Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 10-11 May 2020

May 10

100 Joe & kids cooked lunch for me & Mom today.

200 I’m tuckered out. Need a nap. Amazing how just using my brain a little wears me out.

330 Decided to work on mission project…painting name on life preservers(jackets). Word doesn’t look right. Anyways, messed up on one and tried to fix it. Made it worse but finally managed to clean it up best I could. Hands hurt and arms going numb. Sure wish I could get an answer to all these little ailments post LS. But where do I look? Who would be willing to help work with me and take initiative in helping? Have to take periodic break to shake hands and arms out. Managed to get 2 painted. One left.

559 feet freezing. Keeping socks on for service. Headache. Now rt leg & foot is numb & tingly.

Brain is foggy & tired. Eyes hurt. Middle of back stinging. Rt hip aching.

Sleepy. Arms & elbows ache. Hands ache. Neck hurts. Legs cold…covering up with my sweater. Nose stuffy. Headache worsening. Lights bright and becoming bothersome.

645 vision getting blurry. Low back throbbing. Both legs going numb. Calves throbbing.


May 11

1000 rough night. Woke several times in night. First time due to horrible nightmare I don’t even want to recall. Groggy when I woke. Eyes blurry. Headache.

Read Bible and got up around 9am. Able to water garden, wash and hang load of clothes, put away a clean load from last week, and put meat in crockpot for dinner. Now am exhausted and headache is becoming a migraine.


1130 Charlie horse of a cramp in lft calf. Laughing so I don’t cry caused Jordon to laugh at me. Caused me to stand to try to alleviate pain.


1250 eyes hurt. Lights bright. Rt side cramping just sitting down to eat lunch. Kids cooked hot pockets and Mac n cheese. Glad I use Monday’s to recoup from weekends. I can really tell I’m out of multivitamin and fish oil. Need to get more.

153 plumb exhausted. Laying down for 10 minutes. Took Advil sinus, ginger capsule, & applying ice pack to head.

243 ended up being almost 30 minutes but migraine starting to ease some. Cold pack felt really good on my head.

Whole body aches deeply as if storms coming.

900p I really dislike how migraines make me feel so drained and lethargic afterwards. Thankful for a day to rest.

1100 center of chest hurting. Very tired. Not much energy today. Eyes hurts. Skin sensitive to touch. Lights bothersome to eyes. Exhausted.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 8-9 May 2020

May 8

700 rough night. Woke to whole body hurting. Nose stuffed so bad that I was breathing thru mouth. Dry mouth. Thirsty. Headache. Tired. So much pain but at least my rib slipped back into place sometime during the night. I hope that don’t happen again any time soon. I’m so tired.

Blew nose. Applied thin layer of vasoline inside nostrils. Sniffed Vicks to open sinuses. Drank water. Attempted to fall back to sleep til alarm went off.

720 unable to fall back to sleep. Choose to pray for those who come to mind. Then decide to read Bble a while. Turn slowly to lay on stomach. Legs throbbing and leg muscles go into mini spasms. Eyes water. Need to keep ginger next to bed so I can take that first instead of migraine med. Headache worsening. Need to minimize it before it’s full blown. Too much to do today to get ready for tomorrow.

850 picking up kitchen. My house is a mess. While attempting to make breakfast, I suddenly get a stinging needle pain in tip of my rt index finger. It stops me in my tracts. Decide to sit and drink thyme tea to see if it’ll go away. Think I got half cup down before it was time to go.

1130 family going to Sam’s to get stuff for tomorrow. Decided to use wheelchair to reserve strength for tomorrow. Ended up using manual wheelchair with kids pushing me. Don’t like it but it is what it is. Wore me out. Now people panicking about the supposed meat shortage. This is ridiculous. We need to be vigilant because our advisaries are taking advantage with this pandemic.

Spiritual battles all around us. Must put armour on daily even hourly.

