Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 5-7 July 2019

July 5

8:50a- sure wish I could figure out cause of bloody noses. This one came on without warning. Lasted 5 min or so. 

9:10a- went to p.o. to overnight books for my sister. Apparently bc its a weekend the earliest would be Monday. (That’s 4 days not 2 days). Frustrating!

3:15p- feel like I’m fixing to crash

4:53p- slept for over hour and half hands and arms numb upon waking.  

10:30p- time for bed and I’m exhausted. Didn’t hardly do anything most of day. Lower lft leg numbish feeling down to lft toes. Neck hurts. Rt hip throbbing. Hard time doing clamshells tonight…not able to do 7 just 5 before it hurt too much. Headache. Low back aches. Hands swollen. Lft hand tingly. Calves ache. Middle of back itches.

July 6

1:48p- work day at church didn’t start off too well. My brain didn’t think the vbs decorations thru and I forgot we used the projector. Had difficulty trying to express what I was thinking.  Joe was trying to straighten it all out, but I wasn’t following/comprhending what he was saying. I chose to sit down and let him work it out. I was just getting more flustered at myself bc I wasn’t even making sense to myself anymore. 

With everyone showing up, we got all the jobs chosen completed before 11am. Think that was fastest time. Auditorium looks good.  Poor Reni is sick. 

1:57p- home resting now…I’m wore out. Still need to do bulletin for tomorrow. Don’t know what’s for dinner. Need to meal plan.

3:30- laid down for while but only fell asleep for about half hour. Need to figure out dinner.

11:00p- dinner was pork chops, tator tots, and mixed veggies. Need more veggies. Need to get my pressure canner fixed. Lost my green beans cuz theu didn’t seal right. Ugh!

Bulletins done. Took me about 6 hours. Had Dezirae help me with fillers. Brain was starting to blur.  Ordered some vitamins as well.

Need to get some sleep for tomorrow.

Wide awake. 

Neck hurts, lower lft leg numbish feeling, low back & rt hip throbbing, hands ache, skin itchez, muscles randomly twitching thru body

July 7

6:15a- woke with rt hip intensely throbbing. More I moved worse it hurt. Hard to get motivated to move. 

6:45a- Joe graciously used pain roller over hip area. Pain is easing some. 

7:15a- decided to wash hair in sink bc I knew taking shower would hurt my arms and wear me out.  Guess it didn’t matter either way bc washing hair in sink hurt my lower back and made me out of breath. Wish I could figure that out. Hope Dr’s apt will have answers from xrays and bloodwork.

9:42a- rt hip throbbing, neck hurts, upper back burning

2:00p- tried to laid down for nap but hurt too bad to get comfortable or fall asleep

6:28p- lft ear ringing

11:24p- really hurting right now. Rt hip intense throbbing. Hard yo get comfortable. Skin nerves on edge. Tired but not sleeping. Hard to get comfortable. Neck hurts. Brain hurts, hands swollen and achy, lft shoulder aches, back throbbing, rt ear hurts,  hot, headache, stuffy nose

I CAN’T by Kristy Miller

Happy Monday! It’s the last Monday in August! Let’s strive to make it a good one!!! This week’s devo is “I Can’t” written by Kristy Miller! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today! I know I needed to hear this, this week! I hope you have the BEST day ever!

I Can’t – Kristy Miller
Have you ever heard the verse “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Philippians 4:13? Of course you have! I dare say almost every person reading this could quote that verse from memory. I memorized this verse as a very young child yet still – on the daily – I find myself saying “I can’t” – about good things – things that God wants me to do or help me through.

I can’t share a devotion…I can’t teach that class, I can absolutely NOT NEVER EVER be a pastor’s wife (and yes, I know that’s bad grammar, but I’ve said it). I’m pretty sure I am not the only person knows Philippians 4:13 and the other promises of God’s Word but still struggles sometimes with, “I can’t”. Maybe yours is – I can’t have a child with cancer, I can’t pay these bills, I can’t raise my kids alone, I can’t give up my Saturdays to work on a bus route, I can’t care for my aging parents when they don’t even recognize me, I can’t afford to tithe, I can’t homeschool, I can’t pay these bills…

I hope and pray that through reading some of my personal “I cant’s” that God has helped me overcome, that you can find encouragement in a current or even future struggle you may be facing.

