Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 11-13 July 2019

July 11

5:20a- woke to a strange noise (not sure what it was) decided to get up and sit with Joe a piece before he left for work. 

6:00p- tired. Strange dreams. Forgot about a binder being on lower box in room and hit it with leg just below rt knee. Ouch! That really hurt. Broke skin but not bleeding. That’ll leave a mark. Eyes watering. Upper chest just below chin throbbing. Rt ear pain has eased greatly. Taking a nap now hopefully.

12:45p- getting ready to head to church to work on more VBS decor. Asking son to turn light on (switch is going). Instead said, “Yes, I can have my turn light on.” Ugh! If only, it would come out the way I’m thinking it.

4:59p- oh my aching back! Got the welcome sign up, Dez cut out the decor I printed and hung them up, Jordon put the time machine together, Dez taking care of decorating time machine. I’m exhausted and really hurting. Need to rest a while.

Talked with Jakob. After some coaxing, he’s coming home tonight ahead of storm (suppose to be Cat 1 Hurricane by landfall)

11:47p- I so do not like storms. The barometric pressure drops and pain in my whole body increaseth so much my eyes are watering. Hands throbbing, low back throbbing, neck hurts, scalp itches, legs hurt more than normal like a stinging, burning pain, center of chest achy, skin cold, feet cold (even with socks on), calvez ache, tired extremely, 

Stomach hurts, arms stinging

July 12

Bp 118/81 hr 73 w198

Dr was pleased with my bloodwork. 

Xrays of sinus cavities look good. Xrays of neck showed minimal multilevel degenerative changes, vertebral body endplate sclerosis, intervertebral disc space narrowing.

My best understanding the spaces in between my cartlidge is degenerating causing the space to narrow and several layers have developing bone spurs which could be causing some of the pain. Dr is adding one more rx (gabapenibtin – for nerve pain). He wants me to try it to see if it will help. Not too sure about it, but I guess I can at least give it a try. 

Dr was actually apologetic for not being able to do more bc previous Dr hasn’t forwarded medical records yet. I offered to call the office about getting them forwarded.  After discussing it, we figured out that since all my testings were at same hospital they could request records directly from hospital too.  Dr wants to see info on MRI findings to know how to properly refer me to see a neurologist. Wants to find me one I’ll like. 

Due to problems in my neck, Dr doesn’t want my neck adjusted roughly. Can cause further problems.

Need to look for natural ways to heal.

Throat culture didn’t grow anything. Dr is perplexed about my tongue issues. Only thing he can think may be cause is nerve endings in my mouth were damaged too causing the white patches and bumps in back of throat. Told him I’ve gotten used to discoloration but what bothers me at times mostly is when the bumps become painful and my throat feels swollen making it difficult to swallow.

Dr apologized he wasn’t able to do more. I assured him that he’s done more for me in short time than all the time at other place.  Dr has been very thorough and is really concerned how to help. For that, I’m grateful.

July 13

10:00a- finally fell asleep after 1am. Woke around 7am thinking I overslept.  I’m in so much pain all over. Don’t want to get up but must. 

12:00p- took me 1 1/2 hours to make biscuits n gravy with help. Showed daughter how to do it while making it.  Feel strongly that I need to start Ladies Bible Study & Home Ec classes at church. Need to decided on name & day & time. I know what Bible study to start. God will give the answer.

1:00p- I just know we had some med left over from my husbands fingers injury but I can’t for life of me remember where I put it. Searched for couple hours cleaning as I go but no such finding. Ugh! Wish I could remember things better.

4:45p just worked on preparing missionary story for VBS week coming. Scanned in story part to print so I can read it while showing pictures.  Need to fix dinner.

5:55p- dinner ended up being spaghetti. What I thought was turkey pieces ended up being turkey bones with pcs for soup or stew. Need to plan meals better so I can keep pantry stocked properly. 

6:00p- exhausted and really hurting. Laying down a piece so I can do bulletin for church tomorrow.    

8:30p- remembered needed to return movie. Also need milk and something for breakfast. 

10:00p- finally finished bulletin for tomorrow. I can go to bed. Yeah! I’m not hurting as bad as I did this morning but still hurt something fierce all over. Be glad when Barry dissipates.

Whole body throbbing. Hands hurt. Neck hurts. Back hurts. Calves throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Low back throbbing. Feet and toes hurt. Center of chest aches. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Slight headache. 

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