & ice back for a bit. Ice therapy seems to work better than heating pad at times.

3:20p- feel like I’m crashing need t lay down a bit

5:00p- out for almost 2 hours. Still tired.

11:18p- not able to do too much rest of day. I hurt too too much. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down rt leg, low back throbbing, trying to not be grouchy but it’s hard, rt lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness in lft foot, rt eye socket hurts, hands swollen and achy, headache. Tried to wash dishes made me hurt worse. Muscles twitching throughout body.

Have to remind self to be thankful in the good and the painful.  Maybe some sleep with ease pain. 

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 12-13 June 2019

June 12

8:00a- woke in a sweat like I broke fever

10:00a- letting kids go with Mom & Holly to the beach. I’m still wore out from y’day. Having trouble moving. I ache all over.

11:00a- worked on typing up my journal notes for February 2018. I know I need to post to blog but my brain has been taxed by buysiness lately it doesn’t want to be on computer. I’ll try more tomorrow.

12:20p- knowing kids were on way home decided to do it scared and take a shower while no one home. Thankfully, I didn’t fall, but quite wore out. It hurts to wash my hair or bend over to shave. Bathing has become such a chore. I don’t usually take shower/bath unless Joe’s home in case I fall. Feeling like I accomplished a feat today. 

4:00p- starting birthday dinner for Dezirae. Moving very slowly today. 

6:39p- Just finishing up eating dinner. Had to ask for help in preparation. Couldn’t open the green bean jars.  🙁 tourniquet feeling on lower left leg to foot with numbness most of day. Feel so lethargic. Forgot to take D.E. today – that helps me feel halfway human with a little gumption (not word I’m trying to think of).

7:00p- decided to take slo-o-ow walk with Joe, Dezirae, & Holly. Met part of new neighbors family. Need to make them some bread. Talked with other neighbor a piece. Thankful for the stops to catch my wind.

10:00p- my babies leave in am on excursion with my Mom & sisters. I’m gonna feel lost without them. My eyes are leaking already :(. Praying for their safety and hoping they have fun. They’ve been a BIG help with my being physically challenged now. They deserve a break.

I hurt all over. Low back throbbing, rt hip throbbing, neck hurts, toes hurt, feet cold (had socks on for hours), legs throbbing, head hurts slightly (that’s odd for me – it’s usually pounding by days end). 

Still need to do my exercises trying to get motivated. 

11:15p- upper back & shoulders burning, center of chest throbbing, ankles burning.

When I breath deep, I’m feeling fluttering in left chest. Feels weird.

Muscles randomly twitching throughout body

June 13

5:00a- babies left for trip this morning! I’m full of emotions – nervous, scared, worried, excited, proud, etc.

4:15p- entire back is tingling, lwft lower leg tourniquit feeling, rt ear hurts, tired

4:51p- started getting ready for church. . .out of breath just getting dressed. Both arms are throbbing after trying to fix my hair and makeup (Dezirae helps me fix my hair now). Lower left leg is now becoming numb. Headache. Need to rest in order to finish.

6:28p- rt hip throbbing – putting ice cold water bottle on it to see if it’ll help

Neck throbbing, tired/lethargic contemplating drinking coffee to see if it’ll ease tiredness and headache. One cup shouldn’t hurt.

So-o-o the half cup of instant coffee gave me some energy, but didn’t touch headache. Brain feels swirly & trouble focusing. Started to play intro to one of hymns for church and forgot the tune. Tried playing notes anyways to fuddle thry but it sounded aweful in my ears. I apologized explained reason and started intro at beginning of chorus. Ugh!

10:13p- I’m exhausted and hurting. Rt hip throbbing, legs throbbing, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness, knees ache, hands swollen and achy, neck aches, headache, sharp pain rt hnd, feet cold, lft foot tingly

The Napkin by Dianne McQueen

Welcome to Monday!!! Are you alive alert and enthusiastic?!? This week’s devotion is “The Napkin” written by Dianne Mcqueen. Please take the time to read as she shares her thoughts with us on folding a napkin! I hope you have the best Monday ever!!!

John 20:7 And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.

The Napkin

Image by RitaE from Pixabay

The gospel of John 20:7 tells us that the napkin which was placed over the face of Jesus was not just thrown aside like the other grave clothes. The Bible takes the entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded and was placed separately from the grave clothes. Early Sunday morning while it was still dark Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone was rolled away from the entrance. She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciples, John, the one whom Jesus loved. She said they have taken the Lord’s body out of the tomb and I don’t know where they have put him. Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb to see …the other disciple, John, got there first. He stooped and looked in and saw that the linen cloth laying there but he didn’t go in. Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside. He also noticed the linen wrapping’s lying there while the cloth that had covered Jesus’s face was neatly folded up and lying to the side. Was that important ..absolutely, it is really significant.

It had to do with the Hebrew tradition of that day. The folded napkin had to do with the master and servant and every Jewish boy knew this tradition.

The servant set the dinner table the way the master wanted it.

The table was furnished perfectly and then the servant would wait just outside of sight until the master had finished eating. The servant would not dare touch the table until the master was finished. Now if the master were done eating, he would rise from the table wipe his fingers, his mouth and clean his beard and would wad up the napkin and toss it on the plate. The servant would then know to clean the table for in those days the wadded up napkin mean’t I’m done but if the master got up from the table and folded his napkin and laid it beside his plate the servant would not dare touch the napkin because the folded napkin meant I’m coming back.

Praise God we know he’s coming back and we look for his coming. Not even the angels in heaven know that day or hour, only God knows.

We don’t have those Hebrew traditions but the next time you’re done eating, consider where you put your napkin. Will you wad it up and put it on your plate because you’re done serving your Sunday school class, your bus route, working in the nursery, whatever ministry you have or will you fold it neatly, you’re coming back to because we haven’t finished our course, let’s get busy on our next course for the Lord

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