Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 30-31 Jan 2020
Jan 30
1230a heard strange noise out back of house. Sounded like someone shooting an air pistol. Woke Joe & told him. It happened again. Joe goes to check things out. Didn’t see anything nor hear noise again.
0200 Joe woke me bc I was keeping him awake. Ugh! Awake most rest of night.
0600 finally fell asleep
0700 alarm went off. Don’t want to get up…need sleep.
0800 decide to get up. Whole body hurts. Low back throbbing. Muscles in body very tight.
0154 finally sitting down for lunch break. My entire back stinging needle pain. Brain fogged. Vision blurring on edges.
0715p difficult to focus & see music notes. Look up and away from piano and see two of Joe! Woah! Not good. Need brain rest.
0720 upper back & shoulders throbbing. Short of breath. Actually getting warm.
Worried about my mom. She has migraine like headache. Gave her list of things that help me. Think she may be having allergy reaction to flouride. Praying for healing. Debilitating pain no fun.
Headache, sinus congestion, eyes hurt and sensitive to lights. Loud noise cause my jump. Tongue feels swollen and is lumpy. Sensitive to things touching my skin. Skin itchy all over…getting worse as I’m attempting to relax before sleep. Hands swollen and achy. Upper arms ache & crampy. I’m exhausted and sleepy. Bloody nose slightly. Stinging needle pain in back. Feet cold. Legs ache. Muscles randomly twitching thru body.
1000 I’m plumb exhausted.
JAN 31
0800 entire back in much pain hard to move. Bad dreams. Rt hip hurts. Hands swollen and achy. Feet little stingy. Hands and lft arm numbish upon waking. Hands, legs, back, and toes stinging needle pain.
0830 attempt to work a wordsearch puzzle. Able to find about five words before vision starts blurring. Now have headache.
0900 decide to fold load of clothes. Arms hurt. Hands ache and tingly. Back throbbing. Laying on back to help ease pain. Tired.
1100 bp at pt 112/78. Tis good. Pt apt review exercises to make sure I’m doing them correctly. Checked vestibular with exercises that would make me dizzy. Walk with head to side then turn head to opposite side. Walk forward with bars doing same. Walk backwards. Side in between bars holding try to stand heal to toe while alternating feet…then add turning head side to side. Had difficulty following instructions. Also eyes didn’t want to follow with head – eyes kept wanting to stay forward. Too too dizzy eyes very blurry on edges. Instructed to rest a while til dizziness subsides but don’t close eyes. My brain was telling me it had enough and just go to sleep. It was hard keeping eyes open. Tried fixating on one thing but eyes didn’t want to cooperate. Told that keeping eyes open while dizzy will help the brain to learn to readjust – which in time will help me somewhat overcome the tbi.
0130 think pt was a little intense today. I’m plumb wore out. Chest hurting. Feel crash oncoming.
0500 apparently fell asleep for couple hours. Still tired. Joe ready to go eat.
0600 ate at Newks. It was nice not having to worry about what to cook. Went to Academy’s to window shop afterwards. Rae volunteered to push me in wheelchair. Guys went one way & us girls went another eventually meeting up in hunting section. In clothing section, I saw a woman’s shoe was untied. I was about to let her know when I looked up and realized she had no head – it was a mannequin!
We had good laugh over it.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 28-29 Jan 2020
Jan 28
1145 everything is tingling my tongue. Feels weird almost like a tens unit zapping my tongue.
1220 group from USA showed up to play some games…Blokus, Big Pig?
I know there’s a purpose to playing the games, but I don’t remember it right now.
0130 mustard enough courage to ask Mrs. Suzie (recreational therapy professor) reason/purpose for the games. From what I can remember, they are to help teach/rebuild fine motor skills, cooperation, working with others, memory, problem solving, work through anger issues, enhance recovery (though I’ve been told recovery from TBI is a life long process depending on severity of the TBI), etc. Just because someone has TBI doesn’t mean they are stupid…it just means that they have to learn to adapt to the new you and things may take longer to do in a day than a regular person would.
Told her that my Chiro told me that I needed to do brain games. Didn’t know he’d passed. She agreed brain games and doing things using fine motor skills will help with recovery. Prefers things to hold in hands like crosswords than computers or games on phone.
Told Susie that one thing the Dr was amazed at was that I could still play the piano. Told her that I cannot explain how it is but there’s times that my brain is so tired and although I’m looking at the music I can’t see my hands or keys. Her eyes lite up and said she could explain. Music is processed in another part of the brain and because I’ve been doing it for so long it’s like rote memory and my brain just knows how to do it. But put a brand new music piece in front of you and you’d struggle. I told her I’ve tried learning new pieces but cannot right now.
