June 3
0500a woke with knot feeling in low rt back. Arms throbbing. Hands stinging. Eyes watering. Sinus congested. Full of mucus making me feel a bit nauceous. Whole body sore all over. Hurts to move. Strange dream but I can’t make it out pictures in mind moving too fast to focus on any one item.
650 stinging needle pain thru body. Headache increases. Need to get more thyme for tea.
700 power flickered and just heard thunder. Body tensed and tummy hurting. Tummy tore up.
945 went with Mom & kids to go shopping. Couple trips to restroom. Ugh. Had to sit few times thru store.
125 stinging from neck to toes. Eating lunch & resting a while.
400 Need to run to store to get ingredients for making pickles. Trouble finding ingredients. Tummy troubles. Brain is hurting. Headache.
535 home again. Laying down a piece bc my head is pounding. Hands stinging. Calves burning. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Rt eye twitching. Neck throbbing.
Applying ice to back of neck.
730 began working on making bread and butter pickles.
900 just finished slicing pickles and onions. Realized midstream that I was trying to put up the field peas first. Water boiling on stove. Needed to finish that first. Ugh! Having trouble thinking straight.
Realized I have to refrigerate the pickles for at least three hours first. Not finishing them tonight. I’m exhausted and won’t do any good trying to force myself. Will pick back up tomorrow sometime.
Going to bed. Headache worsening again. Trying to do too much is not healthy for me. Look forward to a day I can just rest. Too much going on since this covid junk started.
June 4
530a wow it’s early. Slept pretty good last night. Strange dream…I’m somewhere running searching to find something important. I’m wore out as if I actually was running.
Whole body aches all over. Bad headache. Drinking cup of thyme & peppermint tea.
650 just thought oh I can finish canning pickles this morning before we go.
840 going to pick more veggies then get to go swimming/wading in pool.
1000 having to stop and rest a bunch today. Back not able to handle bending over yet. It hurts so bad I can hardly bare it. The more I pick the worse my body hurts.
1200 the pool felt wonderful on my muscles. Helped eased the pain.
730 trouble focusing. Headache. Whole body hurts. Hands & wrists swollen and throbbing. Feet throbbing.
Calves throbbing.
825 forearm stinging