Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 24-26 July 2019

July 24

5:30a- woke in severe pain low back, muscled randomly spazzing thru legs, arms tingly, severely congested. Took pain rx. Hope to fall back asleep.

6:30a- still awake. Using heating pad to see if that’ll help. Researching Drivers Ed for school elective. Need an inexpensive route. 

8:45a- sipping thyme and oil of oregano tea with peppermint and copabia oils. One for sinus relief and two for additional pain relief help. Need the Lord’s help for mind over matter to get at least a little done today.

9:10a- called eye dr. Dezirae’s rx on new glasses not right. Need them checked. Apt at 1pm today.

9:30a- checked library card system for driver ed program. They have it in stock. Can’t find my library card. It’s not where I remember keeping it. Ugh! Called library asked about item and explained my dilemma. Lady was so sweet even with the stammering and stuttering.

10am- continuing working on scheduling chemistry lesson plans for Jordon. Sure wish I could afford Jordon to take the Biology Labs this year. Lord, could You provide a way?

12:15p- time to go to eye apt & run errands. 

1:30p- eye rx was way off. Dr office have to order new pair. 2 week wait.

4pm – back home. I’m exhausted and really hurting. Need to rest. Sat in chair in livingroom. Could feel myself about to crash. Went to room to lay down.

6:00p-  Tried to watch a movie with family. I know I’ve watched it before but don’t remember a thing about it. Flashing and quick moving screens bothering eyes. Much background noise making it hard for my brain to process information. Saying I can’t hear is not completely right…my brain having trouble keeping up. Keep asking family too many questions. I’m frustrating them and myself. Main character looks familiar. I remember his voice on Moana. Family tells me who it is. Ugh! I should’ve known that. Don’t remember 2nd bald guys name either. Lose interest in movie after about an hour. It’s hurting my head. Decided to go give the dog a shave. Jordon helps hold dog for me. She does well. By this time, my whole body is throbbing in pain. 

9:00p- decided to go to bed with heating pad. It does nothing. Took night Rx . Took Tylenol. Have to wait 2 hours to take stronger rx due to new rx Dr is trying. Drinking glass of water.

630 Watching movies/tv with brain injury can be quite frustrating at times. The quick flashing scenes hurt the eyes and I have to look away quite often. 

My husband has been kind enough to find a screen mode (theater) that when screen resolution is too bright for me to handle we can switch it to.  

Movies I’ve watched several times before are like watching them again for first time. Sometimes its hard to process words being spoken so I’m constantly asking what’s going on. 

Words I used to know I have to ask what it means. 

I recognize characters but can’t remember names or what other movies they played on. For instance, in the movie GI Joe 2, I recognized the main character but I couldn’t remember his name or where I recognized him. So I ask “Who’s the bald guy? Did he play in Moana?” Family responds, “Yes, Mom. He’s Dwayne Johnson.” I reply, “Oh, okay.”

I recognize the 2nd bald guy but don’t remember him. Good grief! I think he’s from when I was a teen. So I ask, “Who’s the 2nd bald guy?” Family replies,” Bruce Willis.” This is frustrating not only for me but also for my family. Makes it hard to enjoy movie with constant questions.

I decided to shush up for a while. I still don’t understand what’s going on. My nerve endings begin to feel weird and my head starts hurting. Background noises, movies noises make it extremely difficult to concentrate on what’s being said. Sometimes I think what’s the use trying, but a voice in my head tells me to “Never give up!”  I chose to rest my brain and try again momentarily.

Some of the music hurts my ears so I have the sound muted for a while. An hour into movie, I lose interest and decide to do something else.

July 25

Asked to go get lawn mowed at church today. Not what I was planning, but it wasnt raining and it needed to be done. Woke kids up. Kids mowed and weedeated. I trimmed up a rose bush and pulled weeds in flower bed by sign. Had to do sections and rest in between. It’s only a little half circle flower bed. 

9:00p- sitting in livingroom next to Jakob. Pulled feet under me bc they’re getting cold. Jakob begins to wonder why his butt is getting cold. He touches my feet and exclaims my feet are freezing. Lol!

11:00p- went to bed half hour ago. Still awake but tired. Pain all over. I’m freezing and it’s 73° inside house. My feet are like ice cubes though I’ve had socks on for over an hour.  Eyes watery and nose congested. Rt hip throbbing. Headache. Back hurts. Hands hurt. Lower left leg tourniquit tighten and numbish feeling. Lower back aches and throbbing. Feet and ankles freezing

July 26

2:30 woke to use restroom. Lost balance fell into fan and knocked it over. Stomach hurts. Muscles in torso jumping. Back & shoulders hurt. Left ankle on fire where I was bit by ants yday.

Song on mind 🎶“Even in valley God is good.” 🎶

7:30a- awake off and on rest of night. Woke to arms and hands numb and tingling. Low back throbbing. Sharp dull pain in upper lft thigh. Feet throbbing and tingly. Hands swollen and achy. 

9:45p- bridges hurt. Everytime they have caused my back to cramps and chest hurting. Think I need to back off couple days.

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