She’s seen patients with severe TBI that can still play chess because they had played it for so long. Some patients that can hardly say two words (severe asphixua?) but can actually sing beautifully. One lady she thought of was a very smart lady but after her TBI could only say B’s (Bobbidabibababoo). In her mind she was saying “Where did you get that from?” Those with TBI are not dumb or stupid, it’s just a stigma that comes from people not being properly educated about that particular injury.
Says it sounds like I’m doing fairly well in my discovery stage. Didn’t know there were stages in recovery. Might have to look into that down line. Posting links to read later. If I notate in my journal I might remember later. Lol
0230 Stopped at Glasses place to get my glasses fixed
Jan 29
0600 rough night. Slept hard til 0230, 0430, 0530 and wake since then. Trird to fall back sleep butnot working. Rolled out of bed around 0700. It’s been raining most of night. Lethargic & achy all over. Headache.
0715 gotta get kids up an attem. Co-op today. Hopefully it’s an easy day.
1130 It’s been laid back day. I’m so sleepy. Going to need nap once home. Rt hip & low back just throbbing like toothache.
1230 crash in chair in livingroom for thirty minutes. Wish it was longer. Still sleepy.
0830 should’ve taken pain rx before taking meal to church family
1020 turn wrong and right side cramping/spasming. Oh it hurts so much!
1030 absolute pain sitting/leaning on heat pad for bit to ease muscles
1130 took night meds and pain rx. Muscles in lower back and rt hip throbbing worse than toothache. Lft ankle throbbing too.
Sausage Potatoes
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 25-27 Jan 2020
Jan 25
7.00 Alas, I feel like I was beat up bad last night. Every ounce of my being hurts horribly. It hurts to move…even to try to sit up.
Sister msg me to let me know her daughter feeling better. Found chiropracter in country that she’s going to and it seems to be helpful. PtL!
Decided to look up benefits of acupuncture. Skimming through an article…Read some of benefits to Joe. Said maybe it’d help me. I need to be adjusted. Told Joe I’d call Monday to see what Dr would charge.
8.00 Brr! It’s cold outside 37°.
6.45 still ache horribly. Hubby says weather is changing.
11.20 in so much pain…trouble getting at least little comfortable. Stuffy nose.
Jan 26
0600 I like I was in a fight.
0713 adjusting hair off neck it feels like something’s crawling on skin. Collar bones in chest crack. Ough! Headache. It hurts to move.
0800 driving two cars today. Don’t want canvases to get messed up. Buddy put my keys in his pocket. I not know. Searching purse & house. Text him. No answer. Joe called later to let me know. Ugh!
1158 lft arm upper cramping and hurt, low back & rt side throbbing
0130 It’s raining outside. I’m tired, hurting, and sleepy. Think I’ll lay down a bit. Hard to focus on one thing right now.
0330 took me quite a while to fall asleep. Jerked myself awake few times for a moment. If I could get restful sleep I’d feel better.
0620 back really hurting
Jan 27
0700 Rough night but got decent amount of sleep. Strange dream.
0800 I think I know why I’m hurting more. Washer broke (beyond repair…tub inside drum fell off) and I’ve been attempting to wash clothes in tub…only get part way through and have to have kids help. Currently laying down bc my back is throbbing!!! Headache too.
Need a break for while. Life is hard sometimes. Kindness, courage, and love will help.
1000 just finished 2nd load and finally making bed for day. I’m exhausted and hurting. Need a nap. Feet are freezing!!
1100 My parents just fussed at me for washing clothes in tub. Siad its no wonder I’m hurting more.
1137 under covers in livingroom trying to get feet warm. Sudden sharp stabbing pain in top lft ft.
0230 Mom came over to massage my feet using reflexology. She asked if I could feel her massaging pituitary gland in big toe. Only feel pressure nothing else. Says that’s not good
0430 dinner on stove – minestrone throw together
0530 hubby on way home
0555 finall have asl lesson typed up…been trying to put it on paper since about 1145ish…can only sit for piece at time. Vision blurred and brain fogged. Time to be done for day.
0830 decided time to take epsom salt soak since I’m hurting so much it hurts to move. Headaches. Brain fogged & verbage not coming out of mouth right.
0900 tired and out of breath just getting dressed. Still missing my tablet. Can’t remember when saw last or where.
0930 frustrated not finding nor remembering. Oh! I found the mouthwash, nail polish, & polish remover I misplaced over a week ago maybe more. Rae found the other polish remover I misplaced even longer ago.
