Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 22-23 July 2019

July 22

11:01p- thought I wrote before now. Guess not. 

Had rough night. Up every few hours. Ended up sleeping til 9:20. I hurt so bad it’s hard to move. 

Mom came over about 10am to help me get a room booked for ladies conf. Good thing bc there were only couple rooms left with queen beds. Glad that’s done.

Back to stumbling over words and not being able to speak what I’m thinking. 

Trying to talk to Buddy. Told him to get his ears out of his buds instead of take the earbuds out of your ear. Ugh! We had a good laugh over it at least.

Had to go to bank to get paper notarized so Buddy can get his permit. Got all the way to bank and realized I forgot the paper. Had to go back home to get it. Ugh! 

Decided while out to make couole extra stops just to get out of house a bit. Academy & Bargain Goodwill. I didn’t have strength or energy to sort through the clothing. Arms cramping quickly.

Home in time to cook dinner. Not really up to it. Entire body aches and I’m so tired. Sat to rest a bit to muster up enough energy. 

Joe decided to go for short walk after dinner. Whole family went. That was nice. Rt hip throbbing short ways into it. Glad he cut it short. 

Decided to soak in Epsom Salt bath for a while to ease muscle cramping before bed. It helped some but taking shower has become such a chore. 

Muscles twitching throughout body. Gonna need to take muscle relaxer to get to sleep. Have long day of appointments tomorrow.  

July 23

6:40a- woke myself up at 4am hiccuping. Crazy. Whole body aches. Headache. Tired. 

10:00a- Physical Therapy. Went well. She pushed me harder today. Added to my home exercises. (Deep Breathing, Seated Chin Tuck, Knee Rock, Half Squat to Chair, Clamshells, Bridges, Marker Exercise, X to X exercise adding diagonals, “Psssst” x 5 seconds, Rows with theraband, and Deep Breathing Exercise). I’m tuckered today.

11:00a- TBI mtg. Everyone glad to see us. Teresa chatted with us for a bit. Chose to sit with a newer family bc they were sitting by themselves. Ron (TBI coordinator) asked if there was anything he could help with. I told him about trouble obtaining records from precious Dr office. He’s going to try to help.

1:00p- Started raining on way home. Need to get some things at store. Actually pulled in pkg lot and parked. Thunderstorming and I could feel myself getting ready to crash. Chose to go home instead. Explained what was going on on way home. Dezirae understood. Made it to bed just before crashing. Slept for over an hour.

3:00p- Storm getting worse and heading to Pensacola. Suppose to have follow up apt with Dr to get results from spinal scan and xrays. Joe told me to stay safe to call and reschedule. Upset but called. 

I’m so tired and starting to really hurt. Not doing so hot learning balance of things and causing too much pain. 

7:00p- chose to work for little bit on school planning. Got 4 of 5 core subjects planned for Jordon now. Still not sure on electives. Try to work on 5th subject and electives tomorrow. Once I get Jordon’s done, I’ll do Dezirae’s. 

11:44p- I’m exhausted and really hurting and still wide awake. Ugh! 

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