Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 19-21 July 2019

July 19

1;30a- still wide awake.

9:00a- woke earlier know not what time. Arms and hands tingling. Whole body aching. Fell back asleep till 9am.

Arms and hands still tingling. Lft arm more than right. Middle point of shoulders throbbing. Low back throbbing. Very congested. Slight headache. Eyes watery. Center of chest really hurts when I move. Sore all over. Toes tingling. Musc)es twitching in legs.

9:49a- did morning pt exercises. Muscles in upper back are twitching/spasming. New med is making me dizzy…almost fell getting up to do half squat to chair. Had to grab bed to balance myself. 

10:00a- stepped on scale…I’ve lost 3 pounds this week…total of 8lbs so far! The 16/8 diet plus drinking lemon acv water first thing is working.

Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten numbish feeling. Dizzy. 

2;02p- Joe told me to work on planning homeschool for next year for little bit today. Have 2.5 subjects done for Jordon. My brain is hurting. Need to take break. Still bit dizzy from new rx, but I think I might have minute reduction in pain (time will tell), but I’m exhausted from VBS this week. 

3:00p- crashed on chair in livingroom. Slept about 45 minutes. Upper legs feel like lead today. I’m so tired.

7:00p- decided to play a card game. Joe had to teach me how to play again even though we’ve played it before.  He tried to play it regular way but I got so confused. Had to take extra deck out.

9:33p- legs throbbing, lower lft leg tourniquit and numbish feeling. Rt hip throbbing!!!

10:30p- joe came to kiss me goodnight. Accidentally leaned on rt leg and I about jumped off chair!!!! The pain is excruciating now! I hollered don’t press on my leg my hi is throbbing! He apologized and I just want to cry. Whole rt leg now seriously intense pain!!!


The effects of a traumatic brain injury on a person can be devastating. You just don’t feel right and you’re not the same person you were before the injury occurred. 

Often times it’s difficult to express what you’re actually thinking and you tend to say something totally different than what you meant to say. 

You’re family doesn’t understand the changes and challenges at first either. I’m mean I look like I did prior to the incident. I was struck by lightning while inside on a sunny day nonetheless. 

July 20

7:00a- rt hip pain woke me. Using essential oils pain rub to alleviate pain. Sometime in night I woke freezing and shivering. When I woke this time I was burning up. 

Trying to research info to understand and figure things out.

10:57a- it’s raining today. I wonder if barometric pressure has anything to do with increased pain? Rt hip throbbing, low back aching, rt ear throbbing, neck throbbing, headache, lights bothersome, etc.

12:00p- family went to church to take down VBS decorations and get auditorium put back together for Sunday. It didn’t take too long. Decided to go to Field & Stream. Jordon’s been wanting to look at dart guns for hubting.

I’m so sleepy all of sudden. Can barely keep my eyes open. Feels like I may crash. Decided to go sit in chairs where it’d be safer for me. Ended up passing out sitting in chair until Dezirae came to check on me and accidentally scared me. me.

3:36p- home watching movie with family. Wave of fainting came over me again. Decided to go lay down a little bit.

5:30p- didn’t plan on sleeping that long but I needed it.  

9:00p- I’m so tired not sure if it’s new rx or exhausted and hurting from extra activities this week. Center of chest stabbing pain thru to back. 

11:43p- center of chest excruciating pain. Took 800mg ibuprofen. Now applying heating pad. Brewed chammomile tea. Now I’m certain increased pain from overdoing it. I’m si limited in what I can do without causing much pain, but I’m not going let it stop me. I just have to keep moving forward even if it’s baby steps   

July 21

10:37a- pain is great. Pain rx taken. Neck, center of chest, and back throbbing.

I:11p- just finished with lunch. I’m exhausted and really hurting. Only sleep will help right now. Laying down a while.

2:20p- sleeping felt good.

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