Found a random lid in livingroom. Asked Jordon if he put away the mushrooms. Jordon replies “Mushrooms?” Oh, I meant to say marshmallows. Ugh. Time for b3d that tells me. Brain I must rest.
1000 must do pt night exercises. It still hurts to move. We’ll see how much I can push through.
1021 pushed through. Quite dizzy. Stinging needle pain in back. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Toes tingling. Tummy hurts.
Ok in am. Pain 5. By afternoon much pain 9/10. Lay down to rest. Deep breaths to reduce pain to 6/7. Headache. Any activity causes much pain & must rest after few minutes or so. Collar bone & chest areas popping cause pain. Costo flairing maybe? Rt hip & low back throbbing!
1050 Is it possible that my pituitary glands were injured in LS causing all the symptoms and chronic pain???
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 22-24 Jan 2020
Jan 22
3.30 woke to stomach hurting horribly. Rt hip throbbing.
5.00 stomach still hurting. Rt hip throbbing and I’m cold.
6.00 trouble falling back to sleep. I’m freezing. Get cold easily since being heated up by the lightning. So many questions still unanswered yet God is seeing fit to answer them in His timing. Some questions may never be answered this side of Heaven.
7.00 29°outside 60°inside
Stomach finally stopped cramping. Rt hip still hurts.
7.30 muscles in back & rt side cramping/spasming. Making it difficult to move.
8.30 co-op today. Allowing Jordon to drive there.
12.00 driving home. Back still spasming/cramping. I’m exhausted. Need rest.
3.00 crashed on my chair in livingroom not sure how long I was out. Back still hurting. Guess I’m down for the day.
10.20p back cramping eased around 7ish. Skin itches all over again. It’s gotta be nerves. I only itch at night once I’m relaxing or trying to.
Praying for my church family. Lots of needs. Headache. Exhausted.
Jan 23
7.00 woke from strange dreams all night. Hands and arms numb and tingly. Congested. Muscles twitching in back. Tired. Upper back & shoulders pins & needles stingy slightly.
2.00 Exhausted. Overdone it. Low back throbbing. Short of breath. Feet freezing!
4.30 running late heading to church. Rae had hard time finding something at store. Decided to use google maps for fastest way to church from my location. Wrong choice! It took me on highway during go home traffic then wanted me to get off very next exit from whence I just got off. Chose to stay on highway but about had panic attack bc I didn’t remember how to get to church. Thankfully, Jordon was excellent navigator.
5.45 brain past fried…cannot talk right. Told Joe he was pulling my goat. I was actually trying to say he was pulling my chain. Corrected and told saying is supposed to be pulling my leg. Gave the whole church a good laugh. I just wanted to crawl under the pew in corner and hide. Ugh!
10.00 Upset about not remembering when Joe says he tells me stuff. I adamantly says he doesn’t bc I don’t remember him saying it. I’m really trying to remember. I just don’t comprehend why I struggle to remember some things and other things I remember better.
Trying to quote bible verse to Joe about loving God with heart, soul, strength, and mind (Luke 20:27). Except I messed it up and said we’re suppose to worship God with our body, mind, soul, and spirit. He said it doesn’t say that. I disagreed. I know it has 4 in it. Had to look it up. Found out I was misquoting it. Ugh! We chuckled. I knew there was 4.
I guess I can only take so much then I have meltdown moments which range in emotions from anger, anxiety, or crying…tonight’s meltdown was anger. Angry bc I have trouble remembering things. Angry bc I misplace things easily and cannot recall where I put them. Angry bc my brain struggles to get verbiage in mind spoken correctly. And I struggle articulating how other’s can help. Angry bc I don’t feel like I’m doing a good enough job expressing my struggles to others and don’t have clue how to correct it. Angry bc sometimes I feel like others don’t understand nor care to understand. Angry bc it seems like there’s lack of reverence towards the things of God.
Jordon asks when Bible says let not the sun go down upon your wrath does that mean don’t go to bed angry. I replied basically yes.
Some would say that means in relationships (Ephesians 4:26). It’s good practice to not go to bed angry at your spouse, but it doesn’t mean we cannot have righteous anger. Being angry in itself is not a sin, but most times it’s how you handle the anger that results in the sin.
11.30 skin itchy like crazy!!! Low back & rt hip throbbing. Brain fried. Headache.
Jan 24
10.28 sudden loud noise? Windows & doors in house shook. Scared me. I thought someone was trying to come in unexpected. Grabbed phone and made sure doors were locked.
1.40pm finally finished sorting thru and writing down church expenses for last year. I’m exhausted and hurting. Headache. Time for break.