One of my biggest struggles was when I was a senior in high school. I had the privilege of being born into a Christian home, went to a great church my entire life and had wonderful Christian parents, preachers, and teachers that taught me the Bible and how God wanted me to live. In spite of church 4 times a week, Christian education, chapel services, family devotion, etc., I still wasn’t really sold out on this whole living for Jesus thing. I had watched several people graduate from our Christian school and immediately begin doing the complete opposite of what we had been taught our entire lives.

I had really been questioning things, but then I went to a youth conference. The preacher preached about surrendering and the Lord got ahold of my heart like never before. It finally clicked for me that I was God’s and I needed to let Him have control of my life. I went to the altar and surrendered almost everything to God that night. I remember thinking “God, I’ll do anything you want me to do, but I cannot marry a preacher!” – Surely he knew that, right?!?

For some reason I had this picture in my mind of what a preacher’s wife was supposed to be, and I wasn’t those things at all! – Meek, quiet, able to run and organize ladies’ meetings and Bible studies, wonderful cook and hostess, definitely had to have the entire Bible memorized, know every single answer to every counselling question, must shake every person’s hand at every single church service.

I had had several different pastor’s wives who weren’t all those things. They were all different, but wonderful – It was just the devil lying to me and trying to discourage me from following the Lord.

I go on to meet this wonderful guy at Bible college. We become great friends, and I feel like God is telling me this is the man he wants me to marry. But God, Tim feels called to be an assistant PASTOR. I can’t marry a preacher! But I was reminded of Philippians 4:13, and decided that with God’s help I would try. We married March 1, 2002 and about 2 years later we moved and Tim took his 1st job as a full time assistant pastor. I was so sick nervous that 1st Sunday. God was so very good and helped me so much.

Not long after that move I faced another “I can’t”. All my life I had dreamed about becoming a mom. From the time I was a little girl I had prayed for, dreamed about and even named my future children. I wanted a big family but 5 years into our marriage and no kids, we were beginning to think it might not work out for us. Finally, the day came – A positive pregnancy test! We were thrilled and immediately started telling all our friends and family that had been praying for us. I don’t know why, but I just kept waiting for something to go wrong. I prayed every day, “Lord please don’t let us lose this baby.” We went in for our 1st ultrasound at 8 1/2 weeks and we’re told, “There’s your baby but we can’t find a heartbeat.” Again, Lord, I can’t! I can’t go back and tell all those people that we were just celebrating with that, Oh – Never mind. I can’t listen and smile to all their well-meaning, but often hurtful comments. I hid in my bedroom for a while, yelled at God a little that I can’t, but He so sweetly said to me – My grace is sufficient for thee: For my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” II Corinthians 12:9 – and He did ever prove it true.

I went on to face several more I cant’s – pastor’s leaving, working without a paycheck, surgery’s, church splits, infertility treatments, but through all that God blessed us with a son. Then after 4 1/2 years another son. Then came one of my most difficult I cant’s.