Joe bought lunch while we were out. Decided to take drive thru cemetery to give time to eat food and see the ducks. Didn’t see duckzilla. Wonder where he is?

600p can feel myself draining of energy and crashing. I’m wore out. Need to rest. Asked Rae to put a movie in. Crashed little while.

1159 sunburn itching

Whole body aches. Brain hurts. Headache. Sinuses congested.





May 9

1030 I’m amazed and shocked at the love I received today from church at our fellowship. They surprised me by taking time to express their appreciation for all I do especially since my lightning strike. They said I was an encouragement because of my determination to push through with the strength I get from the Lord.

Some said I’m an encouragement to them to keep going because I do. They presented me with a gift card to spend only on me.

1130 played bean bag toss for first time in I don’t remember how long. Got wore out but it was enjoyable.

220 just arrived home from fellowship. I’m plum wore out. Straight to bed I go to rest my aching back and pass out. Mentall & physically drained.

430 wow slept for two hours. Feel a little in a daze and probably could sleep longer but need to sleep tonight.

730 I’m flat wore out from today. No more energy to muster up. Center of chest throbbing.

800 family surprised me with spa basket filled with goodies for Mother’s Day. I really like it. Looking forward to using it all.

1137 just finished prepping bulletins, sign up sheet, prayer bulletin for tomorrow. Had kids fold bulletins. I’m tuckered out. No energy.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 6-7 May 2020

May 6

1159p eventful & blessed day

Woke up late and moving quite slow due to hurting all over. Bloody nose.

Mom, kids, & I went to beach. Beautiful day. Enjoyed “grounding” in the sand. It felt so good to have extra electricity drain from my body. It’s like negative energy draining from body and positive energy healing body.


Stayed too long. I’m very sunburned even though I applied sunblock every 30 minutes or so. Using diy essential oil too much sun remedy to ease the burn. Seems to help.


Noticed that while at beach my headache was very minimum but once we headed back home it increased.

Feet are ice cold though rest of body hot from sun burn.

Skin hurts from sunburn. Headache. Neck hurts. Shoulders tight and ache. Low back aches. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with minor numbness. Tired.


May 7

0930 working on prepping letters, borders, and decor for new bulletin board for church.

1042 high pitch ringing noise in rt ear. Lasted one minute. Oh it hurts.

1245 Mom has bad sunburn. Going over to share homemade w/o too much sun spray. It works. Within five minutes she said burn was already starting to ease.

138 check on friend to see about a pkg. Learn she’s in ER bc of bad headache. Stop what I’m doing to take time to pray for her. Offer to share things that have helped me and my headachez/migraines.

230 get word that Jordon’s on way to shop. Decided to get ready for church and pack for church. Nose bleeding slightly again. Apply light film petroleum jelly inside nose. Don’t like feeling rushed. I forget things easily and it tenses up my muscles.

350 rt wrist throbbing. Feels like I sprained it but have no clue how.

Waiting for Jordon to get back from a job then heading to church. I’m so tired and feel like I need a nap. Can tell I didn’t take a B12 tab this morning. Oops I don’t think I even took my meds. Rt hip throbbing.

530 attempting to put up bulletin board I worked hard on all day. Had Rae take the old one down & put away. Got called into pastor’s office for unexpected counseling session. The bulletin board will have to wait.

714 I’m hurting in the worse way. Nose stuffed & congested. Neck cramping horribly while playing piano. Trouble following where I am (which stanza) just playing. We’ve worked out a system for song leader to que me when we were on last stanza except I didn’t hear him. Oops. Kept playing bc I was trying to follow his hand waving. His hand kept moving so I kept playing except we were done with the song. Lol.

Neck cramping on lft side. Having trouble ignoring it. Pain traveling down lft side. Applying eo pain roller. Oh the coolness feels wonderful on my sunburn. Low back throbbing. Feet throbbing. Hands hurting. I’m wore out.

950 guess I’m done for night. I hurt from head to toe. Low back throbbing making it difficult to walk. I’m walking like an old decrepit little lady! Not good. Need to rest a while. Headache hurts.