7.30 learned that others in area felt and heard loud boom this morning. Speculation of sonic boom but NAS Blue Angels are out of town. Bad enough to bad news at noon. Hugh?
8.00 I’m really hurting. Neck throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Rt side & hip throbbing.
9.00 rt side cramping. Muscles spasming in left side. Back of rt leg/knee throbbing. Unable to get comfortable. Extremely tired. Eyes watering.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 19-21 Jan 2020
Jan 19
Woke from strange dream. Arms & hands numb & tingly from middle back neck to finger tips. It’s hard to get up when you’re hurting, but I know that the more I get going in am the less it’ll hurt bc I won’t be focused on it. Today is Rae’s bday. My baby is 15!
10.00 brain a bit slow in SS today. Difficulty figuring out where we were suppose to be in Bible. I was turned to Acts and he was reading out of Luke. Ugh! At least I made class laugh.
12.00 sleepy all a sudden
6.40 sudden bloody nose during service. Had to ask Joe for tissue. Bro. Puryear prezenting Sea Hope ministry and preaching. Gotta get zyrtec…can’t take benadryl more than couple days at a time.
9.45 took missionaries out to dinner at McD’s. Joe saw police officer and went to talk to thank him for his service. I was torn…wanted to join him but not leave missionaries alone. Eventually joined Joe when officer’s wife sat down. Introduced myself. Joe invited them to church. They are actually looking for a church. Hmm? Divine intervention/appointment?
Captain Buddy & Mrs. Mary asked more about my lightning strike recovery. Amazed how I’m still alive and still trying to serve God. Admitted out loud that with the memory issues it’s like my brain has selective amnesia. I have lost whole years. When other Mom’s talk about how they remember their kids doing such and such as when they’re little. I’ve sat and cried inwardly because I couldn’t remember those things no matter how hard I try. Mrs. Mary said I was an encouragement to her.
10.00 Kids want to go back & help on boat. Dezirae started working on some schoolwork tonight so we can go tomorrow afternoon. Needed my help.
10.30 Brr! I’m getting cold. 69° inside. Temp outside 44°. This feels like southern winter weather. Please keep people warm tonight. Please provide the funds the Puryears need to get on the field by Sept 1st.
11.00 did you know that being deficient in B, magensium, D, Omega, and hormonal imbalance can all lead to anxiety & depression issues?
Muscle weakness can be a symptom of fibromyalgia? Who knew?
Jan 20
6.00 Brr! it’s cold inside. Temp on therm says it’s 64°. Funny how our bodies adapt to temp change from season to season. Temp outside is 33°. Lord, please help people outside stay warm somehow. Thank God is blankets.
Wish I could explain/figure out why my hands and arms are painfully tingling when I wake.
7.00 devotions & morning pt exercises.
8.00 Jordon not feeling well. Gave him sick day. Dezirae diligent at schoolwork. Washing clothes in tub hurts!
10.00 tingling pins and needles chilly sensation up and down spine. Weird!
11.30 asked Dezirae to take towels to mom’s to ring out & then dry in our dryer. Still waiting for washer to get fixed.
12.30 trying to gather tax info little each day so it’ll be ready hopefully by end of January. Need to get more organized in little space. Goal to declutter home and minimize this year.
12.57 chilled to bone
3.07 crashed for two hours til phone rang
5.30 just finished putting clothes away. Exhausted. Upper back stinging needle pain with chilly sensation. Done enough today. Trying so hard to come up with meal plan that helps me on tight budget and easy for me to stick with. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down leg. Can’t get comfortable and it won’t stretch loose.
10.20 muscle cramping in sides if I turn too far left or right. Stinging needle pain upper back & shoulders. Skin itchy. Headache slightly. Cold most of day. Back feels like it’s breaking a fever.
Night meds (Propranolol, turmeric, Echinacea, & melatonin). Took naproxen.
10.30 evening pt exercises. VOR exercises still make me dizzy. Seated chin tuck – good for anyone to do to loosen neck muscles. Deep breathing – good for relaxation and calming nerves. Rest of them for strengthening gait, core muscles, stability (Knee Rock, Half Squat, Clamshells, Bridges, Hand to Knee, Rows, Cat/Camel).
Jan 21
6.00 doesn’t feel as cold inside as y’day. Temp says its 30° outside. If it rained it might snow? 59°inside.
Low back & rt hip throbbing. Neck hurts. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Left arm and hand numb and tingly. Feet cold. Congested. Lower legs pins and needles.
I bet if I would’ve had jewelry on that day I would’ve had visible burn marks on my body. No one even noticed/looked for the entrance/exit wound on my head.