God had blessed us with a baby boy number 3. He was born on a Saturday, beautiful, strong and healthy, but a few hours after birth started struggling to breathe. They took him to the nursery to give him oxygen and keep a closer eye on him. On Sunday my husband left to teach Sunday school, lead the choir, etc., and soon after my nurse came and told me that our baby was really struggling and would have to be transported to a children’s hospital. The doctor came in a few minutes later to let me know that Dawson’s lungs had collapsed and that he wasn’t stable enough to transport. She said the children’s hospital team was on their way and would hopefully be able to reinflate his lungs and get him stable. I could not wrap my head around this. (I had just given birth 24 hours prior and hadn’t slept the night before) The doctor was visibly shaken so I said “Dr., I need you to tell me if my baby is going to die. I need to get his Daddy here.” Her eyes welled up with tears and she replied, Honey, I just don’t know. Get him her because I just don’t know. Definitely a big I CAN’T! I was alone and my baby might not make it. The nurses started to prepare me for early discharge so I could go with my baby if he was able to be transported. Praise the Lord my godly dad walked in and started making phone calls asking people to pray. Just a few minutes later they came in with an update that they were able to reinflate the lungs and my sweet boy was ready to be moved. He spent a week in NICU with tubes everywhere, days of not holding him, wondering if he was going to be OK. I had a delayed postpartum hemorrhage a week after giving birth and an emergency bedside D&C. That week was just an entire week of I can’t, I can’t, I CAN’T. One thing in particular that stands out happened when they were loading my baby into the ambulance. My best friend was standing there with me and said, “I can’t believe how well you’re keeping it together.” That was only because when I was yelling, God I can’t, I can’t, with the help of the prayers of his people I could hear God saying, ” Fear thou not for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” Psalm 41:10

Praise the Lord our boy recovered quickly and has been happy and healthy ever since.

I had barely recovered from that when I came to another I can’t. My husband came to me and told me that he knew God now wanted him to become a full time pastor. WHAT?!? It had taken 10 years but I was finally starting to believe that God could help me be an assistant pastor’s wife, but this. Ummm, No, thank you, God. It’s not only that, but the church he felt God had for us was in the one place I had told God I’d never want to live. It’s flat and ugly, it’s an ugly, the people are weird and it’s almost 10 hours away from my beloved Kentucky mountains and all my people. (I know I sound like a brat, but I really love Kentucky and I had lived there since birth) Sooo, God is asking me to be a pastor’s wife, leave my home and family and start over in the middle of nowhere where I know no one. “God, I can’t and I ain’t.” But again, God started talking and He’s kind of hard to argue with. In Joshua 1:9 He says, have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” As I follow the moving truck into this strange little town where many of our precious new church members were waiting to help us unload I once again told God I can’t do this. I can’t be what they deserve. But God said, “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee he will not fail thee nor forsake thee. Deuteronomy 31:6

Just one more. This I can’t started the day after Thanksgiving 2016 with a physical pain that sent me to the ER. It turned out to be a gallbladder attack. To make a long story short, the doctor went from well you’re probably going to have to have surgery to, oh never mind, congratulations – You’re pregnant!

We were so surprised but so thankful! Even though I had gone on to have three healthy babies since I lost my first one I still had that fear of miscarriage so I was really careful. Careful to take the right vitamins, eat and drink the right things, careful with physical activity. Because of my prior complications this pregnancy was considered high risk so we were seeing the doctor fairly often.

My first few appointments went great. There was nothing like hearing the sound of that strong healthy heartbeat. We went in for our 12-week appointment and we were so excited – hoping to maybe find out the gender. They took us from doppler, to ultrasound, to another ultrasound before confirming the fear that had been growing in my heart as they moved us from room to room. There’s your baby but there’s no heartbeat.

No way! We had just seen that beautiful little miracle wiggling around and heard that strong little heartbeat days ago! I can’t do this again God! I can’t watch my boys’ hearts break as I tell them we are not having a baby after all.

They tell me I have to have a D&C. Going in for that was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done – I can’t answer the nurse when she asks me would you like the remains cremated or would you like us to dispose of them? I can’t go pick up that teeny tiny bag of ashes from the crematorium and figure out what to do with my baby – Again Lord, why…I thought I learned this lesson years ago. I can’t do this again God but He said…

Psalm 23:4 “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

The surgery was pretty complicated and took several months to recover. So many times I told God I can’t, I don’t have the strength…again He said…

II Corinthians 12:10 “Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities and reproaches, in necessities, and persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak then am I strong.”

I’ve shared five or six of my “I cant’s” and there are so many more, but God has proven time and time again that with HIS help I can. Philippians 4:13

Even though He’s so faithful to show up with such an amazing grace, strength and peace…I still tend to fear, doubt and stress every single time I face a new trial or test. Maybe you are much stronger than me, you pull up your big girl underoos and say “I’ve got this,” but how much easier would your trial be if you would just let God have it and do what He wants to do in your life.