1024 turned wrong getting ready for bed rt side near ribs go into Charlie horse pain cramping. It’s debilitating.

I’m in tears moaning it hurts so bad. Joe decides to rub. Spine hurts. Manage to choke out it’s on rt side back near ribs. I hollar and cry it hurts. Joe discovers one of my ribs got caught on top of the other. Says I have to stretch it out. I’m not moving. Crying and having trouble breathing as nose is now severely clogged. Trying to take deep breaths to calm myself down as I can feel my body tensing causing more pain.

While trying to lie still as possible to avoid pain decided to look up possible causes.

Symptoms could possible a rib is out of place. 

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 4-5 May 2020

May 4

745 slept hard. Weird dreams but can’t recall. Tired. Bad headache. Nose congested. Bloody and starting to turn green. Nor good. Center chest hurts. Whole body aches. Hurts to move or lie still. Lights bothersome. I have screen brightness all the way down and screen is still too bright.

845 sniffing Vicks vapor rub to help with breathing. Might even think about nebulizer with colloidal silver in a bit. Can’t hurt. Going to go take a ginger and drink coffee to see if it’ll ease this headache before it becomes a migraine. Need to get decaf.

1230 listening partially to homeschool summit. Able to hang two loads of clothes on line. Had kids carry wet clothes to line. Arms & back hurt and I’m tired but don’t hurt as much as I used to post LS. Yay! Thank you, Jesus!

818 I have a health tracker app on my phone. I made a goal of how much water I wanted to drink a day and I have successfully been able come close to or achieve daily goal (because it reminds me thru day). I’ve not been able to achieve the steps suggested as my legs, back, & hip fatigue easily so I have decided to set a small goal and work at that for a week then gradually increase. I’m happy to report I was able to exceed 1200 steps today.

Think I’ve done too much. My back is stinging right now. Muscles in legs twitching/spasming.

1039 center of chest throbbing. I know I really did too much. Ugh. Why does pain have to hurt so much?

Took pm rd and pain rx. Applied eo pain roller to chest. It’s easing some.

Whole body aches. Headache still there but has eased from this morning. Neck hurts. Back stings. Center of chest intense pain. Hands throbbing. Legs ache with muscles randomly spasming /twitching. Skin itchy. Feet cold & hurting. Toes tingly. Rt hip hurts. Low back aches.

1153 symptoms of migraines

May 5

715 Jordon successfully dropped off at work. Could tell he was excited. Had to keep telling him to slow down driving.

I’m tired. Laying back down for half hour. Temp currently 65° outside. I’m chilled to the bone. Wonder if all LS survivors get easily chilled post LS?

Muscles in back randomly twitching/spasming. Back stinging. Hands throbbing. Eyes watery. Sinuses congested. Nose still blood tinged. Headache. Toes freezing. Chest hurts but not like last night but could easily get there.

1110 center of chest tingling chilly feeling

300 just got home from helping Dezirae with her job. I’m exhausted. Rcvd word that it was time to pick up Jordon.

420 finally back home. I’m exhausted and need to rest before finishing dinner. I’m not even hungry. Ended up crashing in chair in LR. Heard Joe in my daze ask Dezirae to brown the meat for me.

646 dinner done and dishes cleaned too.

1000 this is a shocker to me…energy drain can be related to migraine?

1100 I’m plum exhausted. Hopefully it won’t take me too long to fall asleep.

Headache pounding. Neck hurts. Shoulders ache and tingle. Hands throbbing. Back hurts. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Legs hurt & burn. Feet hurt. Toes tingle. Sinuses congested Nd stuffy. Nose blood tinged. Light sensitive. Eyes heavy. Chest center hurts. Phlegm down back of throat.

