May 6
1159p eventful & blessed day
Woke up late and moving quite slow due to hurting all over. Bloody nose.
Mom, kids, & I went to beach. Beautiful day. Enjoyed “grounding” in the sand. It felt so good to have extra electricity drain from my body. It’s like negative energy draining from body and positive energy healing body.
Stayed too long. I’m very sunburned even though I applied sunblock every 30 minutes or so. Using diy essential oil too much sun remedy to ease the burn. Seems to help.
Noticed that while at beach my headache was very minimum but once we headed back home it increased.
Feet are ice cold though rest of body hot from sun burn.
Skin hurts from sunburn. Headache. Neck hurts. Shoulders tight and ache. Low back aches. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with minor numbness. Tired.
May 7
0930 working on prepping letters, borders, and decor for new bulletin board for church.
1042 high pitch ringing noise in rt ear. Lasted one minute. Oh it hurts.
1245 Mom has bad sunburn. Going over to share homemade w/o too much sun spray. It works. Within five minutes she said burn was already starting to ease.
138 check on friend to see about a pkg. Learn she’s in ER bc of bad headache. Stop what I’m doing to take time to pray for her. Offer to share things that have helped me and my headachez/migraines.
230 get word that Jordon’s on way to shop. Decided to get ready for church and pack for church. Nose bleeding slightly again. Apply light film petroleum jelly inside nose. Don’t like feeling rushed. I forget things easily and it tenses up my muscles.
350 rt wrist throbbing. Feels like I sprained it but have no clue how.
Waiting for Jordon to get back from a job then heading to church. I’m so tired and feel like I need a nap. Can tell I didn’t take a B12 tab this morning. Oops I don’t think I even took my meds. Rt hip throbbing.
530 attempting to put up bulletin board I worked hard on all day. Had Rae take the old one down & put away. Got called into pastor’s office for unexpected counseling session. The bulletin board will have to wait.
714 I’m hurting in the worse way. Nose stuffed & congested. Neck cramping horribly while playing piano. Trouble following where I am (which stanza) just playing. We’ve worked out a system for song leader to que me when we were on last stanza except I didn’t hear him. Oops. Kept playing bc I was trying to follow his hand waving. His hand kept moving so I kept playing except we were done with the song. Lol.
Neck cramping on lft side. Having trouble ignoring it. Pain traveling down lft side. Applying eo pain roller. Oh the coolness feels wonderful on my sunburn. Low back throbbing. Feet throbbing. Hands hurting. I’m wore out.
950 guess I’m done for night. I hurt from head to toe. Low back throbbing making it difficult to walk. I’m walking like an old decrepit little lady! Not good. Need to rest a while. Headache hurts.
1024 turned wrong getting ready for bed rt side near ribs go into Charlie horse pain cramping. It’s debilitating.
I’m in tears moaning it hurts so bad. Joe decides to rub. Spine hurts. Manage to choke out it’s on rt side back near ribs. I hollar and cry it hurts. Joe discovers one of my ribs got caught on top of the other. Says I have to stretch it out. I’m not moving. Crying and having trouble breathing as nose is now severely clogged. Trying to take deep breaths to calm myself down as I can feel my body tensing causing more pain.
While trying to lie still as possible to avoid pain decided to look up possible causes.
Symptoms could possible a rib is out of place.