Feb 15
0445 rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down leg.
“Inadequate vitamin C weakens ligaments and connective tissue, making injury easier, inflammation likely, and healing much more difficult” Andrew W. Saul.
- of Vitamin “C”
35000 mg – 220lbs – 17-18 doses – 2000 per dose
0525 applied pain rub to rt hip. Hands swollen and achy. Arms achy burning. Low back throbbing. Muscles randomly spasming in legs. Tummy hurts. Feet and hands tingling. Eyes watery. Congested.
0930 read Genesis 20-23 Abraham tested to see if he was willing to give up his most prized possession, his son, to God. He passed test and God blessed.
Whole body aches. Broken sleep makes me very tired. Strange dream (working at a store a lady purchases 1,110 worth merchandise. Says she’s not able to fit in her vehicle. I told her I’d watch it til she comes back. She never comes back! I don’t know where she lives nor even her name. I’m at a loss. I search every aisle of store repeatedly. I search parking lot to no avail.)
Ears ringing. Hands throbbing. Trouble waking l’m sooo tired. Center of chest hurts. Low back and rt hip hurts. Upper back stinging. Low back aches. Feet tingling. Headache. Legs tingling. Neck hurts.
Looks like today will be mostly a rest day so I can make it to church tomorrow. Going to gradually increase my Vitamin C to see if it’ll help ease inflammation, pain, and some of my problematic symptoms. I’m quite curious but little cautious and skeptical too.
0300 took kids to store to get some Valentine’s candy at 50% off. A bit dissapointed. One store was only 30% off with very little left to choose from. A second store had none left. Last store had some to choose from and was 50% off. Just that little bit wore me out. Had to rest to gather enough strength to prepare dinner.
0600p tonight’s sheet pan dinner garlic parmesan chicken and veggies. Had Rae help me cut up the veggies. Tossed veggies & chicken in sesame oil, Italian seasoning, bread crumbs, and parmesan cheese. Bake at 350° for 35 minutes. It was easy & delicious. I think I’ll be making this more often.
1100p today was resting day for me. I hurt abundantly and most…lost my train of thought. Center of chest throbbing. Hands ache and tingly. Headache. Feet tingly and cold. Body was cold most of day. Muscles randomly spasming thru body. Rt hip hurtsing with periodic pain down leg. Limited range of mobility in neck. Started taking ginger capsules because of indigestion and I’m out of the gerd rx. Stomach not hurt as much today. Took 1k mg vitamin c.
Skin feels like its crawling on lft thigh. Vision blurry. Low back throbbing. Neck lft side cramping. Headache.
Feb 16
0500 scared awake because Joe thought I said I wanted to get up early. Ugh!
0630 it’s rainging pretty heavy and I’m hurting all over. If it weren’t for me looking to going to church I’d not want to get out of bed.
0700 moving kind of slow. Realized I forgot to put something in bulletin for today. I forget lots of things. It’s frustrating but I’m doing my best to keep doing better.
0930 upper back stinging needle pain. Headache. Hands swollen and achy. Tingling feet. Sinus issues.
1100 indigestion so bad I feel sick to my stomach. Out of gerd rx and don’t know when Dr will refill it. Might need to call Dr to see if they can change it to something I can get 90 day supply with local pharmacy. I’m trying natural things (yogurt, ginger, water, papaya enzymes, etc.) but it doesn’t seem to be helping.
1230 Joe says face is very red…looking flushed. Told him I feel flushed and not so good.
1255 feel like I’m going to crash. Need to lay down a while.
I forgot to put supper in the crockpot. I’ll have to improvise when we get home tonight.
Whole body aches. Headache. Hands stingy tingling. Exhausted to point of about to crash. Toes tingling. Neck hurts. Tummy feels weird. Joe says my face is flushed. My cheeks feel hot. Not feeling so good.
0930 extremly tired all a sudden. Going to bed
0945 skin itchy and feels like its crawling. Muscles randomly twitching in legs. Cold to the bones.
1000p severe indigestion & sinus congestion. Esophagus burning. Feeling nauceous. Difficult to lay still or breath. Getting up to get some rx. Back itching like crazy. Feeling like I’m flushed and have fever suddenly.
1020p think I’ll be awake for a while. Ugh!