Took night meds, C, zinc, pain rx. Lft knee hurts with occasional stinging.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 3 May 2020

May 3

1206a guys finally make it home. Rae & I watching a Christian film. It only has a few more minutes. Twas going to finish but Joe comes to livingroom and tells us to go to bed. Ugh. I’ll have to try to remember to finish later.

1238p attempt to put new bandage on knee myself and mess it up. Have to use medical tape anyways to keep it on. It’s looking much better.

I’m feeling the effects of not enough rest through the day. I’m exhausted. Looking forward to working on Sea Hope vests tomorrow. Found the stencil I made but misplaced. It was with my character trait notes. Lol.

My whole body hurts. Jostling down the bumpy dirt road hurts a body. Sinuses acting haywire. Headache. Neck hurts. Shoulders ache & sting. Arms sore. Hands throbbing. Butt aches. Legs throbbing. Chest hurts. Nose slight bloody. Lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness and tingling. Feet hurt and tingly. Toes freezing cold & tingly. Low back throbbing intensely.

730a very rough night. Bandage kept sticking to sheets hindering my movement. Couldn’t get comfortable.

Just as I fall asleep sheets got taken away. Rest of night I either fought for covers or got stuck in them and felt like I was suffocating. Woke in bad mood and angry. I’m in lot of pain today too. Told Joe it’s a tramadol pain day.

Decided to turn Rejoice radio on to soothe my tension. Music soothes and heals. It helps.

Joe prepares meat in crockpot and allows me to prepare the scallop potatoes in 2nd crockpot.

Today is Come back to church Sunday! Looking forward to seeing our people. Lots of prep work before 11am. Glad we have Kids to help.

800 getting ready for church. Went to closet to get something. I sneezed and I could not only feel it but I heard something pop inside my head. It hurt but my headache eased a little too. Weird.

1030 My back is severely throbbing and I’m wobbling like a penguin. Rae chuckling tells me she can tell I’m really hurting because I’m wobbling. Suggested I sit to rest a bit. Decide to sit and eat a nutrigrain bar so I can take my am meds. Have to eat something now before taking them so it doesn’t upset my stomach.

Joe offers us to sing accapella today. I refuse because I know music is important in the service.

1220 Joe discovered that we forgot to plug in meat crockpot. Now have to cook on stove top. I need fry pans at church. Ugh! My back is killing me.

Forgot it was metal pan and grabbed the handle. Lightly burnt my lft palm. Few minutes later I did same thing to rt palm. This makes me wish I had air fryer at church. Pork chops are cooked.

200p time to rest. I’m exhausted and in much pain. Guys are cleaning up kitchen. Head hurts. Feel crash oncoming. Laying down a while. Entire back throbbing with pain shooting like streams through body.. Hands ache. Neck hurts. Arms ache. Lft leg throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness and tingling. Feet hurt.

224p sudden chilling burning sensation behind rt ear. Feels weird. Lasted about 30 minutes.

652 legs and feet are cold. Vision blurry. Back pain has eased but not gone. Brain fog. Head hurts on top of headache. Tired.

915 stumbled across info about migraines…

930 skin xtra sensitive tonight. Joe’s elbow next to my elbow. Tonight his hair on his arm felt like razors on my arm. Strange but very bothersome.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 1-2 May 2020

May 1

Took shower this morning. Stepped into shower lft foot felt like I was stepping on shards of glass. It was so painful but the hot water felt so goid on my aching low back & rt hip. Arms fatigued washing my hair but degree of difficulty has lessened ever so slightly. Yay! Entire process still very tiring. Thankful for the minor improvement.

Foot still hurts like I’m stepping on glass outside of shower. Had Joe look at it. He found tiny sliver of glass in my foot. He got it out. What a relief! Leave it to me to find. Have no clue where it came from.

Today Rae & I ran errands. Took us a little over three hours. Had to wait in line to get into Sam’s. No wheelchair available. Decided to try to walk behind buggy. Lines for checking out backed up to near back of store. Still no butter. Ugh! I’m so tired but we have one more store to get of items on list.

