Lightning Strikes Journal Entries – 2021 August 22-24

August 22, 2021
630 Every ounce of me is screaming in pain. I hope Tara isn’t feeling the same.

Jeremiah 35-37, Romans 8:32, Luke 19:40

In lots of pain and grouchy…not a good combination for Sunday services. Tara in lots of pain too.

Joe gave his observation about events of y’day which didn’t come across well. It was upsetting. Joe had to explain it to us in his office. He asked what my issue was. I told him I’m in a lot of pain and grouchy. Plus this is not how I wanted to start my day.
I proceeded to go finish getting ready for Sunday school. Rough start to playing piano which irritated me more. I had fleeting thought to just go play then chose not to and walked out of the room. Joe came after me to see if I was okay. I told him no and explained what was going on.
I stayed in the classroom and asked God to help me calm down and help work things out.
Joe went back out to auditorium and explained what was going on. Told the people that we weren’t going to sing, but pray and be dismissed for classes. Dezirae brought Hayley to class. I asked her to stay long enough to allow me to get my purse and bible. Mrs Heather greeted me with a hug. I thanked her. She said she understood.
Class went well. Hayley is a sweetheart. Able to give her one on one practicing the memory verse. She can almost say it.

Invited to lunch. Food was good and fellowship sweet. Had trouble keeping my eyes open after a bit. Learned that the wife’s aunt had been struck by lightning and the couple they had join us the husband was also struck by lightning twice. Wow!

Lft knee throbbing and giving me fits today. Exhausted and tired. Hands throbbing. Feet freezing. Put thick socks on to warm them up. Slight headache. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling. Skin itchy. Rt hip and low back throbbing. Nerves stinging all day.

August 23, 2021
Woke late bc I didn’t hear my alarm go off. While I don’t hurt as bad as y’day my while body is very stiff and aches deeply. Sinuses congested. Must have sensitivity to something else not sure what though. Tongue hurts. Mouth kind of dry but has weird taste not cottony something else. Extremely tired.

Jeremiah 38-41, Psalm 94:18-19,  Matthew 5:16

Attempt to go to store. Get half way there only to realize I forgot the bag and left my checkbook at home. Ugh.
Once home couldn’t find checkbook. Rechecked purse, I accidentally missed pouch I keep it in and was in bottom of purse. Grabbed office bag and off to store again.
Took me over two hours to shop for a few grocery items. I’m wore out and hurting. Glad I chose to use wheelchair for safety. I almost tipped out of the wheelchair couple times trying to reach for things.
I have just enough time to go home drop off groceries put cold items in fridge and pick up the gals. Today has not gone any way I wanted.
Decided to try to make Nepali food for dinner since Tara is missing eating her home food. Had to have her show me how to make the Momo’s since instructions weren’t making sense to me. Dezirae joined in helping. Made it fun.

Joe not feeling well. His symptoms are Headache tired little dizzy sore throat cough. I think he’s just exhausted because of not resting enough and no vacation. His new boss at work  is being an  irrational nincompoop. First they deny his vacation that he’s supposed to take or lose it. Then they demand a covid test because he doesn’t feel good and doesn’t want to have to fill his spot.
Jordon and I went in search of a home test but everywhere is sold out. Earliest is first thing in morning after dropping the gals off. Frustrating.
Jordon expresses concern that he think he’s showing delayed onset of symptoms from when he had light zap from the lightning strike. Sunday he suddenly had sharp pain in his lft eye as if he was shot in the eye. His eyes were bloodshot, but nothing else out of normal. I feel for him bc I wish I had enough whits about me back when it happened to get him checked out too though he wasn’t showing symptoms. We talked about his vasovagal syncope bc it’s been acting up more lately. At least I can be there for him and listen being able to give empathetic ear as needed.

Whole body stinging throbbing. Low back throbbing greatly. Rt hip aches. Legs ache like I tried to walk y marathon untrained. Feet throbbing. The two bite marks on neck lft side sting. Hands throbbing stinging.
Mild headache. Sinuses ok. Good day overall even though it didn’t go as expected.

August 24, 2021
420 woke as if I was done sleeping. My whole body writhing in pain. Nerves stinging. Muscles tight and throbbing. It hurts to move. Matthew 5;16 replays in my mind. I decide to pray.

Jeremiah 42-45, 1 Timothy 4:12, Psalm 23:4-6

Song: My Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

Had to take Joe to get tested for c*vid because his boss ordered him to bc he called out. Malarkey. Just bc one is sick doesn’t mean it’s covid. Nurse even thought that it was silly. It’s negative of course. He has a severe sinus infection. He gets them twice a year. Rx started so hopefully he will feel better soon.

Decide to hang bird feeder. Worked a little cleaning out pool – I’ll get it completed eventually. Washed load of clothes. Dinner in crockpot – Philly Cheese steak sloppy Joes and chips. I’m exhausted. Need to rest.

Picked gals up early due to Dezirae having Dr apt. Apt went well. Went to cemetery to put flowers on graves but got caught in a thunderstorm! We got soaked!!!
Stopped to pick flowers for the gerbils. I inadvertently stepped in a fire ant bed and didn’t know it until my left foot was covered and they were attacking!! Oh my foot is on fire!!! Quick as I could I use rain water to get them off.
Once home, foot is swelling. Applied cortisone 10 to no avail. Applied cold compress. Not helping. Applied ice pack that helped a little. Left leg from shin to toes is now numb but feels like it’s on fire!!! Took benadryl.

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