August 4
12:42p- searching for ways to help my family & friends understand what I’m going thru with the traumatic brain injury.
Article poses more questions.
*Why didn’t ER Dr test for brain injury?
*Why didn’t neurologist want to refer rehab when there clearly is rehab for brain injury?
*Why did pcp think therapy wasn’t necessary when clearly it is?
Hands swollen, achy, and tingly, low back aches, stinging and hurting in middle upper back, cramping on rt side, shoulderz throb, neck throbbing, feet & toes tingly, butt hurts, random muscle twitching thru body, stuffy congested nose, center of chest ach3s. Cramping in neck when yawning. Ouch!
August 5
5:48a- being scared awake to be notified its currently thunderstorming is not my idea of a wake up. Ugh!
Whole body tense and throbbing. Don’t want to get up but have to take Joe to work. Down to one car for a bit bc his car in shop. Don’t want to think about it.
6::30a- decided to make myself a scrambled egg. Ended up making everyone egg burritos for breakfast.
8:00a- Jordon got rained out from work.
Decided to work some more on planning school. System I wanted to try isn’t going to work. I don’t have enough shelf space. Have to go back to crate system. Tried to find teacher lesson planner for Biology. Spent 30+ minutes looking for it only to realize I had already put it where I wanted it. Frustrating. Decided to organize books better. Never got to planning lessons. Realized I forgot to pull out Dezirae’s math for this year. Dezirae asked about credits. Decided to add one more class. Made me proud she wants to try for High Honors like her brother. She’s come long way from little girl who didn’t like reading nor wanted to learn how to read. Proud mama moment.
It was noon before I realized it and I had a bad headache for straining brain too much. Need to rest a while.
Jordon made mac n cheese for lunch. Thankful bc I’m not up to it.
6:00p- took Dezirae to volleyball practice. I waited in car. Ended up falling asleep for 30 minutes or so until her coach stepped outside to take call which inadvertantly startled me awake. I could hear the girls serving the ball inside the gym. Weird to me.
Lower left leg just beliw ankle foot is going numb again. Feeling is bothersome but I don’t know what to do about it.
Getting ready for bed. Went to bathroom to wash hair. As my arm gently brushed past hair tie holder, I could feel the hair from hairtie slightly brush my lft arm. Startled me. Wonder why senses seem hypersensitive since lightning strike?
Neck throbbing, nerves on edge (it’s been storming off and on all day), whole body aches, skin itchy, thirsty, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling & numbish, hands swollen and achy, rt ear hurts, skin seems extra dry, sneezy, sinuses irritaed, low back throbbing, muscles randomly spazzing thru body, trouble swallowing – almost choked on my night meds & realized I forgot to take morning meds.
Following info tell how to cope with hypersensitivity…
August 6
6:30a- I’m so tired and tired of waking to pain.
Fellow survivor asking for help on understanding what’s going on bc her Dr’s don’t get it and don’t believe her.
So sad medical professionals take a Hippocratic oath to help you get better, but most just deal with symptoms. Trouble is lightning survivors have so many varying symptoms it’s difficult to know which to treat first yet we know the root of cause just not how to heal the damage from the electrical injury from lightning strike.
Following song stuck in head but only part of it…The Lord is my strength and song…
Don’t know name or anymore words. I like the tune though. It’s uplifting.
Whole body aches, nerve endings thru body feel like their pulsating on fire, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling and numbish, low back aches, sinus congestion, hands swollen and achy, rt hip aches (plus side I don’t remember my rt hip aching yday until evening), lower back of neck throbbing
Praying today will be a good day.
Field Trip today to Bellingrath Gardens. It’s founders day.
9:43p- enjoyed the gardens. Took some pretty pictures. Brain overstimulated. I have such a headache! Rt hip throbbing, lower left leg numbish and tourniquit tighten feeling, neck throbbing, exhausted, low back achez, sharp stabbing pain near tailvone, toes hurt, necks feels like its in knots
Going to bed little earlier. Hopefully I’ll fall asleep quickly.