No wheelchairs at Wal-Mart either. Will have to walk it behind buggy. Rae noticed I was already limping at Sam’s. Asked God to give me strength to continue. Lines just as long at Wal-Mart. No butter there either. Egg $ astronomical. I can’t believe they were half the price just a month ago. This is ridiculous! Really considering getting our own chickens. Not sure how I’d keep up with them but it might just be worth it. Lord shew me the way.

I’m utterly exhausted now. I hurt all over something fierce. Feet, back, & rt hip fiercely paining me. Level 9. Need to rest a while.

Sat for while. Had to use restroom. Got up and almost fell back down on seat. Feet hurt horribly. Brain hurts. Eyes hurt.

Joe working on smoking a port butt for dinner. Glad he chose to cook dinner today. Decided to work on church bulletin some while Joe cooking dinner. We have house call to make tomorrow afternoon.

620 Joe decided to take dinner plates to our neighbors to check on them. Wanted me to go with him. Nice visit but I’m getting very sleepy. Feels like my brain is trying to shut down. She offers cup of coffee. I gladly accept. The caffeine I’m not suppose to be drinking will hopefully wake me up. It’s hard to follow conversations when I’m this tired.

1030 wide awake. Decided to work on blog stuff for a little bit.


May 2

12am finally going to bed. Struggled a bit with PT exercises. Lft leg cramping. Arms fatiguing and cramping. Pushed through.

Neck hurts. Mild headache. Sinuses congested but nose feels dried out like I need to moisturize it. Slightly bloody. Neck muscles tight. Lots of knots. Shoulders tight and sore. Arms hurts and ache deeply. Back hurts. Rt hip aches. Hands swollen and hurting. Legs ache and cramping. Muscles periodically twitching like mini spasms. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness. Feet hurt and tingly. Toes tingly. Brain wore out and fatigued. Hurts to stand. Knee is looking much better and doesn’t hurt as much. Think the Vitamin C and frankinsense oil are helping. Knot feeling in rt side of back.

Thanking the Lord for another day. Think I’ll look for ways to bless someone else today.

930 Rae reminded me I promised to take her shopping for bathing suit. I forgot. Joe decided to go with us and make a morning of it…family time.  Found bunch of goodies at Dirt Cheap. I had to take it slow as my hip was throbbing. Rae commented that she could see I was starting to limp. Next store Target. Found a more modest bathing suit that Rae liked but it was bit pricey. I decided to look online for coupon. Found same suit on their website for 30% off online. Asked employee how that’d work. She informed us that they price match. Yay! Love when I can save $.

We have house call to make at 3pm. It’s 1:00. Rae & Joe are hungry. We decide to go to Taco Bell. Lines are long everywhere due to in dining not open yet. We wait anyways. Make it home just long enough to freshen up and change cars.

2:15p I’m so tired I need a nap. Not gonna happen. I close my eyes for a little while on way to their house.

745p Enjoyed visit. Haven’t seen them in quite a while. Looking forward to seeing them in church tomorrow. Joe worked it out for someone to pick up their kids for church tomorrow. Their van broken down and they can’t afford to get it fixed. I so wish I had the money to give but I don’t so I pray for God to provide a miracle.

While their my allergies start acting up, oh I can feel my sinuses itching like crazy, my eyes begin to water. I need to crash but I have to mind my p’s and q’s. I pray under breath asking for God’s help. Thankfully, I manage to hold it together until we get down the road and I begin to sneeze. Ugh. Joe thinks it’s pet dander.

830 home again. Need to post next Scripture Journaling and I don’t have it completely written yet. I ask God to help and He does. I get so overwhelmed at the going at times. I just can’t seem to keep up with it all.

Able to get new post uploaded by 10pmish. Thankfully, I remembered that I noted the steps to convert a word doc to jpeg and saved for future use. It saved me a lot of time. Whew!

1100p I finally finish printing bulletins. Now waiting for guys to come home.

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