After my surgery the doctor told us that we were blessed to have the children we have and that to try and have anymore would be too risky. God however did not agree and blessed us with a precious baby girl about a year and a half later. As she grew into a toddler she fell in love with suckers. If there was one within a mile of her, she seemed to find it. She would get so excited and immediately start eating it wrapper and all. If I would try to get it away from her she would throw a fit! All I wanted to do was get the wrapper off. Obviously the wrapper is not good for her, and it tastes a lot better without the wrapper, but she would just fight me and jerk and cry.

I feel like we are just like that with our burdens and doubts. We fight and cry and try to handle it on our own and God is there just waiting for us to let it go. Give our burden to Him, surrender our will and He will make things so much easier and more pleasant for us. I’ve heard it said so often that faith and fear cannot walk together.

II Timothy 1:7 reminds us of this, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.”

This makes me think of those intense scenes in the movies when someone’s dangling on the edge of a building or a cliff and the hero is there reaching out his hand saying “Let Go and grab my hand – I’ve got you” – But that person is slipping and they’re holding on for dear life to their fear instead of grabbing onto that strong hand of faith.

What is your “I can’t” that God is wanting to help you through? What is your “I can’t” that God is wanting to help you DO?

I can’t tithe? I already can’t pay my bills.

I can’t win anyone to the Lord.

I can’t teach a Sunday school class.

I can’t raise my dress standards; people will make fun of me.

I can’t trust the Lord to give me a better job so I don’t have to work during church.

I can’t commit to that ministry, I’m just too busy.

Matthew 13:58 says “And He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.”

Don’t let your fear limit God.

Matthew 17:20 says if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

If you will let God have your “I cant’s” and turn them into “He cans”, He will do amazing things through you.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 3-4 July 2019

July 3

6:00a- woke in intense pain in chest and lower back. Hurts to move. 

7:30a- PT exercises are difficult this morning. I don’t comprehend muscle issues. Maybe need to ask therapist next visit.

8:00a- think I’ll take shower and let hot water loosen up muscles.

10am- went with mom and Dezirae to church to paint small section of baseboards in auditorium. Have to pace myself in order to not over do it.

12:00p- back home to rest a while.

1:00 cleaning out fridge

2:00p- goodness I totally forgot about tomorrow being the 4th. I’m not prepared. Asking Joe what he wants to eat. I’m craving potato salad.

3:00p- Joe’s rx ready. Going to store will pick up patties, potatoes, & watermelon. 

4:00p- back home to rest again.

5:30p- dinner is leftover stew (ham, cabbage, potatoes, pork broth, blavk beans, avacado, amaranth, corn). It’s too hot for stew but I’m trying to clean out fridge/freezer a bit. Family said it tasted good. Tasted like it needed crackers.

Rested a while after dinner. Starting to hurt all over more.

6:40p- decided to try to walk some today bc I won’t be able to tomorrow. Rested for a piece once home.

8:00p- decided work on blog info for little bit.

9:00p- I’m exhausted and hurting more. Headache. Rt hip aching. Rt side feels like it was punched.

9:10p- sister called from Nepal.  They’re getting more kids in school. Need more books. Checking to see if I have some of them in my library. Wrote list down. Will check tomorrow. 

10:00p- I’m exhausted and wide awake. Took muscle relaxer as muscles are now randomly spazzing thru body. Hands swollen and throbbing. Neck hurts. Lower lft leg numbish feeling. Legs ache. Lft side center chest hurts like pulled muscle.  Need to find a photography class for elective.

10:30p- neighbor boy shooting into his pool again. Everytime he does my nerves jump causing tension and spasms. Pain increases. It’s going to be long night!

10:59p- found it…learning photography in your homeschool for free.

July 4

4:00a- woke to muscle spasms, rt hip throbbing and both arms numb. It’s too early. Joe helped ease the spasms by rubbing my back.

