Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 23-24 May 2020

May 23

530 went to bed around 10p. It didn’t take me long to fall.asleep. Strange dreams all night. Don’t remember except I was looking for something or someone in all of them.

Woke feeling like In had been beat up. Headache. Upper body hurts to move. Hands swollen and throbbing. Eyes watery. Sinuses congested. Center of chest hurts – sore like I’ve been punched square in chest. Rt hip hurts. Lower lft leg just above ankle the tourniquet tightening feeling has loosened a little though still there with some numbness & tingling in foot. Let muscles tight.

As long as I remember to take 2k mg of Vitamin C, my bm’s are regular. Forget and I can do days without and feel miserable.

Neck sore but range of motion is good.

800a-1100a Mom, Rae, & I went to pick more veggies. Filled back end of Mom’s van up. Also got a gallon of blueberries & 2 baskets of peaches.

Mom thinks the weird scar on my neck is actually ringworm. Told her I wasn’t sure what it was or how long it’d been there. Just know I noticed it when a kid at church had ringworm earlier this year. Suggested I treat it with iodine.

I’m hurting all over. Back every inch is throbbing. Hands swollen and throbbing. Feet ache. I’m exhausted. Separated bags for church families & one for a neighbor. Now to preserve the rest for later.

300p a friend is giving us his dog bc he keeps getting out even after he fixed his fence. It’s suppose to be a lab terrier mix. Joe checking to see if dog is going to be a good fit.

345p Joe decides to bring dog home with us. I’m happy for kids but I’m still undecided.

1000p canning batch of green beans now. Looking forward to going to bed tonight.

1125 just remembered about iodine when I looked in mirror while brushing teeth & looking at tongue. Can see some pink on tongue again. Neat.

1129 finally in bed. I’m exhausted and hurting from head to toe. Tourniquet tightening feeling in lower lft leg is slowly easing. Toes slightly less tingly. Hands swollen and throbbing. Entire back throbbing intensley. Center chest hurts with periodic sharp pain. Headache. Neck hurts. Feeling pretty good about what we got preserved today & feeling blessed.


May 24

500a woke to throbbing from head to toe. Calves cramping. Bm 3xs. Exhausted. Hard to move. Tylenol helps ease headaches but doesn’t help deep aches and pains.

600a must’ve been moaning bc Joe came to bed after studying and began rubbing back & calves. Felt good.

700a time to get up. Slow moving.

1050 Forgot to plug in the crockpot. Ugh!

1130 rt hip & lower back throbbing. Trouble focusing playing piano. Seemingly unable to hit right notes. Rt side neck hurts making headache worse.

1210 Joe helped get lunch ready. My low back & rt hip throbbing intensely. Whole body hurts aches. Tired.

1255 laying down to rest a while. They’res so much to do but if I don’t rest none of it’ll get done.

300 nap cut short due to Jakob’s emergency. Oh well. Got things to do to get ready for next week.

Low back & rt hip are really throbbing!

Brain feels foggy. Eyes feel blurred & crossed.

400 Joe confirmed that the Jubilee is still on in June. I am still on to give my testimony regarding my lightning strike on Tuesday morning. I’m excited, nervous, & in awe of how God is working all of out and answering prayers for His glory. Eyes filling with conflicting tears.

630 really flubbing on playing piano tonight. Bladder quite busy since Friday’s adjustment. Brain & vusion feels jumbled. I guess all the activity last few days is catching up. Taking a naproxen. Pain is about to make me cry.

1100p going to bed. Eyes heavy. Headache. Upper back stinging. Sinuses not as congested. Bladder busy. Center chest stinging. Scalp itches. Hands swollen and ache deeply. Nose itches. Iodine & bandaid applied to circle on neck. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Laying on belly eases it some. Feet throbbing & tingly. Lft foot numb. Exhausted. Naproxen taken for pain. Night meds taken. Neck aches but not throbbing. Improvements ever so slight I see. PtL! One day I lol forward to no pain.

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