Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 16-18 August 2019

August 16

2am- jerked awake. Almost fell out of bed too close to edge.Pain increaseth. Ugh! Took pain rx.

4am- woken by stinging needle pain. Tried to look up how to reduce it so I could get back to sleep but couldnt focus eyes well enough to read. Drank glass of water. Deep breathing. Few PT exercises.

5am- alarm went off. Thought I hit snooze.

5:19a- Joe tells me it’s time to get up. Ugh! Need to take Jordon to work. Stepped wrong getting out of bed and sprained my left foot.

6:19a- home again. Stinging needle pain in upper torso and arms and hands. Laying back down hope to get little more sleep. Rt hip aches. Neck hurts. 

11:27a- Joe calls says son forgot the check to get his twic card for his job. No happy camper. Day thrown off. Have to drive on interstate during busy time into area I’m not familiar with. Not suppose to finish sentence with preposition but unable to think how to reword sentence momentarily. 

Mom calls to ask about coming over to help with upcoming event. Tell her I’m not home. Asks me to call when I get home. 

Accident on exit I get off backing up traffic. Orange juice I drank at breakfast is not agreeing with me. Feel knot in stomach and not feeling too good. 

Joe tried to tell me directions but it’s not registering. Put address in gps but it tells me to turn wrong way off exit. Have to turn around. Almost rear ended three times. Nerves are a muck. Trying to ease nerves by music on radio but songs not helping. Finally make it. 

12:30p- finally make it home. My nerves are tingling all over. Need to sit and rest to ease nerves. Feeling exhausted like I’m going to crash. 

Eat lunch – turkey & cheese rollup. 

2:00p- Joe comes home tells me I need to call my Mom. I forgot to call. 

I text her to let her know I need a nap and I’ll call her in a bit. 

4:00p- knew I was exhausted but wow

5:00p- making cookies for friend who showed kindness recently as a thank you. 

Making dinner. Not able to stand too long at a time without my back pitching a fit. 

10:45p- stomach still upset. Hurting all over. Feels as if I may loose my cookies. Ugh! 

Oh, man I forgot to pkg up cookies for shipping. Not sure if I’ll have time in am but I’ll try. Church activity tomorrow. 

I wish I could have a day to rest from everything. I’m so tired. Headache.

11:15p- holy cow! A cricket is loud when it decides to perch on your night stand and sing. Scared me!

August 17

5:00a- woke to lower back and rt hip throbbing, stinging burning pain in upper back, rt wrist and elbow throbbing like I sprained them. 

12:27p- got to share my praise about getting physical therapy with Pastor Dean Miller. He said it was amazing all the obstacles I’ve overcome already. He thanked me for sharing. Looking forward to hearing him speak in little bit.

1:15p- nerves stinging in arms, hands, and upper back. Took pain rx. Trouble with balance today. Seem to be more dizzy.

10:59- stomach and back cramping, lft lymph node on side of neck swollen, congested stuffy nose, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness, back aches, rt hip throbbing

August 18

6am- tired. Crashed when I went to bed last night. Congested and stuffy. Face itches. Bad taste in mouth. Thirsty. Feet hurt. Low back aches. Rt hip aches. Ears hurt. 

7a- had to use lint roller on blouse. Just doing that cause upper rt arm to cramp and shooting pain in whole arm. Have to rest it a little bit so I can get ready for church.  Used pain roll on.


9:40a- neck popped. Neck hurts. Feeling weird inside my brain. Not sure how to explain. Brain kind of swimming. Dizzy more.

Tripped over my feet and almost fell. Ugh! 

 10:26a- chilling burning sensation in middle of back of head down to center middle of neck and back. Eyes feel very heavy trouble keeping awake. Sleepy all of sudden. Don’t feel right.

1:30p- as I was preparing lunch, had to sit and close my eyes bc I couldn’t go anymore. Having friend for lunch but struggling to be hospitable bc trouble keeping eyes open. Serving lunch it started to rain a little. I wonder if that has anything to do with this disabling feeling oversweeping me.

Crashing oncoming to overcome.  

4:00 Joe came to wake me. Scared me in process as I opened my eyes just as he was coming in room. Wasn’t expecting movement and it startled me. He giggled bc he did exact opposite of what he was trying not to do. Still very tired. Feel drained. Lft arm completely numb when I woke.

 Head hurts, neck hurts. Rt hip & lower back throbbing. Stuffy nose.  

5:30p- slight bloody nose.

6:00p- two kids sat with me during church. Gave them color sheets and crayons with which to color. One of girls decided to add to her page. She leans over and asks me what color I was. I chuckled and asked what color do you think I am? She says she didnt know. The other girl whispers, “silly shes tan!” I chuckled even more and said I’ll take that. Kids crack me up with sillezt things sometimes.

11:35p- I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Not mentally prepared for school to start tomorrow. 

Mentioned to a lady that school starts tomorrow. Her response was “So your vacation is over.” I’m hoping she didn’t mean it the way it came out but let’s back this train up. What vacation? I’m never on vacation. We’re raising three children. Homeschooling two teens. Wife. Mother. Pastor’s wife. Lightning strike survivor with complex issues of recovery.  Revitalizing a church. Where in there do I have time to be on vacation??? Let alone the money to even afford one??

Lord, please help first day of school to go smoothly. Thank you.  

Freezing. Socks on feet to warm up. Exhausted and hurting all over. Took 1/2 muscle relaxer and pain rx. Need my sleep for tomorrow.

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