7:30a – alarm went off hitting snooze I just fell back to sleep

8:30a- oops didn’t mean to sleep that long

3:00p- cut Joe’s hair my arms throb longer I hold clippers up especially rt arm. Oh the pain! Why do my muscles fatigue so?

7:44p- frustrated too many different noises while playing offeratory I couldn’t focus and really messed up maybe I should wear ear plugs.

How can companies call gum sugar-free if it has sugar substitutes in them?

I forgot to drink my energy drink this afternoo. I’m exhausted. Still more day to go

9:00p- sat thru firworks a few made me jump. They hurt more than scare me. My nerves jumpy and bones ache. 11:46p- I’m exhausted. Hopefully I’ll fall asleep soon

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 1-2 July 2019

July 1

7:30- been awake off an on since 5am. Headache, whole body aches all over, low back throbbing, muscles randomly spazzing thru body. 

Bad dreams (1st dream didn’t make sense. 2nd dream I was getting beat up and got tired of it. Just as I was so angry I started fighting back and then woke up) 

Song on my mind when I woke -♫ He didn’t throw the clay away.♫

3:46p- attempting to clean house for company is a bit much for me even with kids help. Can only do things in spurts before muscles start burning. Gotta figure out how to work smarter than harder. It’d really be nice if I could hire a cleaning person to help. I’ll pray about it. Need a working dishwasher too.    

9:30p- Jordon’s bday party went well. Should’ve scheduled longer time, but at least they had good time. Lord, please send good Christian family to our church that has teens Jordon & Dezirae’s ages so they can have friends to hang out with regularly. Please be with Bubba. Keep him strong and courageous in the midst ok battle.

July 2

8:00a- didn’t fall asleep til after 1am. Took muscle rexlar at midnight. Forgot to set alarm. Muscles spazzing before sleeping. Woke to muscles spazzing on left side. Headache. Took 2 Tylenol. 

10:00a- tbi mtg today

12:20p- meet 2 new tbi people today. Kiara injured 4 yrs ago while attending party. Some guy went on shooting rampage. She was shot in head. Her story was on news. 2nd person Kenny fell off back of truck 8 yrs ago.

12:58p- migraine has overtaken brain. Lights bothersome. Head pounding. Took migraine rx. Laying down in dark room hoping rx will help soon.

3:50p- jerked awake after thunder cracked loud near house. Arms were numb and tingly. Headache eased but I’m still tired. Didn’t get much done today.

10:00p- center of chest is really hurting. I’m exhausted and have no umph. Today was off day for me. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 28-30 June 2019

June 28

8:00a- acutually had a pleasant dream first time in I can’t remember how long. Woke  two muscle spasming randomly in body, headache. I think my muscles are stuck in the state of spasm

845a-  folded two loads of clothes that have been sitting for 2 days.  Why do my arm muscles have to burn so much when folding clothes,  upper back muscles throbbing,  headache more intense.  Need to lay and rest until burning subsides. Going  to work  on my PT exercises.

5:14p- PT went well. Blair encouraged we’re moving in rt direction. Stopped at Walmart to get few things but they’re remodeling dairy section. Frustrating! Decided to go to Rouses. Severe thunderstorm rolled in. Now stuck at store. Tried to warn people it wasn’t safe to be near the windows while it’s lightning. I know first hand bc I was struck by lightning. They paid me no mind. Ugh!  Called Jordon to make sure he’s ok. Told him to unplug computers. Trying not to freak out. I need to go to my safe place. Muscles tense. Back muscles burning. Legs and feet throbbing. Muscles in legs spazzing. Rt hip throbbing. 

Texted Joe to let him know what was going on. Told me to stay safe. He texted several times to check on me.

My phone started acting up and wouldn’t send textes back to him. He started getting nervous if I was safe.

He called once off work to check on me. Tried turning phone off and on twice to no avail. Deleted last two apps downloaded – no avail. Finally updated apps (hadn’t thought to do that in a while). Finally texts went through. 

