Lightning Strikes Journal Entries – 2021 August 15-17

August 15
1130 feet starting to freeze. Put socks on. Headache mild.

Took Yates to lunch. It is also my hubby’s spiritual bday. Hard to celebrate on Sunday’s. Think I’ll try to do something tomorrow for dinner.
Felt for moment at restaurant like I was going to pass out as room was starting to spin on me.
I don’t get it. Just when I think I’m doing better in that area (vertigo) and then it acts up out of blue. Not sure what’s going on.
Tried to take a nap. Can’t get comfortable. I can feel the storm coming. Tropical Storm Fred coming our way.

Got very frustrated in church while playing the piano. Out of sync with rhythm of song which threw me off. I got frustrated at messing up and was having difficulty focusing on trying to find where I was supposed to be at. I quite playing for a few measures then was able to keep going. It angers me so bc people don’t typically understand what I’m dealing with and I struggle expressing it to help them understand.
A visitor shared with me after church that she enjoyed my piano playing. I told her thank you.
I had a pity party on way home so to speak because I messed up so much.
Joe expressed that he thought I was mad at him. He tried to tell me something while I was supposed to be playing. I heard him talking but because my energy and  focus was on playing I couldn’t understand what he was saying. I tried to tell him I can’t talk right now but instead he said I said I’m not talking to you right now. I reminded him that although I can hear what everyone is saying in the auditorium I have to try hard to put all my energy and focus on playing the piano that I don’t comprehend what they are saying. If I allow my mind and attention to wander for even a moment, it frazzles me so much that I struggle getting my attention back to where it needs to be in order to play.
I enjoy serving God with all my being but playing piano has become quite a challenge that I don’t enjoy it anymore.  I know it’s important for the services and that’s why I continue to push myself. I love singing more. I am praying that God will provide a talented pianist for our congregation and maybe they’ll know enough to help me do better.

Exhausted. Nerves stinging. Neck hurts. Slight stuffy nose. Hands throbbing. Back itchy like crazy. Legs throbbing. Ankles stinging. Feet throbbing with tingling to toes. Rt hip hurts. Skin hypersensitive.

Praise: we had visitors in both services.

August 16
550 my whole body stiff and stinging. Very tired. Skin itchy. Slight stuffy nose.

Jeremiah 14-17,

Whew! What a long, but blessed day.
A friend over the weekend offered to pay for our daughter to go to private school for her last two years. Over the weekend I had to download the application/registration forms. Fill them out, gather pertinent paperwork, and figure out costs.
Today we went to register her for school then run around getting school uniforms (some had to be ordered), school supplies. It seemed like everyone was out of stock in everything we needed. That took until lunch time.
Came home ate lunch, elevated knee for little while, then took a 20 minute nap just so I could have the energy to go pick up my niece from school, go pick checks from friend (of course, we had to stay and chat a while ), go to couple more stores for a few more school supplies. Picked up items for dinner, then head home.
I’m exhausted. Nerves are throbbing and stinging thru body. Bones ache deeply. Sinuses congested slightly. Slight headache. Hands throbbing. Lft knee gave out a couple times today. Once I almost fell. Thankfully there was a chair nearby in the uniform store I quickly sat on to avoid making a scene. Crisis averted. Whew! Feet and toes tingling. Knee is throbbing.

Psalm 37:3-5, 23:5

330 woken from sleep by extreme stinging, fiery nerve pain!!!  As well as symptoms of an allergy attack. Not sure what caused it. Nose very stuffy but runny. Lots of congestion. Used nasal spray. Took pain rx for nerve pain. It took the firey edge off, but still stinging.
A little while later still having trouble with allergy symptoms. Able to find a Tylenol sinus pack and took it. Allergy symptoms eased within 15 minutes.
Trouble falling back asleep so I pray for all who come to mind and sing songs in head.

Acts 16:22-25, Psalm 23:5, Jeremiah 18-22,

Today is Dezirae’s first day of school. I’m full of mixed emotions. It’s also Dezirae and Tara’s first day as classmates

I’m beginning to think that my tongue issue is somehow related to my allergies.
I must have eaten something that I’m either allergic to or very sensitive to y’day bc my tongue is completely coated white with raised lesions. My tongue hurts and it hurts little bit to swallow. If I can remember, I might need to take Benadryl at night again until I can figure out what else I’m sensitive to.

930a Able to put dinner in crockpot, wash two loads clothes, fold and put away two loads, cut oregano and put in dehydrator,
I’m exhausted and hurting. Feel like I’m going to pass out. Need to lie down a bit.

Decided to work on filling clean out bag with clothes to send away. Ended up filling up a donation box as well. I’m fizzing out. Ugh!

12:30p Time for lunch. My nerves are stinging bad again and I have no more umph. Guess I’ll rest until it time to go pick up the gals.

200p have errands to run before picking up the gals. Can’t remember what they are. Need to write a list. Lists help keep my thoughts in order -as long as I don’t misplace them. Lol

630 Dezirae a bit overwhelmed with everything her first day and didn’t have a locker yet. Spoke with secretary about it. She said she’ll make sure she has one tomorrow.

Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Nerves stinging. Wore out. Arms ache. Chest hurts. Legs achy deeply. Feet hurt. Toes tingly a little. Muscles spasming randomly in legs.

Overall it was a good first day. Hoping I didn’t overdo it today.

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