7.40 headache. Morning pt exercises.
10.00 finished prepping for co-op tomorrow. 15 minute clean of fridge – will take me longer but it’s bite sized chunk that will help me feel like I got some housework done today.
I0.40 under covers to warm up.
3.00 kids wanted to go back and help on SeaHope boat. Dezirae & I learned what a lasserete is on a ship. Cool!
4.00 let Jordon drive home. Nerves a mess…wasn’t thinking what time it is. Too many people on road..making me very nervous. rt side cramping most way home. Rt hip throbbing like toothache with pain shooting down rt leg to knee. Low back throbbing. Dull ache all over. Neck hurts. Headache.
5.00 stopped at store to pick up few items. Decided to take over driving. Jordon doing good job even with my nervousness. So proud of him.
At height of my anxiety, it’s better if I think I’m somewhat in control to calm nerves than to go into panic mode and scare all of us. Unfortunately, even I give into the anxiety even while praying Lord please keep us safe.
10.25 skin itchy. Don’t know why itchies come and go. Maybe nerves reacting to weather?
10.50 tired but awake. Whole body throbbing presently. Coolness of sheets actually feel good for the moment.
Tiny Puppy by Jacqueline Palmani
Stuffed Pepper Stew
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 16-18 Jan 2020
Jan 16
6.30 I think I actually got a little over six hours sleep last night. Took long time to fall asleep. Feel like I was beat up and every part of me is so swollen.
I can choose to wallow in self pity or I can choose joy!
9.00a attending church growth conference with Joe today. Not sure how I’ll do but I’m pushing myself to do it. I love serving along side with my husband.
10.00 Joe & I had good talk on our trip. I miss the one on one with him. Discussed that I probably wouldn’t be as far in my recovery if it hadn’t been for the Lord’s help and my pushing myself more than I probably should at times.
3.41 I’m really hurting. Going to car to stretch out.
8.30 told Joe that Pastor Carr helped jogg a memory from when I was a child. He mentioned “great” preachers of the faith. At some point, Pastor Carr mentioned Carl Hatch. When I heard that name, memories of when as a child my family lived in Fairbanks, AK. Dr Carl Hatch was preaching revival services at our church. He was a singer and preacher. He had a record he was promoting and I wanted one. I remember going home and counting all my money in my bank. I had just enough to buy a record the next night. I was so proud that I was able to get one.
9 30p back home. Good day. Kids glad were home and missed us. Sat in our room chatting about their day for about an hour.
Whole body aches. Headache. Thirsty.
Jan 17
Today we get to do something I’ve been wanting our family to do for while. We are doing a mission project…helping fix up SEAHOPE boat getting it ready for sea.
I don’t know how much I’ll be able to do but I’m here.
Rae & I got to help stencil & paint SEA Hope words on life jackets.
1.30 left mission project. Heading home. I’m exhausted and hurting but enjoyed myself. Feel bad that we didn’t finish assignment. Told her maybe we could come back.
Once home, had to rest a while. Still need to get stuff for Rae’s bday dinner. Guys went hunting.
11.20 I’m so hurting but I can feel like barometric pressure is dropping too. Skin itches all over.
Jan 18
5am woke in horrible pain all over body. Hurts to move.
6am still awake and hurts to move. Decide to read Bible on phone. Sinuses congested and trouble breathing. Tinny taste in mouth. Took napeoxen and benadryl. Deep breathing to relax nerves.
Finally fell back to sleep after Joe rubbed back for long time.
7.00 thunderstorm on it way.
9.30 didn’t plan on sleeping that long. Need to get up an moving.
12.50 brunch at 10ish (couldn’t read digital clock from across room eyes blurry today) decided to start working on bulletin for tomorrow.
4.30 able to post tp blog. Finished up June 2018. Need to scheduled I think time for posting. Wish I knew more how to do things with website. I wonder if rehab tbi could help find scholarships to go to college to help me learn computer stuff?
5.45 Joe asked for paper towel. I knew there was spmething I was foegetting to do. Ugh! Have to run to store.
5.30 had bday dinner for Rae tonight. Invited Puryear, Cole, & Caleb (missionary helper) [P.S. I’m stoked that our family gets to not only serve missionaries but also missionary to missionaries].
10.24 tired till I hit bedroom. Sinuses start acting up like I’m allergic to room. Pain increases when I try to wind down. Skin itchy all over. Rt hip throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness and tingling. Upper shoulders tight ans ache. Neck hurts. Nerves pins ans needles tingling thru body. Fee cold.