6:00p – When he got home, he gently scolded me telling me I needed to overcome my fears of storms. I can’t let them control my feelings. Not exactly what I wanted to hear but knew it was true. I used to be the strong one. I used to be fearless knowing Christ was by my side, but now I have allowed fear to overcome me. He suggested I start quoting scripture when I get scared. He then gave me big hug and kiss and told me he loves me.

I on the other hand just wanted to be held and assured that everything was going to be okay. I did not like hearing the truth bc it hurt. But I know I need to get a grip. The struggle is real. How does one overcome? By leaning on the everlasting arms of Jesus and allowing Him to be your shelter in times of storms. I know all of this. Relearning how to practice and apply it in daily life is what I must do.

June 29

7:00 scared myself awake in midst of nightmare – dreamt something was ripping my big toe off – I jerked awake b/c I literally felt sharp pain in rt toe like it was being ripped off.  Severe pain in toe for several minutes after waking.  

After came aware of surroundings, noticed Joe was holding me. I felt relieved and sense of peace knowing he was near me.  Thanked the Lord for him.

7:45a- soulwinning cancelled due to thunderstorm

8:00a- morning PT exercises

8:26a- headache, watery eyes, sensitive to lights, whole body aches, hands swollen and achy, muscles randomly twitching thru body, neck hurts. Need to get up. Need to figure out breakfast. 

8:45a- getting up for day lost my balance and fell into dresser. Hit my left arm. That’s going to be a bruse.

9:23a- strawberry lemon coffee cake in oven. I’m exhausted. Rt elbow throbbing. 

12:56p- cut my rt ankle and don’t know how. It hurts & burns. Hmm?

3:50p- wore out. Laying down a piece. Keep jerking myself awake.

8:00p- apparently when I tripped earlier kicking the step stool in kitchen (peripheral vision not quite right yet) I sprained my rt foot…now it’s little swollen and throbbing like toothache. Propping it while working on bulletin.

11:59p- intense pain thru body. Stinging sharp pain in rt hand and wrist. Low back & neck throbbing. Eyes watery. Sneezing. Left lower leg slight tourniquit feeling with some numbness. Rt hip throbbing intensely. Trouble getting comfortable. Taking muscle relaxer. 

This might help you understand what’s going on or possibilities to expect since your strike. Read it at your own pace. Don’t try to tax your brain too much right now. Rest is important for recovery.

June 30

7:00a- woke thinking we overslept. Trouble getting moving…whole body aches.

I can hear birds singing in the tree tops in the distance outside. They sound wonderful.  

♫ It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and give prasies to His name in the morning we will shew His love…♫

1:28p- my brain feels like it’s being tossed to and fro on a stormy sea – really hard to focus.  I’m exhausted and hurting. Need to take nap.

4:00p- laid down for over an hour never fell asleep but rest was helpful. 

Hung 2 tapestries in fellowship hall. Began decorating for 4th July. Worked on scripture journaling theme for July and posted.

8:00p- Reni tickled me so today. She wanted to sit with me in church tonight again. I was holding hands in lap. She looked at them and told me I looked just like her Mom. I chuckled (we look nothing a like) and asked her why she thought so. She replied “Cuz of your hands. They look like my mom’s.” I said, Ok. Thank you and love you too. She made my day. 

11:25p- I’m exhausted and hurting. Hands tingly and numbish. I’m freezing. Joe said my hands feel like ice. Pain rx wearing off and it doesn’t feel good. Brain feels taxed. Feel like I spent all my energy plus some today. It wasx good day though.

Lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Low back hurting. Neck hurts. Noises irritating. Lights bothersome.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 26-27 June 2019

June 26

5:00a- scared awake. Joe needed the car keys (I forgot to hang them up). Muscles began to spasm. I hurt everywhere.

8:00a-Took over an hour of deep breathing and listening to music to fall asleep for one hour.

8:45a- called DMV to schedule apt for Jordon to get his permit. Lady told me it’s all done online.  I excused myself and had to explain that a had a TBI and tried yday but couldn’t figure out how to do it. Lady asked me to hold a minute. When she came back, she was kind enough to do it for me while I gave her the info. I hated having to admit that new things are difficult to comprehend, but at least I was able to make him an apt. It’s a surprise. 

