May 8
700 rough night. Woke to whole body hurting. Nose stuffed so bad that I was breathing thru mouth. Dry mouth. Thirsty. Headache. Tired. So much pain but at least my rib slipped back into place sometime during the night. I hope that don’t happen again any time soon. I’m so tired.
Blew nose. Applied thin layer of vasoline inside nostrils. Sniffed Vicks to open sinuses. Drank water. Attempted to fall back to sleep til alarm went off.
720 unable to fall back to sleep. Choose to pray for those who come to mind. Then decide to read Bble a while. Turn slowly to lay on stomach. Legs throbbing and leg muscles go into mini spasms. Eyes water. Need to keep ginger next to bed so I can take that first instead of migraine med. Headache worsening. Need to minimize it before it’s full blown. Too much to do today to get ready for tomorrow.
850 picking up kitchen. My house is a mess. While attempting to make breakfast, I suddenly get a stinging needle pain in tip of my rt index finger. It stops me in my tracts. Decide to sit and drink thyme tea to see if it’ll go away. Think I got half cup down before it was time to go.
1130 family going to Sam’s to get stuff for tomorrow. Decided to use wheelchair to reserve strength for tomorrow. Ended up using manual wheelchair with kids pushing me. Don’t like it but it is what it is. Wore me out. Now people panicking about the supposed meat shortage. This is ridiculous. We need to be vigilant because our advisaries are taking advantage with this pandemic.
Spiritual battles all around us. Must put armour on daily even hourly.
Joe bought lunch while we were out. Decided to take drive thru cemetery to give time to eat food and see the ducks. Didn’t see duckzilla. Wonder where he is?
600p can feel myself draining of energy and crashing. I’m wore out. Need to rest. Asked Rae to put a movie in. Crashed little while.
1159 sunburn itching
Whole body aches. Brain hurts. Headache. Sinuses congested.
May 9
1030 I’m amazed and shocked at the love I received today from church at our fellowship. They surprised me by taking time to express their appreciation for all I do especially since my lightning strike. They said I was an encouragement because of my determination to push through with the strength I get from the Lord.
Some said I’m an encouragement to them to keep going because I do. They presented me with a gift card to spend only on me.
1130 played bean bag toss for first time in I don’t remember how long. Got wore out but it was enjoyable.
220 just arrived home from fellowship. I’m plum wore out. Straight to bed I go to rest my aching back and pass out. Mentall & physically drained.
430 wow slept for two hours. Feel a little in a daze and probably could sleep longer but need to sleep tonight.
730 I’m flat wore out from today. No more energy to muster up. Center of chest throbbing.
800 family surprised me with spa basket filled with goodies for Mother’s Day. I really like it. Looking forward to using it all.
1137 just finished prepping bulletins, sign up sheet, prayer bulletin for tomorrow. Had kids fold bulletins. I’m tuckered out. No energy.