Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 18-20 May 2020

May 18

800p pushed too hard/too much today. Finished canning veggies today (25 jars) My body is screaming in pain all over.

Crashed for an hour after dinner then woke just to go to bed. Thankful for the veggies. Eyes are leaking water.

930 nerves stinging from head to toe. Center chest burning throbbing pain. Chest poped few times in bed moving send sharp stabbing pain thru torso.

Took night meds & pain rx.


May 19

630 slept most of night woke couple times to use restroom. Stumbled to restroom more like it had to hold on to furniture to keep from falling.

740 still tired. Hands and arms numb & tingling. May need to just rest today. Still hurt from head to toe but at least pain isn’t screaming like last night. Low back & rt hip intense throbbing just sitting. Will use heat pad. 2 jars didn’t seal. Not bad odds. Will refrigerate and use first. Need to plan meals but brain feels like mush. Need to write thank you’s. Applied pain eo rub to low back/rt hip and neck areas.

756 playing wholetones chroma on tv this morning. Open Door – floating sheet of beautiful red reminds me of the ocean…so peaceful. Unable to handle watching the twirling of lines. It hurts my brain and eyes right yet. Love watching the beautiful deep red rose with cleverly placed rain droplets that seems to twinkle. Makes my soul just want to cry in adoration of God’s beautiful creation of which I’m unworthy.

Feeling tingling chilling sensation in neck traveling down spine to low back.


Going to start D.E. to see if it’ll ease some of this pain naturally. I loathe having to take pain pills. They have so many ill side effects.

I’ll try to attempt this person’s suggestion of 1 heaping tablespoon twice daily.


Trouble focusing? Here’s few possible reasons…


800 Joe suggested & take Epsom salt bath. He had Rae get it ready for me. It felt so good until my tailbone started throbbing.

1015 I hurt from head to toe. Back, st hip, & tailbone throbbing. Can’t seem to get comfortable. Legs cramping with tingling and numbness in lft lower leg below knee to foot. Feet throbbing. Headache. Sinuses congested. Eyes watery. Lft nostril slightly blood.

May 20

700 slept half way decent. Woke twice. Low back, tailbone, & rt hip throbbing. Whole body aches. Hard to move.

930 went to sit with friend while Rae cleaned her house for her. I help too as I’m able. She asked us to take her to grocery store to get few items when we were done. We did.

1000 crashed on chair in living room around 8pm. Woke just before 10p to go to bed. I’m in great pain. Tailbone & rt hip throbbing severly. Know I moaned in pain while sleeping in chair. Heard one of kids if you’re hurting go to bed then fell back asleep.

Took night meds, & pain rx. Using Dr Teals Sleep Lotion. Smells so good.

Headache. Hurt from head to toe. Neck hurts. Shoulders tense and ache. Eyes itch. Sinuses slightly congested. Arms ache deep. Hands swollen & throbbing with periodic prickly stinging. Back aches. Low back, tailbone, & rt hip throbbing intensely. Makes difficult to get comfortable. Legs ache like I’ve run a marathon. Chest center burns. Numbness & tingling from just above ankles to toes. Worse at toes. Skin feels itchy.


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