11:49a- Not a happy camper. At eye  Dr’s office for Dezirae, been sitting in waiting room 1 1/2 hours. The longer I sit the tighter my muscles get and more pain it causes and more agitated I get. Turned on music on phone. Applied pain roller blend to my neck.

Ended up being at Dr’s office for almost 3 hours. I’m hurting horribly.

4:00p- had to meet missionaries at church. Jordon mowed yard for littlle bit until Joe needed to get inside house. Really need to find his keys. 

9:49p- so worn out that I crashed out on chair in livingroom around 7:30ish. Joe woke me at 9 to go to bed. Every fiber of my being is screaming pain! Tears leaking from eyes. I’ve over done myself the laat few days. Completely exhausted. Managed to invite few friends over for Jordon’s 16th bday on Monday. Don’t want him to miss out bc I’m not feeling up to it. Gotta figure out what to get him.

June 27

7:50a- woke to intense pain in entire back. Muscles randomly spazzing thru body. Neck throbbing. Headache. Tears leaking from my eyes. Overdoing it is not worth the pain. Take me a bit but need to get moving to see if it’ll ease. Need some herbal tea.

1:50p- burning papers put me out of breath. Need to rest a moment to catch breath then get ready for church. Have to make list of things to bring or otherwise I indubitably will forget. Dizzy. Hands sharp pains. Bent over too far now low back & shoulders painfully throbbing.

Doc has me switching pain med and it seems my pain is more intense now. Hopefully, it’ll kick in and ease pain. If only I could find there were an herb that reduces pain without long term side effects. Still looking.

5:30p- attempted to lay down and rest a bit. I’m still hurting muchly (I know that’s not right verbage but can’t think of word at moment). Friend called to talk and asked prayer. 

7:30- neck pain, rt hip throbbing, back hurts, brain feels like its floating hard to focus. Asked God to help me play piano – can’t focus on notes and keys  

11:17p- I’m hurting and exhausted.  

What the Future Holds

by Dr. Paul Chappell

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. Psalm 23:4-6

I’m sure you’ve seen the photo sections in newspapers where they ask various people to respond to a question. I recently came across one where they were asking people how they viewed what lies ahead. A thirteen year old girl said, “My computer screen is brighter than my future.” There is no question that we live in a time of great uncertainty and confusion regarding what will happen next. Things that people counted on as stable and long-lasting proved to be anything but reliable. People we expected to remain steadfast faded away. It is no wonder that many people are unsettled and fearful concerning the future.

As believers, our trust is not to be in men, institutions, or our resources, but in God. When we recognize that He is in control and provides His mercy to accompany us every day, we realize there is no need to be fearful regarding the future. Our lives may be filled with hardship and difficulty, but we will never be forsaken by the Good Shepherd. We can always rely on Him to both know what is best for us and provide for all our needs. Corrie ten Boom said, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”

When we allow worry and fear to control our thinking and our actions, we are demonstrating a lack of faith. The promises of God are certain and sure, and our future is settled. We do not see what lies ahead, but God already knows. We simply need to trust in His love and care for us every day.

Today’s Growth Principle: 

The faithfulness of God is the foundation of our hope for the future.

Lightning Strike Journal Entries 24-25 June 2019

June 24

11:53a- Received call from Dr. I do NOT have yeast in my throat!  It doesn’t explain bumps on tongue and down throat. While it’s good news, guess I’ve perplexed Dr’s once again. Lol

12:00- Chiro apt in Pensacola, FL. Did spinal scan and xrays.  Have to make apt to come back for follow up apt. Gave me copy of read out. Funny thing is the spot that read normal is where I hurt when I lift my arms for any length of time.

Everyone was really friendly even the dog. Pleasantly surprised to see scripture on the walls. Got impression it’s for rich people though. At least first 2 visits are paid for already.

5:30p- met missionaries at church. Family helped me with putting vinyl letters on VBS banner. Guys hung it for me. I am hurting!!! Feel like a decrepit old granny (except I’m not even a granny yet haha). Pain hurts none the less. 

