June 5
930a Joe & Jordon got pick up sound equipment stuff being donated to church.
1030 We took Jordon to PCC for tour.
300p It was nice but not what I was hoping for…still have questions.
I’m tired and wore out. Calves burning. Brain hur5s. Headache. Neck hurts. Muscles tight. Hands throbbing and burn a little. Low back throbbing.
Recvd unexpected blessings. 6pc necklace & bakers rack for cooling bake goods. Dad surprised me and said they talked about it and I only owe $50 more on car. Yay!
Middle of back sting throbbing. Lights bothersome. Headache worsens. Sinuses congested. Rt hip stabbing pain. Ankles, feet, & toes tingly and throbbing with some numbness. Exhausted. Center of chest throbbing pain. Eyes watering.
June 6
700a woke in horrible pain. Headache. Muscles cramping/ spasming randomly thru body. Hands throbbing.
Joe kindly without my asking chose to give me massage with pain relief massage oil. It felt good though I have some very painful spots.
1230 have to lay down a piece. I’m wore out, exhausted, and hurting all over
445 this tropical storm Cristobal weather is not being nice to me. It causes much pain.
1020 I’m in much more pain. Muscles are stinging thru my body. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Low back & rt hip throbbing.
Hurting this bad makes it difficult to move or be motivated to do anything. Makes me very lethargic. Headache is bad. Tummy hurts. Bright lights bothersome. Bad tinny taste in mouth.
1040 yawned and lft side of neck cramped up.
Night meds taken plus pain rx & melatonin. Checked drug interaction checker first on webmd.
June 7
530 woke from strange dream. Much pain from head to toes. Rt hand and elbow swollen and throbbing like tennis elbow. Low back throbbing. Deep sharp stinging pain thru body.
730 fell back to sleep and over slept. I hate oversleeping.
900 in much pain & very grumpy
1120 my focus and brain are very off today. Messed up miserably playing piano. Couldn’t focus. Took my binder and put on top of piano to block view of people on platform. Eyes & ears kept wanting to chase movement & sounds around me. No one doing anything wrong…just couldn’t. Did better as long as binder was up. Brain hurting. Brain feels like it’s falling apart.
1215 Rae offered to help with lunch. I chose to lay down. Fell asleep on Pew (which is something I don’t normally do because it’s so uncomfortable for me). Woken to eat lunch.
1257 laying down in nursery.
400 Joe came in to gently wake me up.
0600 Joe graciously excused me from playing piano tonight. Feeling some better but still in a lot of pain.
730 turned to lft and lft side especially under ribs started cramping horribly.
1000 going to bed. Still raining pretty heavy outside with periodic gusts of wind. Reporting is 1700 without power in our area. So far we still have power. Thank you, Lord. Praying for safety for our people and ourselves.
Noticed a strange looking lump on lft forearm