August 1
5:30a- Not sure exactly when I finally fell asleep last time I looked at clock it was after 1am. High pain all over body doesn’t allow me much sleep. Body telling me I did way too much yday.
Need to work on finishing bulletin board at church. Very thirsty right now think I need more water. Took Tylenol.
6:00a-Stinging pain in upper back, whole body hurts, pins & needle pain in legs, hands swollen and throbbing, skin itches, muscles randomly twitching thru body, neck throbbing.
Wrists and ankles stinging.
7:00a- bloody nose
1:00p- feel crashing coming on laying down a while. Only lasted 40 minutes or so bc of text waking me.
4:00p- starting to get headache
4:30p severe thunderstorm warning issued. ugh!
8:30p- talking with Joe. Words not coming out write. Joe not understanding. We ended up arguing. I don’t know how to fix the jumbled speech brain connection. Sometimes it’s just better to stop talking but that doesn’t help either.
10:26p- thankfully storm blew around us but I still have bad headache. Neck throbbing, upper back stinging, hands swollen and achy, lower left leg numbish and tingly aching, low back hurts, rt hip hurts. I’m utterly exhausted. Trouble swallowing my medz.
August 2
5:00a- woke to stinging needle pain all over. Headache worse.
11:00a- the stinging needle pain is kicking me down. Add to it bad headache, rt hip throbbing, stomach aches, pms. Drank red raspberry leaf tea.
11:57a- I was considering taking an Epsom Salt bath after morning exercises, but I just heard couple of heavy duty thunder rolls. Not getting near it until storm passes now. Ugh!
Pushed through pain to do 1st set of pt exercises about mid day. Took day to rest and relax.
Pain slowly eased once the thunderstorm passed and with resting. Stinging needle pain mostly in feet and ankles and little in neck/shoulder region (5) by 11pm for me to do pm exercises. Wholetones music and massage helped too.
August 3
7:00a- whole body aches, hands and wrists tingly, middle of back feels weird…like someone punched into my back and their fist got stuck trying to pull it out. Headache. Neck hurts. Ringing in ears. Upper legs ache and little tingly. Weird dreams. Woke up tired.
9:00- rt hip throbbing, slow moving, painful cycle, headache worsening. Running late.
10:00a- rt hip at an 8. Ended up staying behind to pray instead of got door knocking. Hurt to move couldn’t get situated or comfortable.
11:14a- Joe called. Car died again. Don’t need this. Don’t have extra $ especially with school starting soon. Trusting God to supply the need.
11:26a- Joe called back. Thinks its the battery. Needs to know of we have enough to buy battery. Dad going to drop ladies off at church and then take him to auto store.
11:35a- not the battery. Need to get it towed. Ugh!
11:51p- eyes watery, neck & shoulders stinging, legs throbbing, rt hip aches, low back aches, scalp itches, feet tinglibg, hands swollen and achy, stinging in left foot