6:00p- I’m spent no more go in me. Suggested to family leftovers for dinner. 

8:00p- I passed out on chase lounge in livingroom for over an hour. 

11:27p- took 2 Tylenol and muscle relaxer. Doc wants me off the Naproxen. Called pharmacy earlier today. New pain rx not ready yet. I sure hope it helps ease my pain. 

Muscles cramping thru body tensing up while lying in bed. I hurt so much that eyes are watery. Pain from head to toes. Headache, neck throbbing, shoulders & upper back aching, low back throbbing, muscles in legs tense and crampy, calves ache, feet and ankles ache, hands swollen and achy, thirsty, rt ear hurts, left ear ringing  off and on, muscles twitching on face

June 25

6:45a- Oh, the pain! Why do I have to hurt so bad upon waking? Woke from nightmare. Hurt from head to toe throbbing pain. Level 9

8:00a- fasting blood work this morning…not sure if I should take pain rx…wish I could but I’ll play it safe

12:45p- attending funeral/celebration of life for Dr Phillip Shouppe. Around 300 people attended. He certainly left behind a positive legacy for his family, friends, and patients alike. So many people showed that they had to add chairs and even then over 50 people were standing.

30 plus years of service as a Chiropractor in the Mobile area. I was his first lightning survivor patient. His family even knew me as such (that tickled me). I expressed to the son that his father was the only Dr that had cared about my recovery. He thanked me and replied that was a good way to be remembered and encouraged me to do the same. Thankful that he knew the Lord as his Saviour and one day we’ll meet again.

My dad put my nerves on tight rope. His driving scared me today. I even watched YouTube videos on way home to keep my brain occupied (if you know me at all, those things irriate me).

10:46p- most of body throbbing pain with eyes slightly watering. Took muscle relaxer…body is so tense. Random muscle spams up and down body. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness in lft foot. Left ankle area swollen. Bad headache. Bright lights bothersome. Low back intense throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. 

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 22-23 June 2019

June 22

7:00a- slept good last night. Still tired. Low back, neck, & rt hip throbbing.

11:45a- had to take it slow on visitation…moving head wrong kept making me wobbly even with cane…almost lost my balance couple times (if it weren’t for cane I would’ve fallen)  

2:00p- guys went to Jackson. Dezirae & I watched Hallmark movie. I fell asleep for about half hour. I was tired.

202p I’ve managed to perplex Dr’s once again. Throat culture came back negative – meaning I do not have thrush. While this is good news, it doesn’t explain the lesions on my tongue and down my esophagus.

6:00p- had parents over for dinner. Chicken, rice, peas, & rolls. Enjoyed fellowship.

10:57p- neck throbbing, low back & rt hip throbbing. Feet freezing. Lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling with slight numbness. Center of chest hurts. Feeling wobbly and uneasy. 

June 23

11:26a- can’t figure out why some days it’s harder for me to focus on things than others especially when it comes to playing piano. Rt side started cramping and rear end become painful while playing piano. Wonder if there’s a way to pad the bench tactfully. Have headache causing unlevel feeling. Rt hip aching. I finally have nails painted. Funny how a little thing can brightn your attitude. Center of chest & upper back hurts/aches.

11:55a- rt leg cramping. Sharp pain in rt neck & shoulder

1:45p- need to lay down for a piece…feel lightheaded like I’m crashing

4:00p- tried hanging tapestry by myself

6:30p- realized while playing piano (attempting to anyways) that I forgot to put my shoes back on. Lol

10:44 – just took tick off Joe. Jordon stung by wasp twice. Applied baking soda paste. Keep eye on him…he seems to be okay. Noted tick bite in calendar told boys to check themselves. 

My eyes are burning. Bright lights bothersome. Pain level a 7 or 8. Did too much with putting letters on bulletin board and hanging tapestry. Couldn’t finish tapestry…had to ask for help bc lifting arms above my heart cause intense pain in arms, neck, shoulders, and chest.

11:40p-still wide awake in great pain

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