May 1
Took shower this morning. Stepped into shower lft foot felt like I was stepping on shards of glass. It was so painful but the hot water felt so goid on my aching low back & rt hip. Arms fatigued washing my hair but degree of difficulty has lessened ever so slightly. Yay! Entire process still very tiring. Thankful for the minor improvement.
Foot still hurts like I’m stepping on glass outside of shower. Had Joe look at it. He found tiny sliver of glass in my foot. He got it out. What a relief! Leave it to me to find. Have no clue where it came from.
Today Rae & I ran errands. Took us a little over three hours. Had to wait in line to get into Sam’s. No wheelchair available. Decided to try to walk behind buggy. Lines for checking out backed up to near back of store. Still no butter. Ugh! I’m so tired but we have one more store to get of items on list.
No wheelchairs at Wal-Mart either. Will have to walk it behind buggy. Rae noticed I was already limping at Sam’s. Asked God to give me strength to continue. Lines just as long at Wal-Mart. No butter there either. Egg $ astronomical. I can’t believe they were half the price just a month ago. This is ridiculous! Really considering getting our own chickens. Not sure how I’d keep up with them but it might just be worth it. Lord shew me the way.
I’m utterly exhausted now. I hurt all over something fierce. Feet, back, & rt hip fiercely paining me. Level 9. Need to rest a while.
Sat for while. Had to use restroom. Got up and almost fell back down on seat. Feet hurt horribly. Brain hurts. Eyes hurt.
Joe working on smoking a port butt for dinner. Glad he chose to cook dinner today. Decided to work on church bulletin some while Joe cooking dinner. We have house call to make tomorrow afternoon.
620 Joe decided to take dinner plates to our neighbors to check on them. Wanted me to go with him. Nice visit but I’m getting very sleepy. Feels like my brain is trying to shut down. She offers cup of coffee. I gladly accept. The caffeine I’m not suppose to be drinking will hopefully wake me up. It’s hard to follow conversations when I’m this tired.
1030 wide awake. Decided to work on blog stuff for a little bit.
May 2
12am finally going to bed. Struggled a bit with PT exercises. Lft leg cramping. Arms fatiguing and cramping. Pushed through.
Neck hurts. Mild headache. Sinuses congested but nose feels dried out like I need to moisturize it. Slightly bloody. Neck muscles tight. Lots of knots. Shoulders tight and sore. Arms hurts and ache deeply. Back hurts. Rt hip aches. Hands swollen and hurting. Legs ache and cramping. Muscles periodically twitching like mini spasms. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness. Feet hurt and tingly. Toes tingly. Brain wore out and fatigued. Hurts to stand. Knee is looking much better and doesn’t hurt as much. Think the Vitamin C and frankinsense oil are helping. Knot feeling in rt side of back.
Thanking the Lord for another day. Think I’ll look for ways to bless someone else today.
930 Rae reminded me I promised to take her shopping for bathing suit. I forgot. Joe decided to go with us and make a morning of it…family time. Found bunch of goodies at Dirt Cheap. I had to take it slow as my hip was throbbing. Rae commented that she could see I was starting to limp. Next store Target. Found a more modest bathing suit that Rae liked but it was bit pricey. I decided to look online for coupon. Found same suit on their website for 30% off online. Asked employee how that’d work. She informed us that they price match. Yay! Love when I can save $.
We have house call to make at 3pm. It’s 1:00. Rae & Joe are hungry. We decide to go to Taco Bell. Lines are long everywhere due to in dining not open yet. We wait anyways. Make it home just long enough to freshen up and change cars.
2:15p I’m so tired I need a nap. Not gonna happen. I close my eyes for a little while on way to their house.
745p Enjoyed visit. Haven’t seen them in quite a while. Looking forward to seeing them in church tomorrow. Joe worked it out for someone to pick up their kids for church tomorrow. Their van broken down and they can’t afford to get it fixed. I so wish I had the money to give but I don’t so I pray for God to provide a miracle.
While their my allergies start acting up, oh I can feel my sinuses itching like crazy, my eyes begin to water. I need to crash but I have to mind my p’s and q’s. I pray under breath asking for God’s help. Thankfully, I manage to hold it together until we get down the road and I begin to sneeze. Ugh. Joe thinks it’s pet dander.
830 home again. Need to post next Scripture Journaling and I don’t have it completely written yet. I ask God to help and He does. I get so overwhelmed at the going at times. I just can’t seem to keep up with it all.
Able to get new post uploaded by 10pmish. Thankfully, I remembered that I noted the steps to convert a word doc to jpeg and saved for future use. It saved me a lot of time. Whew!
1100p I finally finish printing bulletins. Now waiting for guys to come home.